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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Picture of the Week

Creative Writing: 

We will begin our creative writing on the blog. I am excited to see all of your creative stories!
You are going to write a narrative.
A narrative is another name for a story.

STUDENTS: Let's begin by making this simple.
I want you to write the BEGINNING of a story.
Introduce me to the cow and its problem. 
Remember the beginning of a story introduces you to the 
character, setting and the problem.

See you at the Edge!- Mrs. Shelby 


  1. One day Billy was eating buttercups."Mom" he said "can I go play?" "Yes". "Hey Billy Want to go play truth or dare?" asked Bob You know I do!""Truth or dare asked Bob." "Dare." answered Billy "Your dare is to,to go get those buttercups on the other side of the fence." "No!!!" said Billy. "You said dare!" said Bob. "FINE! i'll i'll go" said Billy. So he slowly walked over to the fence and slowly jumped then he felt the pain and hurt upon his body.
    Alex Vires


    2. one day Alex the cow was eating grass when all of a sudden a big tronado suc ked up all the cows and seperaded them Alex was so sad because he missed his family.

    3. Great job Alex! Such a creative start. I can't wait to read the rest!

  2. One day Billy was eating buttercups."Mom" he said "can I go play?" "Yes". "Hey Billy Want to go play truth or dare?" asked Bob You know I do!""Truth or dare asked Bob." "Dare." answered Billy "Your dare is to,to go get those buttercups on the other side of the fence." "No!!!" said Billy. "You said dare!" said Bob. "FINE! i'll i'll go" said Billy. So he slowly walked over to the fence and slowly jumped then he felt the pain and hurt upon his body from the fence. OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Said Billy

    Alex Vires

  3. I think the cows problem is that he is trying to get out of the fence because he is probly tired of staying with the same cows and he ran as fast as he could and tried to jump over the fence but he got stuck.My second opinion is the cow is trying to get to the other side of the fence because he wants greener grass.My third opinion is the cows might of ran out of water and the cow might be trying to get to the pond but he got stuck.My fourth opinion is the cow is trying to eat some butter cups but he didn't make it.Colton, TO BE CONTINUED!!

    1. I Like the way you said 'To be continued' Alex Vires

    2. I love the way he said to be continued too!

      Claire Summars

    3. I like how you shared your opinion Colton. Next time, I would like for you to write it in a story. Who are the characters? What is the setting? You are the author. Tell me a story! Have fun with it!

    4. I love the way you stated your opinion.I think some of that would go great in a story,so maybe next time you could write I mean type a story.Nice job, you used good opinion words. Alex Vires

  4. Once there was a cow named Moo .He had a dream that he would go to school. So one day he tried to get over the fence. He couldn't get over the fence.Instead he did not acheive his nathan

    1. Good introduction Nathan! I love Moo's dream! Maybe he can solve his problem and finally achieve his dream in the middle and ending of the story.

  5. Once there was a cow named Bob. Bob's friend is Billy Bob. Bob said '' I'm tired of this grass. Billy Bob, I want to get to the other side.'' " We can't Bob.''Why not?'' Bob asked. '' It's too dangerous you can get ran over. Come on, let's play!'' BB said. ''Ok make it quick I'm starving'' B said (Bob). GROWL GROWL GROWL Bob's tummy said. '' Let's go eat. I can't eat this grass. Hey Bob!'' What?'' Can you go get me some grass from the other side?'' No way.'' Come on Bob, don't be a scared 'y cow.'' '' FINE I WILL CUZ I AM NOT A SCARED'Y COW! mooed B '' Sucker.'' said B He ran and jumped. '' Uh Oh. I'm stuck!'' Hahahahahah! I told you your a sucker!'' said BB Hey not cool!'' said B

    Claire Summars

    to be continued

    1. SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. badum crash!!! cian

    3. Excellent job Clair! Great introduction to the characters, setting and problem. Very well written! It kept my attention and makes me want to read more!

