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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Social Studies Writing: Ward and Anthony, Who They Are To History

The prompt for the week of October 27th is in red.  Before you can answer the prompt, you must complete 3 stations:

  • Susan B. Anthony QR Task Cards
  • Nancy Ward Reading and Timeline Examination
  • Susan B. Anthony Reading and Timeline Examination
and you must spend at least 20 minutes on a rough draft or a graphic organizer about the prompt.

Nancy Ward was a Cherokee Indian born at a crucial time in Cherokee history.  She was raised by her mother and her father.  At a young age, she realized that her Cherokee people were in turmoil with the English.  Ward wanted to find ways to keep peace between the Indians and the English.  In her early teen years, Ward married a Cherokee man name Kingfisher and went to the battlefield with him.  She earned the title of 'Beloved Women' which was the highest honor a Cherokee woman could have.  

Susan B. Anthony was educated by her father.  When the economy collapsed, her father lost most of his money so Anthony began working.  She worked as a teacher to help her father with money.  When she began teaching she realized that woman were paid less than half of what the men were paid.  She thought this was unfair and began a movement to give women the same rights as men.

After reading the information and exploring the timelines, answer the following questions in paragraph form:
1.  Did Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony ever know each other? How do you know?
2.  Do you think that Nancy Ward's life choices had an impact on Susan B. Anthony's life choices? Please provide a 'why' to your answer.

See you at the edge...


  1. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life. Belinda

  2. Nacy Ward died in 1824. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820. they could not of known each other.How ever Ward did have a influenec e on Anthony’s. by sara

  3. Nancy Ward died in 1824.Susan B.Anthony was born in 1820.They could not have known each other.However,Ward did influence Anthony’s life.

  4. Nancy Ward died in 1824 .Susan B.Anthony was born in 1820.They could have not met each other. However,Ward did influence Anthony’s life. by sean

  5. Nancy Ward died in 1824 Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They couldn’t have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life.Anna

  6. Nancy Ward died in 1824.Susan B. Anthony died in 1820.They could not have known each other . However Ward did influence Anthony’s life.

    By Brady

  7. Nancy ward died in 1824. Susan b. anthony was born 1820. they could not not have known each other. however, ward did influince Athonys life. Cameron

  8. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life. by Mrs. Belinda

  9. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They couldn’t have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life.
    Dean Estes

  10. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life.

    By: Kendyl

  11. Nancy Ward died in 1824 .Susan B.Anthony was born in 1820.They could have not met each other. However,Ward did influence Anthony’s life. Brooks J.

  12. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have known each other. However,Ward did influence Anthony’s life. By Mrs. La'Tariyahna

  13. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee.Susan B.Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have know each other. However , Ward did inflence Anthony’s life. Brayden

  14. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life. by Mrs. Belinda

  15. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee.Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 1n Massachusetts.They could not have know each other.However,Ward did influence Anthony’s life. Alex Vires

  16. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts.They could have not known each other.However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life. Emily Kogos

  17. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee.Susan B. Anthony was born in Massachusetts.They could not have known each other.However,Ward did influence Anthony’s life.

  18. Nancy Word died in 1824 in Tennessee.Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts.They could not have know each other.However, Ward did influence Anthony’s Lockridge

  19. nancy ward died in 1824 in tennessee.susan b. anthony was born in massachusets. they could not have known each other. however,ward did influence anthony’s life.brennan rhodes

  20. Nancy Ward Died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not have known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life. Cian Mc Cain Barber :) :) :)

  21. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in Massachusetts. They could not have not known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life.Lillian

  22. I'm writing about Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony. I don't think Susan B. Anthony ever met Nancy Ward because she was only 4 years old when Nancy Ward died. I think Nancy Ward inspired Susan B. Anthony because she was awarded the title of Beloved Women. I don't think Nancy Ward met Susan B. Anthony because they lived in different places. But they could have met each other. By Brady Wells.

  23. Susan B. Anthony was only 4 so they did not meet with each other and they were in different states .Yes they did impact on each other because they both fought for people. geordon

  24. Susan B Anthony did not meet Nancy ward at all. she was very young so they did not meet. they both stood up for their people. they both fought for their rights.paige lofton

  25. Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony did not meet because Susan B.Anthony was born in 1820 and Nancy Ward died in 1824. Nancy Ward had the same life choices. They both were women who fought for people's rights.

  26. They never met before because Nany ward died before susan b.Anthony was born. They both fought for peples rihts.

  27. They did not meet because Ward died in 1824 and Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820.When Susan B. Anthony was four Ward died.Ward was like a hero,but Ward and Susan B.Anthony had a impact on each other.They both fothot for peple.Ward was a hero Susan B.Anthony was a hero.

  28. They did not know ich other because Nancy Ward was born in 1738 and Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820. Susan B Anitny was 4 years and Nacy ward wasa death on 1824. Nacy Wards life chouises did impact Susan B Anthinys life choices.

  29. I know that they never knew each other because Susan B died when Nancy Ward was 4. They both fought for their people. Addison

  30. I think Susan B. Anothony and Nancy Ward did not meet. Because Susan B Anthony was only four years old when Nancy Ward died. I think Nancy Ward did impact Susan B. Anthonys life because she was very brave.

