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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Social Studies Writing: To Build or Not to Build?

Take a look at the pictures below.  Some of the pictures show a fertile land and some of the pictures show a flooded land.  Be sure to look carefully at the pictures.

Fertile Lands

 Flooded Lands

Look at the map below.  The pictures above are a result of the river below.  Your prompt today...
Look at this location.  Do you think it would be a good idea to build a house near this river?  Why or why not?  Write a paragraph to support your opinion.  Be sure to include all the pieces of a good paragraph.  Introduce the topic, state your opinion, provide reasons and support, and write a strong conclusion. Be sure to sign your name at the end of your paragraph.  Happy writing!  

See you at the edge!


  1. I would live by the nile river . I would a have water and food since thay worked on the aswan dam. the nile river wount flood anymore by geordon.

  2. I wouldn't live at the Nile River because the wildlife and flooding. By Hayden

  3. One reason I would live by the Nile Rivre is I would get food and woter.I would Nile River. Breanna Holmes

  4. I will live by the Nile River. There are animals to eat there. by Eli

  5. This location is the Nile river. It is located in Africa. I discoverd that it would be a bad idea to build a home close to this river. In my opinion, it would be a bad idea to do that. Here is my reason why it would be bad. 1. it would flod.If it flods you could die, you could lose your home, and lose your crops. All in all liveing by the Nile would be a very dangous idea. By: Aiden B.

    1. you need more ITT from Cameron

    2. I agree it would be a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile River great job Aiden B. by Brady

    3. Aiden - Good conclusion statement. I like how you identified the location. I agree with Cameron about the ITT. Mrs. Belinda

  6. This location is the nile river it is located in Africa. I discovered that only a fool would build a house far from the nile. my thinking changed when I read about the all the benefits that the nile brougt to Egypt. here are a few reasons I would build a house close to the nile. the 1st reason is the rich soil that the nile gives us 2nd it has good matireals like paperus and 3rd good water you could have unlimited water in conclusion only fools would builds a house far from the nile river by:Cameron

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. very interesting cameron I like how you yous facts by Brady

    3. Cameron - Creative word choices. Make sure you include punctuation to help the reader. Mrs. Belinda

  7. This locaitoin is the its Nile river. It is located in Egypt and iys rout flows through Africa.My thinking changed after I read the passages. I think it would be a horrible idea to build a house close to this river. My argument is that it would not be a good idea to build a house close to this river because it would flood. here my reasons why its dangerous. You could lose your house. You could lose your food wich means you could die! All in all I think it is a bad idea for people to live close to the Nile river. By;Anna Kate Goff

    1. Your paragragh is very strong

    2. Good job because you put so much efort in to your paragraf. By: Aiden B.

    3. you did a good job but maby you could do better work on the mreil

  8. I thick it is a good idea to build a house near the Nile River to get water and fish from the Nile River.I can sail a boat and don't have to worry abont the Nile River flolding and haveing to leave early.I can be at the Nile River as long as I want to. By Tyler

  9. This is the location is the Nile River.the Nile River is located in Africa .I discovered the Nile River is the longest river in the world .Most people agree it is not a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River .My thinking changed when I realized it was dangerous .In my opinion it would be a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile River.My reasons are in the Spring rainstorms flood the Nile.Some families have to leave their home.When they return they have to fix there Brady

    1. needs a conclusion but it is strong by cameron

  10. This location is the Nile river. It is located in Africa. I discovered it would be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile.
    My thinking chanced when I read the book. Here are reasons why. The Nile provides them with fertile land for farming, a sorce of travel ,food and water. I hope next time you'll stop and remember if it would be good or bad.
    by Emily

    1. Needs more ''syo'' (state your opinon) La'Tariyahna

  11. This location is the nile river. It is located in Africa. I discovered that it is a not wise to bilud a house close to the nile river. My thinking changed when I read the passage. Bottom line I have reasiled a house bons why. It would flod . When it would flod the water could destroy your home. Then you would have no home. Then you would die. We'd be better off if we did not bilied a house close to the nile river By Sara

  12. .I would not want to live at the Nile River Ithink it is dangerous .by Jaydn.

