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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

EDU638 Guest Bloggers: Wilma Tyus

"A leader with confidence is a leader who brings out positive changes in people."                                                   John C. Maxwell

This famous quote has inspired many people including educators. Most people who are successful in life, have had an encountered with a leader who was seasoned with confidence. Whereas, leaders encourage them by surfacing the positive things already within.

“Confidence in oneself is the cornerstone of successful leadership. Only those who believe in themselves have enough optimism to see the best in those around them. Self-confidence breeds confidence in others.” Similarly, if you smile at others most likely they will smile in return. This quote was used in the Leadership Wired Blog titled “A Leader’s Greatest Things” by the John Maxwell Company (

“The skill of self-confidence is the ability to believe in yourself to accomplish any task,” Dr. Ivan Joseph quoted in his video. This video was chosen because I believe leadership has to be developed over a period of time. Also I believe a leader must believe in him or herself first in order to bring out positive changes in others. Furthermore, this confidence is channeled by growth in your everyday practice as an educator.

Dr. Ivan Joseph: The Skill of Self-Confidence

John C. Maxwell wrote a book called “Be a People Person: Effective Leadership through Effective Relationships.” I liked this book because it explains why an effective leader must establish and maintain good relationships with others. However, a leader has to develop own confidence and exemplify it among followers. A leader with confidence helps build confidence in others. 

I enjoyed previously, Colette Carrabba’s posting on the video, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.” This video also engaged in the growth of a leader and his confidence as motivation.

Personally, this quote was chosen mainly because I cherished the influence in my life from leaders. Leaders who saw something special in me. Leaders like my mother, aunts, teachers, and religious mentors. I was influenced greatly by these leaders because they had a special confidence exemplified by believing in themselves and believing in me when I did not.

  Leadership Motto: You be the first to model the desired behavior.

  Favorite Scripture: “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward.” Hebrews 10:3
  Your feedback, thoughts, opinions, and comments are welcomed. Thank you.  Wilma Tyus



  1. Nice blog, Wilma Tyus! We are blessed to be involved with Dr. Anderson and to have watched her grow by virtue of her various and diverse educational experiences. You will learn much from her!

    1. Thank you. Dr. Anderson has inspired me on this educational journey.

  2. Great Post Wilma. Self confidence is definitely vital to success of a leader. A leader who is confident is able to motivate and inspire others. I enjoyed the video you attached by Dr. Ivan Joseph. His comments on confidence and how it influences success are enlightening.

    1. Thank you, Colette. I agree, you must have confidence.

  3. Great insight!! Learn alot from President Anderson! She knows her stuff.

  4. I enjoyed your blog. I've learned a lot about the role of leaders and see them in a different eye and change attitude. They have a heavy load to carry.

  5. I enjoyed your blog. I've learned a lot about the role of leaders and see them in a different eye and change attitude. They have a heavy load to carry.

    1. Roz, I have changed my attitude about leaders also.

  6. Tyus, Thanks for sharing! I agree with John Maxwell when he said "Leaders add value to others by serving them. A great leader develops trust. People will only follow you if the trust you." During my first year in the principal ship, I learned very quickly that teachers will only follow you if you are competent and you do what you say you are going to do.

    1. Yes, leaders should motivate others as they lead with confidence and integrity.

  7. Do you know about the immagrants. Some immagrants lied about there Name and some lied about there age. That's the End

    By: Ashlyn Trice And Mackenzie Smith

  8. Nancy ward died in 1824 in Tennessee. Susan b. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts. They could not of known each other. However, Ward did influence Antony’s life.
    By Dominick
