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Monday, October 5, 2015

Social Studies Writing: Begin with the End in Mind

George Washington was the only president in United States history to have been unanimously elected.  He was elected to the presidency twice.  His presidency founded the United States Navy.  He established the nation’s official money.  George Washington created the Supreme Court.

Tutankhamun was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt. Tutankhamun died when he was only 18.  King Tut is well known because his tomb had everything in it when it was found.  Along with a golden burial mask, King Tut's sandals were also found in the tomb. These had paintings of his enemies on the soles - so everywhere the king went, he trampled all over his foes!

After reading the information about George Washington and King Tut and using what you already know, write an opinion paragraph about the following prompt.  Which leader had the greatest impact on history, George Washington or King Tut?


  1. George Washington is better because he is the only one who has been voted by all of the people who voted.This is why George Washington is better than King Tut. Seth

    1. Seth - You have two strong sentences. Way to go! Mrs. Belinda

  2. King Tut and George Washington both had a big impact on history but i think good old George had a bigger impact on history because he was the first president but king tut was nothing but another king out of thousands. Washington won a war what did Tut do? George had the best impact on history.BY:Anna

    1. needs a conclusion but it was strong because you used giant words by:cameron

    2. Anna - Your opening is excellent. I like the reasons. This is a good paragraph. Make sure you have a conclusion! You are truly growing as a writer. Mrs. Belinda

  3. I'm learning about witch leader had the greatest impact on history.George Washington or King Tut?George W. was the very first president.this is how he was electiced .He was fighting for glory,justice,freedom.I think it would be George W. because he was the first president and fought and never lied. that's why I prefer George W.

    1. Emily - Way to go with ITT! Excellent! This is a good paragraph. I look forward to reading your work as you continue to grow as a writer! Mrs. Belinda

  4. Which out of Tutankhamun or George Washington. In my opinion I think it would be George Washington. Hear are my resons why I think it is George Washington. 1. He created the Supreme Court. 2. He was elected to the presideny twice. He established the first money. That's why I think its George Washington.

    1. Aiden - You followed the format of an opinion paragraph. Good job! We need to write out the number 1 or not use them at all when you list your reasons. Good job with this work! You are improving. Mrs. Belinda

  5. both popular in history George Washington and king Tutankhunam [king tut] both where popular in history. they are great rulars but 1 better than the other.So I chose George b because he helpted us be free and lead the war and we were not his slave like the pepole in Egypt. and because george was chosen by the pepole of the contry as the leader of the contrey not inherrated from is time line as king.and if you chose king tut I hope you chose differant. by: Cameron

    1. Cameron - This is a good paragraph with great reasons and information. I especially like the ITT. You are doing a fantastic job. I enjoy watching you grow as a writer! Mrs. Belinda

  6. George Washington and King Tut are both grate leders but I think George Wafor shington better. I think he is better becaouse he was one of our founding fothers. he was also a grate leder in wor. He was voted for twic. And he all ways put first things first. by Sara

    1. Sara - Strong ITT. What a great job incorporating our East Chester Habits - this makes for creative writing. I would like to see a strong conclusion. Proud of how you are growing as a writer! Mrs. Belinda

  7. King Tut has more impact because his sandals have enemies paint on his sandal. He was 8-9 to become ruler of Egypt.
    By Dhanin P

    1. Dhanin - I thought the sandals and his enemies made an interesting fact about King Tut. Mrs. Belinda

    2. Good reasons Dhanin! Dean

    3. Dhanin,death date could just make it the best but this I understand that you did your best. Cian Barber

  8. George wathast becouse he helpd the utidse stacts withe money and he made the navy.Jacob Miller.

    1. Jacob - You have great reasons in your sentence. Mrs. Belinda

  9. Who do you think had more impact on history King Tut or Geoge Washington? I think Geoge Washington had more impact on history.My reasons are Geoge Washington was eleced for presidendcy twice.His presidentcy founded the U.S Navy. Geoge Washington created the Supreme Court. Thats why I think Geoge Wasington had more impact on Brayden