  6. I love the way you said his name is Moo. Its such a cute name!One question, I want to know what else was in his dream?Love the story! Alex

  7. One day at cow funland, Broo, the only brown cow was at "can you jump?" So he tried to jump he landed strait on the fence then a big sign said "GAME OVER" Broo cried for help "MOO-MOO mo-moo!" poor Broo. :{

    !!TO BE CONTINUED!! By Cian McCain Barber

    1. Good start. Make sure you use punctuation more. Capitalize the name of places, too! I can't wait to read more! Will he ever get off the fence and win a game?

  8. Once there was a cow named Moo. The setting is a farm. He had a friend named Fred. He said what are you doing? I am tired of this grass. I am trying to get to get to the other side. To be continued. Dominick williams

    1. Good start Dominick. When you write a narrative, stay away from telling me "The setting is a farm." Describe the setting. What is the problem? He wants to get to the other side but you did not tell me what the problem was. Keep that in mind!

  9. Hey look at this cow it looks a little stuck to me. how about you. this cow got stuck by a nother cow pushed him.his name is crow. he said to the other cow cut it out. no'said the other cow. I will give you a heybail no. i am going to milk stop. make me.ok kapow!! by ALEX JONES.

    1. Good start Alex. When you are typing, make sure you capitalize the beginning of each sentence. I know who the character is and what the problem is. What is the setting?

  10. I think that cow is hurt because it is trying to climb the fence.Cows are not that flexible!!! Or that tall. and it looks like a meatey cow about to wyatt

    1. Don't forget, you are writing a narrative. You are telling a story. Who is the character? What is the setting?

  11. one day there was a cow named bob. he tried to jump. why to trie to get food of cource. so he did and he got stuck MOOO!.so the other cows tried to get him out. but he did not get out. he was there for days. but finaly he got free. so the others were like WOW. what, how,when and he said I got FREE!. until that day he was glad,happy and laughing HA HA HA HA!!!!!. BY BRENNAN RHODES

    1. In the directions, it says to just write the introduction. Don't forget, an introduction doesn't include a solution to the problem. Also, when you are typing, capitalize the beginning of each sentence. Good start!!

  12. The cow is stuck on top of the faint because it tried to git out of the feint bot it got stuck. by Noah

    1. Good start Noah. Make sure you introduce me to the characters, setting and the problem. When writing a narrative, keep in mind that you are telling a story.

  13. I think that the cow was bored and wanted to do something new. So the cow tryed to jump the fines. And did not make it.
    And now we now that cow are NOT FLEXIBLE!!!!!!

  14. The cow wont,s to git out of the paster. The cow said i wont to git out of the paster to git sume hay. owwwwwwwww! by Jaelin walker

    1. Great start Jaelin. What is the the cow's name? What is the problem?

  15. The cow wanted to go to the other side, but first he need to get over the fince, so the cow probale thinked "I can just jump over the fince."The cow got half way. So now the cow is stuck on the fince.

    The cows problem is the cow can't fulle bend his legs.Lillian

    1. Lillan very funny. dominick

    2. Good start Lilliam. Don't forget to introduce me to the character. A narrative tells a story. Make sure you are telling a story.

  16. THE COW .Once upon a time there was a cow named bob .One day bob got coot trying to get away .But she got coot on the fence.

    1. name required

      BY Cian Barber not the story the reply

  17. Once upon a time there was a cow named Bob.He always tried to get over the fence. To get her calmed down the farmer had to dance with him.
    by Emily

    1. Emily you said bob was a he and a she... cian

    2. Good start. What is her problem? What is the setting?

  18. Once ther cow named Joe and he loved honeysuckles but that day thar wher none on his side of the fence. He had no idea what to do so he just mooed untill a 12 year old boy came by and had a hand full of honeysuckles. The cow thoght he try could jumping over the fence but then he thoght no. just then a bull named Sean bumed him over the fence or so he thoght. Joe saw he stuck! The boy gave him some honeysucles and got the cow back in the pin. THE END By: Aiden B.