  31. They did not each other because Susan B. Anthony was only 4 years old when Nancy Ward died. I think it did have an impact on Susan B. Anthony's life choices because she could have looked up to Nancy Ward. Makaila

  32. Nancy Ward didn't know Susana B. Anthony because Susana b. Anthony was 4 when Nancy Ward died. I think Nancy Ward impact Susan B. Anthony because they both provided for there people. By Kenley

  33. Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony had never met.I know because when Susan B. Anthony was 4 years old.Nancy Ward's life choice was an impact on Susan B. Anthony's life choices.By Peyton

  34. Nancy Ward did not know Susan B. Anthony because Nancy Ward's Death was when Susan B. was four years old. Yes, Anthony looked up to Ward.

  35. Susan B.Anthony was 4 when Nancy died.So Susan did'nt see Nancy.Susan and Anthony folt for there people.Jordan Denbow

  36. Susan b. Anthony never got to meet Nancy Ward because if you look at there Death and when they
    were born.Yes because when Nancy Ward was arond she tryed to promote peace with the Cherokee
    people and Americans .She helped people in battle if they were hurt.I think if Anthony was fighting
    for womens rights then she must have read some books about Nancy Ward. jalyn marie huddleston

  37. This is about if Nancy Ward knew Susan B. Anthony or not. Susan B. Anthony never knew Nancy Ward. It was possible that they could have known each other but they did not. The possibility could have been when Anthony was 1, 2, 3, or 4. Ward was born in Tennessee. She lived from 1738 - 1824. Anthony was born in Massachusetts. She lived from 1820 - 1906.
    In 1738, Nancy Ward was born. In 1751, Ward married Kingfisher. In 1756, she was awarded the title “Beloved Woman”. In 1776, she rescues a english woman, Lydia Bean. In 1819, she opened an inn with her 2nd husband, Brvan Ward. In 1824, sadly Ward died after all her accomplishments.
    In 1820, Susan B. Anthony was born in massachusetts. In 1826, Anthony’s family moved to New York. In 1846, she began teaching for $110 a year. In 1851, she met Cady Stanton. In 1868, she began “The Revolution Paper”. In 1869, she formed the National Woman’s Suffrage Association. In 1872, she voted illegally and was fined. In 1905, she met with President Roosevelt. In 1906, she sadly died.
    Nancy Ward’s accomplishments did inspire Susan B. Anthony, in my opinion. Ward did many great things and that’s what inspired Anthony.

  38. Nancy ward died in 1824. Susan b. anthony was born 1820. they could not not have known each other. however, ward did influence Anthony's life. ward 1st won beloved woman. anthony looked up at that and got confidence. 2nd nancy tried to get peace in her land. that helped susan to try to get women to be able to create the women's suffrage some reasons of that susan b. anthony did not meet nancy because 1 it could have been when she was 1 2 3 or 4. 2 ward
    lived in tennessee but anthony lived massachusetts so it could not have been face to face ward was also an native american and anthony was not. anthony started the women’s suffrage becuse she was payed less than men just like all other woman but she was the one to stand up and say women should have the right to vote and should be payed more and I agere with that woman should be able to do all that in my opion women should because they are citizens just like men and have a right to chose there leaders.

  39. Nancy Ward died in 1824. Susan B.Anthony died in 1820. They could not have known each other. I don't think Anthony ever met Nancy Ward because she was only 4 years old when Nancy Ward died. I don't think Nancy Ward met Susan B. Anthony because they lived in different places. But they could have met each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life.

    Nancy Ward inspired Susan B. Anthony because of 3 reasons. Nancy Ward wasn't like other women. Ward was awarded the title of Beloved Women. Anthony was inspired because in 1776 Ward rescues an English women named linda bean. In 1846 Anthony started teaching for 110 a year. Anthony also was inspired because Ward changed history for women

    It is amazing to know Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony changed history. They could of had effect on women today. In 1824 sadly Ward died. In 1906 sadly Anthony died. That is why I think Ward had an impact on Anthony.By Brady

  40. Nancy Ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan B. Anthony was born in Massachusetts. They could not have not known each other. However, Ward did influence Anthony’s life.

    Ward was a famous Cherokee Indian woman , here are some are some ways she became famous. First, she was honored being called Beloved Woman. She found ways to keep peace by negotiate with the English . She made war strategies.She saved a English woman named Mrs.Bean.She saved lives by sending out attack warnings.

    These are my many ways she became famous and that is also how she influence Anthony’s life by inspiring Anthony to believe she could fight for women’s rights.There for that is why Ward and Anthony would never meet.Lillian

  41. Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony never met because Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820 and Nancy Ward died in 1824. By the time Nancy Ward died, Susan B. Anthony was only 4 years old.

    Nancy Ward could have made an impact on Susan B. Anthony because Ward strongly fought for equality and peace. Susan B. Anthony fought for women's rights to create equality between men and women. It makes sense that she would look up to Ward for inspiration and courage to go against the flow in their perspective times.