  13. I would buiid a house close to the Nilver.I would because I would have supplies and water and food. by Peyton

    1. I love the way you introduced the topic,but I feel you need some support for your reasons like a little sentence. Alex Vires

  14. The location of the Nile river is Africa .Only a fool would think it would be good idea to build a house close to the Nile .My thinking changed when I read the paragraph that told me tat it was dagures . H are three resones why it is dagours . When the flood waters came it could kill famalily or distory home 's it could distory crop's that you would have spent hours of work on and you could get cout in the flood now you see why it is a bad idea to build a build a house clouse to the nile river by sean

  15. I would live by the Nile river.You can fish there It can not flood the houses because of the AswonDam.By Hannah

  16. This location is The Nile River. The Nile river is located in Africa. I have been challenged to tell why or why not a house should be built next to The Nile river. EVERYBODY knows that it would be a great idea to build a house next to The Nile river I think that because the river is filled with fish and goods. I would state infallibly that there are 3 reasons. The river provides fertile land for farming, a source of travel, food and water .Those are my 3 reasons. I hope you all agree with me that it would be a great idea to build a house close to The Nile River. La'Tariyahna

  17. I would want to build a house by the Nile River because it will not flood any more because they built the Aswan dam. by Kenley

  18. This is The Nile River. This location is in Africa.I have been challenged to decide whether or not it's a good idea to build a house close to The Nile River.Only a fool would think it isn't a good idea to build a house close to The Nile. I would state infallibly that there are 3 reasons why! The Nile provides them with fertile land for farming,a source of travel,food to eat,and water to drink. To wrap it all up that is why I think good idea to build a house close to The Nile River. Dean Estes

  19. This location is the Nile River.The Nile River is located in Africa.I have been given a challenge to deside whether or not we would want to live there.Only a fool would think that it is a good idea to build a house near the Nile River.My three reasons are if you built a house near the Nile River your house would get destroyed.Another thing is there are probobly crocadiles in the water.I would be to scard of it flooding agin.We'd all be better off if we'd live far away from the Nile Brayden

    1. Brayden i think you dd a OUTSTANDINNG job!!! your pararaph was verry strong!!!

    2. Great job Brayden! dean

    3. This location is the Nile River.It is located in Africa.Would you want to build a house close to the Nile?Are we expected to
      believe that would be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River?

      Here are my three reasons my opinion is right that it would be a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile.
      The Nile floods often this is a concern. If a flood comes it could destroy your home and belongings,it could even kill you!
      The Nile might have dangerous animals such as crocodiles.The Nile produces very thick and slippery mud,you could slip and
      fall then you would surely drown.To wrap it all up its a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile.
      Alex Vires

    4. This is such a good paragraph! Way to introduce the topic. Claire Summars

  20. this location is the Nile river. the fact is that it would be a good idea to build a house next to the Nile river. My three reasons are. It provides fertile,land for farming, a source of travel, food, and water. To wrap it all up. I think it would be a good idea to build a house
    next to the Nile river By:Derec joblin

  21. I would live by the Nile River.The river can not flood the house any more because of the Aswan dam. by addison

  22. I think the fertoll land is wut You should live on.My 3+ reasons are if you live in the floded waters your home wood be floded to! My 2nd reason is that you cant gro crops in floded woter.My 3rd reason is that you can die in the floded waters.

  23. I what to build a house close to the banks of the Nile River.It;s help my crops. I can go fishing in the Nile River. It does not flood because Aswan Dam.