    1. Brayden - This is an excellent paragraph. Great structure. Good reasons. Now, we need to work on creativity. GREAT job! Mrs. Belinda

  10. King Tut ...because he ruler when he was eight or nine.

    King Tut painted enemies on his shoes ever where he went he trampled them. by kalvin

  11. George Washington and King Tut were both awesome leaders but I think George was had a bigger impact on history. I think that because he created the Supreme Court. If the that court was not made, that would not be good. Another reason is that he established the nation's official money. That is why I think that George Washington had made a bigger impact on history.Dean

    1. Dean - What a terrific paragraph. I am enjoying the growth that I see in you as a writer. Let's work on really making the reasons well supported! Good work. Mrs. Belinda

  12. I think that George washington had a better impact on history because he is our own country's father. the reoson why i think that king
    Tut did not have the better impact on history is because King tut died when he was only 9. And that means that he only got to bethe ruler of egypt for 9 years. And it olso said that his belongings were in there with him when he died to. If i were king Tut i would be verry
    creepy. and i would realy not like it if i only got to be a ruler for 9 years.

    1. I forgot my name

    2. You still did not give your name. King Tut died at around 19 years of age. He began to reign at age 9. You had a good opening but then the paragraph began to fall apart. Mrs. Belinda

  13. Gorge Washington because he had been picked twice.Gorge Washington was the only preident in United States history to have been unanimouly elected.Jakiyah

  14. Gorge Washington b/c he did not torture inemys.

  15. I pick King Tut because I think that he was sick when he died and that he had a lot of money by working at his house. I think that he worked for his parents at his house. Daniel

  16. In my opion I think that George Washington , had a greater impact . I think that because he was eleced 2 times ,that ment he was a very good president. Here are some resons why. George Washington was elected 2 times ,he created the Surprem Cort .,if he did not America would be crime filled George's presideny Founed Uinted States Navy .That is why I think George Washington had a greater impact. Brooks J.

    1. Brooks - Strong reasons. Good information. Make sure you ITT. This is an improvement. Keep working to become greater! Mrs. Belinda

    2. Brooks- Next time you need to work on a strong conclusion. By Dominick

  17. I am going to be talking about who had the greatest impact on histoy . George Washington: My opinon is that George Washington had the greatest impact on history because he was the only president in the United States history. 2.He was elected to the presidenty twice.3. He founded the United States Navy. 4. He established nation's money.5. and last but not least, George Washington created Supreme court. King Tut : My best opinon is that King Tut was only 8 or 9 when he became ruler of Egypt.2. When he died he was only 18 .3.He became well known because his tomb had everything in it when it was found along with a golden burtial mask.King Tut's sandals were also found in the tomb. 3. He had paintings of his enemies on the tomb of his shoes so when he steped down, he trampeled over his foes! If we did not have George Washington, This town would be sad. La'Tariyahna

    1. La'Tariyahna - You can tell that you really read the passages provided. Very good. You state your opinion and then give reasoning. Your conclusion would be rock solid if you had said 'the United States would be sad'. Good work - let's stick with the reasons supporting our opinion next time we write instead of adding so much. Mrs. Belinda

  18. I pick King Tut because it was interesting he ruled, the world when he was eight or nine. When he died he was 18 and that's a young age. \By Chloe

  19. I thank it is king tut because he had a kingdom and he died when he was 18 years old and he was kept in a pyramid. Noe