  19. One day Katlen the cow was playing near a fence. she saw some deliciously yellow buttercups. she backed up an ran twords the fence then did a little jump. TO BE CONTINUID

  20. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful brown cow who wanted nothing more than to jump over the moon. Her name was Eleanor and she lived in a lush field of grass with many other cows. Eleanor's greatest desire was to reach the moon so she began trotting around the green grass. Everyday she trotted and while she trotted she planned so that one day she could fulfill her greatest desire of jumping over the moon.

    1. I feel that you did a wonderful job of introducing the topic,and the characters. Alex

    2. Did Eleanor have any siblings. By Dominick and Cameron

    3. Mrs.Belinda , did the Eleanor ever get over the moon? I think that would be great thing for Eleanor.Lillian

    4. Great job Mrs. Belinda! You introduced us to the character and setting very well.

  21. Mrs. Shelby I think that the cow is getting out of the gate by putting its arms over the gate the main setting is that the cow is getting over the gate. The end By Ashlyn Trice

  22. dear Mrs. Shelby It would be different if they would of let the cow out them selves By Ashlyn Trice

  23. Ones a pone time there was a cow.His name is moo,he likes to moo a lot.Moo likes to jump over moons a lot.He likes to look on the moons a lot. He likes to look a the ocean and the world.He even likes to look in the holes in the moon.He favorite color is white so he looks at the moon a lot.By Peyton Gary

  24. Once upon a time a cow was wanting to get over a fence so he tried and tried and tried but he could not and one day he said to Jerald the other cow I want you to lift me up to were I can get over this fence and they tried it but it did not work so the brown cow tried to jump and he landed on the fence not over the fence and he asked Jerald to help him but he was asleep.The End By Zoe

  25. Hi my name is Mike. I want to get to the other side but my friend Sam said I can't. I will wait till he is gone. He is gone here is my chance. 1 2 3 WO-HOOOOOOOOOOOO uh oh mom is going to kill me. Mike, what are you doing? Um... i am trying to get some fresh grass on the other side yea yea that what I am doing. On the fence? Yep. Cool dude. Do you promise not my mom? Sure dude I won't tell your mom anything about this. Thanks can you get me off please? Sure. After I take a selfie. Oh no not a selfie. CHEEEEEEESSSSSSSSEEEEEE! I'M SHOWING YOUR MOM! Hey not cool dude.

    Hallie Lockridge

  26. Once upon a time there was a cow named October.There was a fence and over was a road there was fresh grass across the road October wanted it.He tried to be a bull.

  27. Billy the cow was eating buttercups when he heard something that sounded like a siren he didn't know what it was so he started to eat his lunch in the field again.Then he heard a crash and a bang!It sounded from far away.He sudenly new what it was...a TORNADO!!He quikely took cover in the shed.Billy called out to his freinds but it was to late the tornado has already taken them somewhere else he felt bad for his freindsTO BE CONTINUED,COLTON

  28. Once upon a time on a farm a cow named Brownie wanted to leave the other cows by getting over the gate and she said i bet i can get over the gate. And the other cows said you can not do it just because you want the fresh grass over there you can not jump over the gate. So Brownie tried ans she said you right so please help me get unstuck and they did and she said aw man i thought i could but i could not. To be continued. By Emily Kogos

  29. One day Kellie the cow was eating grass when she herd something like a truck and she dose not like loud nose she likes low nose like silent nose and she eats the grass and that day she herd a loud when she was eating grass she was fine and another nose and this time she was super scared and she wanted more grass and to get away from there like right now so much she dose not like it there any more. Kellie Haase

  30. Once Upon a time a cow named pip she want,s some grass so she went to her mom she said can i go over the gate and her mom said no and pip was sad so she snuck over the gate. she got stuck so her mom said no so help mom i shold have listend to you but help. thank you i will listen to you next time. by Morgan Heaton
