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Monday, October 5, 2015

Enrichment: Can you begin with the end in mind?

Think about your Adaptations and your Food Web unit.  Write a paragraph about this animal using your vocabulary.  It is an informational paragraph.  

  1. Start with a topic sentence that tells what the paragraph is about
  2. Add at least three supporting sentences with details about the topic
  3. If you need it, use a closing sentence to restate the topic.
Here is an example! Begin with the end in mind.  Think before you write.  Do not write incomplete sentences.  Be brilliant!  See you at the edge!!


  1. This is a mithacole creacher .It is named The Devorer . It eats meat, plants , and insects .It lives under the city of Borasause .It only comes out if the 4 fang blades are put in a spot .It is a omnivor .Here are some facts about it .The Devorer has a horn so it can ram into things ,for protecion .It has spikes on it for proteion to. The Devorer is very good at digging .It's tail makes a flat floor. The more the Devorer eats the bigger it gets. These are the thinngs about the The Devoerer .By Brooks J.

    1. Great job creative name and paragraph.

      Claire Summars

    2. Brooks very good vocabulary. Very good introduce the topic. I like your name because it sounds like a very strong predator. I wish you would have a strong conclusion. By Dominick

    3. *I love the name Devorer
      *Nice vocabuolry
      *good details
      a wish: I wish you had a stronger begining.brayden

    4. * Love your animal name. * Like how you used your vocabulary * Like the facts you told about it Dean

    5. What an excellent paragraph that includes details as well as all of the conventions in writing. Great job with this assignment. Mrs. Belinda

  2. This is a mithacole creatcher . It's name is the Stegga Una. It is a omnivore. One of it's adaptaion's are the horn's can fight off predators . Another adaptation is the shell can keep it protected. It is a dinosaur It is a prey. By Dominick

    1. I know I forgot to put a period. By Dominick

    2. I like how you reviewed your writing and checked your punctuation. I wish that you had a conclusion to match your writing. Mrs. Belinda

  3. This animal is a myth .This animal is a herbivore .It is called steguunu . it has many adaptations .Its plates take in air . He has a horn that is actually a tooth . He has hooves that keep his feet from getting burnt. He is located in South America . He lives close to Brady

    1. Brady I like how you listen to the example but when was he born did he ever became extinct? Your friend right next to you cian

    2. Very creative name. Make sure that you have a conclusion. This is an area that you need to improve in with your writing. Mrs. Belinda

  4. This animal is the Stego it is like a cat.It is a pray.It purrs like a cat.This is why cats purr.Purring is one of many ways cats communicate their moods and needs.Cats purr when they are sad or scared.Older cats purr when they get near other cats.Now you a few different reasons cats purr.Brayden

    1. like how you explained cats purring but do cats have everything to do with this animal? By cian

    2. a wish.... good job but you might want to stay on topic what does a cat have to do with this animal? by sara

    3. You began with a good opening but then talked about cats. I am not sure how cats truly provide information about the mythical creature above. This writing is not as strong as it could be. Mrs. Belinda

  5. This Triceratops by Cian Barber

    Just look at this triceratops it's so beautiful wow... The horn has dots on the front of it the back is like a color sun okay I will call him Color Sun and his tail red stripes on it I know he is extinct but what if he was not? This passage was by Cian Barber

    1. Your opening is creative and the animal name is interesting. I fee like you need a stronger conclusion. Mrs. Belinda

  6. This creature is the stegauni. Its a made up creature. It has reverse camo witch means it bleinds in in a strange way. And because it is cold blooded the plates on its back help it keep cool by catching air. The thing can also hide in its shell when frightend. Ithas a horn witch it can protect it self from predators. it may be big but it is a primary consumor. that is my creature the stegauni. by:Cameron

    1. Good opening and closing. Excellent vocabulary use. This is a good paragraph. Mrs. Belinda

  7. This is a mythical creature. I think this is half unicorn half triceritops I call it a unitops. It is a herbivore. It is prey. It defends itself by his horn and spikes on his or her back. It has a lazer horn and a smacking tail. It blinds animals by it's many bright colors. It's a primary consumer. It has super speed. The unitops tail makes a force field.

    Claire Summars

    1. great imagination by colton

    2. The creatures name is creative. Your use of vocabulary is superb. Make sure you have a conclusion. Mrs. Belinda

  8. This is the half unicorn and half trisouatops.I call it the unatops. It can blind things, defends by its horns and tail,lazer horn smaking tail,super speed and horns and tail makes force field.That is my Mithcal creature.By Colton Trice

  9. This is a unicornosaurs. It's a cross between a unicorn and a stegosaurs. It eats elephants whole. It's a carnivore. Its spikes help it to defend itself. Its tail helps it balance while it is running. The horn helps it by crashing into rocks so it does not have to go around the rock. That is how the unicornosaurs lives.

    1. Whose is this? I am not deleting it because of the sentence about the elephants - funny! Good paragraph. Interesting read. Mrs. Belinda

  10. I think a arist drew it an d it lives in a wet and grassy envirement. and like all anlims it has aduptasins . this animmls aduptashins are a horn for protecion it is a plant eater and a prae. it colws are for climing . by sara

    1. You have an interesting opening that no one else thought about. Make sure you have a conclusion. Mrs. Belinda

  11. That is a dino, a triceratops. Its spikes help it protect itself. It is a carnivore. It eats other animals. It is predator and prey. The t-rex eats it. That is what it is. By Benjamin

    1. Short and to the point. You have great use of vocabulary. I wish that you had more linking words and provided more details. Mrs. Belinda

  12. Great imagination. by colton

  13. this mythical creature lives in a wet and grassy place and can go under water. the reason it can go under water is that the horn on its head is like a breathing staition on its head because there is a hole on the tip of the horn. this creature is called the unisoarus. its a cross between a unicorn and a dinosaur. it has no adaptations it can eat hole citys . it stays asleep most of the time. the only two reasons it would awake are if some one woke it up and every 9,999 hundred years to eat . that is all about this Anna

    1. This is a creative and imaginative paragraph. It needs an introduction of topic and then you would be golden. Good job. Mrs. Belinda

  14. This animal called to me is Dinoturtleunicorn. It's horn can shot a laser. It is a omnivor, and it can run 10 miles when scared. It's tail can knock a oil truck with one hit. It 's shell is very, so it can use it for protcton. This animal was a graet experiment to do.Lillian

    1. Creative name for the animal. You have some great description. You needed to introduce your topic. Mrs. Belinda