  20. In my opion i think that George Washington have the greatest impact on history.I think that because if he didn't create the supreme court what would we do.Also I think that because it is a lots a facts about him and also there are a lot of facts about King Tut but George washington have the most . For a fact George washington have been elected twice as a president and he established the nation money can"t you see that there are more reason in my wriitng there are moree facts about george washingto them king tut . Also George Washington has been elected twice and the only president so i think he has the most. When the people vote back then they think it should be him elected and they thougt that twice. For a fact the only reason is famous is because when they found his cast it was already stuff in it. Also George washington should be the greastest impact on history . Espectilly if he was elected twice yeah he has the greastest impact on history. So i think that it will be George Washington .Anaway i think George Washigton has the greastest imact. I think that because it is full of facts about him on the internect and lots of people voted for him . Also i think that because he the be important to a lot of people and people think he should be elected twice thats great. So my opion i think George Washington is . I think that because he was the first president to be elected.He is important to a lot of people and a lot of people are important to him . One more reason i think that is because he is genours and the First to be in the U.S. president so that made him in the history before any other president got in the president history. So i think that he should be the most impact on history and the very first President to be elected fist he created the national money . So i think he had the most impact on history. I think that because he is a awsome man and had a lost of peolpe important on history . Also he is the first president to be elected. So i think he had the most imact on history . By ; dakedra

    1. Dakedra - You always have great length in your writing - many words. Let's try not to repeat what we are saying while forming reasons to support our opinion. I love how you draw in what you know about history from sources other than the passages provided. Your punctuation is improving - proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

    2. This is very creative paragraph Dakedra. You are a strong writer.

      Claire Summars

  21. George Washington because he lead the Navy which made us a free country. He made american money.

  22. George Washington and King Tut were both good leaders. I like that George Washington's presidency founded the United States Navy. I also like that he established the nations official money. He created the Supreme Court. I like that he did all of those things because those things are important. George Washington was an amazing president. King Tut was the ruler of Egypt. Tutankamun was only 8 or 9 when he became ruler of Egypt. I think it's cool that he was so young when he became ruler of Egypt. He died when he was 18. King Tut is well known because his tomb had everything when it was found. Along with his golden burial mask, his sandals were also found in the tomb. I think King Tut was a interesting person. His sandals had paintings of his enemies on the soles - so everywhere he went he trampeled all over his foes. I think King Tut was an interesting person. In my opinion, George Washington had the greatest impact on history. I picked George Washington because he founded the United States Navy and created the Supreme Court. I think he lead our country well during his presidency. So you can see, I think George Washington had the greatest impact on history. Another reason I picked George Washington is because King Tut was only famous for his tomb. He was famous for that because it had everything when it was found. Which leader had the greatest impact on history, George Washington or King Tut?

    1. Andrew - This is an excellent paragraph full of details and great writing. Mrs. Belinda

    2. Andrew very good introduce the topic!

    3. I wish I knew who wrote the above paragraph. Andrew did not write it. I would like to know who did. Mrs. Belinda

  23. I think Washington because he did the most for us like being our president and. King tut did not do that. By. Ashlyn Trice

  24. I think George Washington had a better impact on history. Because he was the first president. And because he is the person who built the supreme court.This president founded the navy. George Washington established the nations money. In closing that is why I picked George Washington. By Dominick

    1. Dominick - Make sure you ITT. It is important. Don't begin a sentence with because. I like your conclusion - good choice. Mrs. Belinda

    2. George Washington really built the Supreme court all by himself? might need to rephrase that person to one of the people. to Dominick

      by Cian barber

  25. I picked George Washington because he was got voted two times, and because presidency founded the United States.By Summer

  26. I pick George Washington. He was the only President to run that no one voted against. He started our money. Connor G

  27. I think King Tutakamun has the best impact history because he is exciting to learn about.

    Here are my four reasons why my opinion is right. King Tut was eight or nine when he was king. People found his stuff. and his sandals had pictures of his enemies on then. So when he walked, he stepped on all of his foes. King Tut was famous for his stuff he had. So he did nothing.

    This is why I think King Tut has a better impact history.

    Claire Summars

    1. Claire - This is an excellent paragraph. You made your opinion clear and then supported it. Great work. Mrs. Belinda

    2. Claire very good itt .

  28. I believe George Washington, is the on I pick because he was the first President. he made the Navy. he was in the War and he Lizzie J Porter loves Mrs Stacy.

  29. George Washington VS King Tut by Cian barber

    Does the first president have more impact on histery than King Tutankhamun???