  24. Look at this location .Do you think it will be a good idea to build a house close to this river ?Tell why or why not .This location is the Nile River .The Nile Rive is located in Africa .We have a choice which we think it will be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River .Only a fool would think it is not a good idea to build a house a house close to the Nile River . I would state infallibly that there are three reasons why it will be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River . The river provide them with firtle land for farming , a source of travel also food and watwr to drink .Those are some of my reasons why I think that. Also it will be a good idea because it it full of goods things to eat also it has rich soil for the people to grow crops and live longer to get water instead of walking a long way to get water with bucket I your hands for a long time . Also another reason why it will be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River is you can explore things that the Nile River is the longest river in the world . And also you can learn new things about things cause back then you really didin't explore things that much so the Nile River will be a great place to build a house close to . So I think it will be a great place I will give a few more reason why. Also it is a great place to build a house by because the river is full of fish and awesome things to eat so you can live longer instead of walking a long way to get food and water which I eanchined while I was writing at the top. So those are reasons why I think it will be a good idea to build a house close to this river.I think that those are great reasons I think it provide grat homes for the people to build a house close to . We e'd be better off if we build a house close to the nile river in my opion I think that the river which is the Nile Rver will be a genourious place to build a house close to . One more reason why is because it is just a great place . I think we'd be better off to build a house close to the Nile River .That's my opion and why I think that it is a good idea to do that by the river that is located in Africa. By ; dakedra

    1. This is a awesome paragraph how long did it take to do this? I am shocked! I wish this was mine!

      Claire Summars

    2. Thanks but it did take a long time to write this it took about the whole 30 mintues and a few nintues longer dakedra

    3. good job Dakedra. you had a intrdushn and a closhin by sara.

  25. I would build my house on the Nileriver. I would build my house on the Nileriver because it dot flood any more. In if i had a boat i could fish then cook Rylan

  26. I would build my house on the Nile River. One reason is the food and water there. My famliy would like it.
    The Aswan Dam was built,and now the Nile River does not flood. By Jalyn Huddleston

  27. Look at this loction.Do you think it would be a good idea to build a house close to this river? Tell why or why not . This loction is The Nile River .The Nile is in Africa I have been challenged to dicide wether to build a house near the Nile River.Only a fool would think you shouldn't build a house close to the Nile River .I would state infallibly that there are 3 resons why you should build a house close to the Nile River! The Nile River provied the Egyptians fertile land for farming ,a sorce of travel , food, and water. To wrap it all up this river has proived the a lot of goods for the Egyptians. That is why I think it is a GOOD idea to build a house close to The Nile River. Books J.

  28. i will live on the nile River. I can Go fishing On My boat and have some shade From the jacob

    1. Morgan I think you need to give more resons why you want to live nere it, also it can be harsh becuas crocadiles in the river.Lillian

  29. Look at this location in Africa, in Africa is the Nile river, the Nile is in Egypt. Would you like to live nere the Nile? My opin is no, here are my resons why I woulden't live nere the Nile, it will distroy your crops, flood your home, hurt you, and make your travel harsh. If it flooded crocadiels can come in your home. Thats why I woulden't live close to the Nile.

  30. I will billed my hame near the Nile River. There will be resources .The Nile River will not flood because the Aswan Dam. I could fish and I will have entertainment. by noah

  31. i do want to build my house close to the NILE RIVER.The NILE RIVER is big I can get in a bout and fish and it has cute animals. by ,morgan

  32. The location is the Nile River. It was located in East of Africa. Would it be a good idea to build a house to the Nile? Most people would agree that it is a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile River. Here are my 3 reasons why my opinion is right. It would be a bad idea because it could flood your house. It could destroy your crops. It could destroy your source of travel. One thing I know for certain it is it is a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile because if it floods creatures could come in your house.

    Claire Summars

    1. great you added a bonus reason,


  33. I would not live by the Nile River.It might flood and then I wouldn't have a house and I would have to get another house. by jordan

  34. before the Aswan dam was made would you like to build a house next to the Nile river? why would you and why wouldn't you?
    Natrually I feel it would be a good idea to build next to the Nile. Here are my three strong reasons why I think it would be a good idea

    #1. Boats can use the Nile to travel in and out of docks.
    #2. The Nile is a great water reasorce. There is not lots of water in Egypt. Unless you live near the Nile!!!
    #3.A big river means a large amount of fish. Why have to travel all the way when you can just walk outside with a fishing pole and start fishing?

    I hope you consider liking to live near the Nile instead of having to travel all the way to the Nile. Maybe it is..... THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH or well maybe not. but This was by: Cian Barber

  35. I would not build my house close to the Nile River.One reason is it will flood and destroy house and villages.It take to long to build the houses and villages again.The Nile River is the longest river.The Nile River has a dam in it so it won't flood any more.By Peyton

  36. Look at this loacation.Do you think it would be a good idea to build a house close to this river?Tell why or why not?This loacation is the Nile River.It is in Africa.Would it be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River?Surly you would agree it would be good idea to build a house close to the Nile.Here are my three reasons why it would be a good idea to build a house close ton the Nile River.It is a is a good idea because the River provided the Egyptions with fertle land for farming,a source of travle,food and water.I hope you will agree with me that it is a good idea to build a house close to the Nile because you could have great crops and helps the Egyptions to travle.That is why it is agood idea to build a house close to the Nile River.By Colton

  37. I will build my home on the Nile river. One of the reasons is that the aswan dam keeps the river from flooding. by Jalelin

  38. This is the Nile River. It is located in Africa.Would it be a good idea to bild a house next to the Nile river.Erevrbody know that it is a bad idea to bild a house next to the Nile.Here are my three reasons why it is a bad idea to bild a house close to the Nile river.It would flood.If it floods your house you could get hurt.If it floods you would have no food. As you clearly see it would be a bad idea to bild a house close to the Nlie. You could die.By:Hallie

  39. Look at this location. Do you think it would be a good idea to build a house near this river? Yell why or why not. The location is the Nile River it is located in Africa. Would you think it would e a good ide to build a house close to the Nile. The truth is it would be a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile. Here are my three facts why my opion is right one reason why the Nile would flood second reason if the Nile floods then your house would be destroyed and my third reason is if the Nile floods then crops would be demegend. I hope next time you will stop to remember it is a bad idea to build a house close to the Nile. By Emily Kogos

  40. Look at this location. Do you think it would be a good idea to build a house close to this river? Why or why not? This location is the Nile River. It is located in Africa. Would it be a good idea to build a house close to the river? Naturally, I feel that it would be a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River. Here is one reason it is a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River, there is plenty of fertile soil for crops. Another reason is the river provides enough water to grow your crops for a good food supply. To wrap it all up, these are just two reasons why it is a good idea to build a house close to the Nile River. by Dominick

  41. No,I would not like to live by the Nile River because it would not be safe. The only thing there would be to eat is fish. by hedit

  42. I would not want to live near the Nile River because there might be flooding. All you have to eat is fish. I would not want to live there. by Paige

  43. I would live by the Nile River. It is beautiful. I like to go fishing. By Samantha

  44. This location is the Nile River. The Nile River is located in Africa. I have been challenged to tell if I want to build a house near the Nile River or not. Most people would agree that it would be a good idea to build a house near the Nile River. So in my opinion, it would be a good idea to build a house near the Nile River. By: Kendyl


  45. Today I am going to determine if a grasshopper goes through an incomplete or complete metamorphasis.An incomplete metamorphosis only has three stages.And an complete metamorphasis has four stages.An incomplete metamorphasis has the egg,nymph,and adult.The complete metamorphasis has the egg,nymph,teen,and adult.Here are three reasons why the grasshopper goes through the incomplete metamorphosis.

    The grasshopper goes through an incomplete metamorphosis because the nymph is basically a small version of the adult insect.The first stage of incomplete metamorphosis is the egg.During this time,the insect will hatch into a form called a Nymph.Nymphs usually have thin exoskeleton and no wings.As an insect Nymphs grow larger,their exoskelenton becomes to tight and have to replace it.

    When a nymph outgrows its exoskeleton it will go through a process called molting,in which it leaves the old skin exoskeleton behind.

    From all of these facts now you know a grasshopper goes through an incomplete metamorphasis.

    By Colton