    Well George Washington people say he chopped down a cherry tree (even though I don't know whats so important about that) and the capital of the USA was named after him and King Tutankhamun was Just good for his tombs treasures and age of death and when he became king. And The 1st president is in presidents day.

    so I hope you know (and everybody else)that George Washington had more impact than King Tutankhamun

    By Cian Barber (adds titles to his reports)

    1. Cian - You make me laugh. I like your titles. Remember to use the information from the passages as well as what you know. You have a great sense of humor. Mrs. Belinda

  30. I think King Tut was a great leader to his people. Because he hid his gold and all his belongings.And a funny reason is he had his enemies on his shoes.Kellie Haase

  31. My opin is George Washhington for a most history impack. He crosed the Delwar river across enime lines, on a December night. He was the leader of a army, he was elected twice for president, he was in the U.S.A. navy. He also made the Supreme Court. That's why I would pick him for the most history impack .

    1. That came from Lillian.

    2. Lillian- Good paragraph. You have an opening, reasons, and a conclusion. Make sure you ITT. Proud of the growth in your writing. Mrs. Belinda

  32. i think king tut is better than gorge washington. he was a uler of egypt when he was 8 or 9 years old.king tut died when he was only 18 years old. he had many things such as chairs,food,chloes and other things like that.he was a very good king to his poeple. thats why i like king tut better. BRENNAN RHODES

    1. Brennan - Make sure that you capitalize the letter 'i' in all your sentences. You have a good solid paragraph. Mrs. Belinda

  33. George Washington had the most History in him because he was the very first president of the United States!He was the only president in United States History to have been unanimasliy elected.He was elected twice.His presedetcy was founded it the United States Navy.Like in now days he was not able to go in the White House because it was not built.He did not smile a lot because all of his teeth fell out.He didn't wear a wig because he was bald it was just the cultre of presedentcy.That is why he was famouse.By Colton

    1. Colton - You provide interesting facts that are from your prior knowledge - that is excellent and you used what you read. Make sure that you introduce the topic. Good work - way to grow! Mrs. Belinda

  34. I think that King Tut is a great leader because he was king when he was eight or nine and he died when he was eighteen and he was buried in a tomb inside a pyramid and some people found his tomb and inside was his body with his stuff and there was a golden burial mask and paintings were on the walls and inside the tomb his sandals were there and the paintings on the walls was him when he was king and it seemed to be a story about him like the paintings where telling a story and it was so strange and just so cool how the paintings were kinda telling a story and i want to know why he became king when he was eight or nine and how he died when he was eighteen it is history to find out for yourself so always have a dream and keep the adventure in your mind and always keep that in mind if you want to see the pictures on the walls. By Emily Kogos

    1. Emily - Very creative thinking. We need to work on punctuation but the thought process is very interesting! Mrs. Belinda

  35. George Washing was the first president of the United states history. Gorge Washington went to a war.

  36. I think that George Washington has the most impact on history.He has a lot of history about him.George Washington was only president in the U.S history to have been unanimousiy elected.He was elected to the presidency twice. His presidency found the United States Navy. He established the nation's official money. George Washington created the Supreme Court. Those are my opinion that George Washington has the most impact on history. HE has a lot of history about him. This is my opiion. I think that George Washington has the most impact on history. He is very important in history. by Hallie

    1. Hallie - Good opening and closing. Good reasons. This is a sound paragraph and you are growing as a writer. Remember to introduce the topic so that the reader knows what you are writing about. Good job. Mrs. Belinda

  37. George Washington and King Tut were great leaders. King Tut was only eight or nine when he began his life as king. George Washington was the first President of the United States of America. All the people liked Washington so much that he was elected twice. Washington was a great leader, so was King Tut. I prefer George Washington over King Tut, because George Washington' s people liked him. He was kind and wiser. By Brady Wells.

  38. Brady - This is a fantastic job. Way to go! The only thing that I would ask that you add is a stronger conclusion. Excellent thinking! Mrs. Belinda
