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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Inferences in Social Studies: The Nile River

You have been learning about inferences in reading.
You have been learning about the Nile River in social studies.
Let's put the 2 together.

Look at these 2 pictures.
What do you see?
What do you know about this place?

STUDENTS:  Looking at the photographs.  
What was the purpose of the Aswan Dam in Egypt?  
Did it help or hinder the life of the Egyptians?  

** Remember to put your name at the end of your comment.

See you at the Edge - Mrs. Shelby


  1. In one picture I see the Aswan dam. The Aswan dam was built to help the people when the floods came.The floods would come and destroy the villages and homes close to the Nile. In the other picture I see the Nile river on the side of land. That is probably where the people went to get water. Alex Vires

  2. The Egyptians have saved there because the Nile does not flooded there homes any more. by Nate

  3. Because the Aswan dam was built it helped the villages Connor

  4. The Aswan Dam helps the Egyptians by bloking the nile from flooding there houses. It helps there lives. by Oliver

  5. I see the Aswan dam. It was built to help people. By Summer

  6. I think it probably helped the Egyptians. The reason why they put the dam in is so it does not flood. By Jordan

  7. I see the dam and some buildings. This place as a dam in it so it does not flood no more. By Peyton

  8. Yes it is in Africa. It helped a lot because it could be flooded if it wouldn't have been built. It saved lives. A lot of people had to move because there house was damaged. It was a very sad time in Africa when it flooded.

    1. At the picture, the Aswan Dam helped so very much. The dam is very powerful. It helped at lot for the egyptian people.

      Claire Summars

  9. The Aswan dam helped the Egyptians get across the Nile River.The Aswan dam was also built so the Nile would not floud .byZoe

  10. The Aswan Dam helps the Egyptians when flood season comes.The dam does not help with crops.When flood season comes the dam keeps the water from over flowing that is what made the land fertile.Now the land is not as good for crops.So most of the population in cros is not as high.Which means less food on the egyptian tables.If the dam keeps back all the water the populations in egyptians will fail.The life of Egyptians is now better with no floods.So they can build their house close to the Nile as they want. Alex Vires

  11. The Aswan Dam helps the Nile River from flooding. The Aswan Dam did help the Egyptions so very much. By:McKenzie A

  12. I see the Nile River it is the longest river in the world.In the egyption times it helped them with travle and gave them fertle land for farming.It used to flood so the egyptions built there viliges above the levle of the river.It no longer floods because of the Aswan Dam.The Aswan Dam helped the life of the egyptions because it no longer floods and desroys the crops .Colton Trice

  13. The aswan dam helped because it kept the nile from nathan

  14. The Aswam Dam helped the people because it stopped the flooding. It helped the people so very much. By Lizzie Porter

  15. Both the Aswan Dam and Niel Rier helped Egyp. by jerric

  16. It helped them get water and food. By:Mackenzie.S.

  17. It helped them, b/c it dosn't flood in Egypt. They let lose a little water some time a year.Lillian

  18. I think it would hinder Egyptians because there would not be rich soil for plants, more harder to fish and they have harder water times.

    By: Cian Barber

  19. It did help the Egyptians because it helped them get water. And with food. It no longer floods because of the Aswan dam. The Aswan dam no longer floods and destroys crops. The nile is the longest river and leaves fertle for plants.The aswan dam keeps the Nile river from flooding. It helped because people can go out and ride there boat. Dominick Williams.

  20. according to the picture the aswan dam helped them boats can still travel they do not start where the nile starts maybe they can fish because the fish can only escape one way fooding has stopped and there are lots of close houses by cian barber

  21. The Aswan Dam helped the Egyptians because it gave the Egyptians more resources. By Wyatt Shirley

  22. I thank it helped pepole bucase it stoped the flood and bacse of that they had more resroees .by timothy

  23. The construction of the Aswan Dam helped the Egyptians because it helps them travel and not get hurt. It will make people grow crops better and it wont flood. By Brennan Rhodes

  24. The Aswan dam did help because the crops can grow and it did help because now the village and houses will never be destroyed so it did help.By Emily Kogos

  25. The Aswan Dam helps the egipgins by giveing them more resorces , electriity whitch travels throh a wire. stops floods lets them have water and food. they can get more fish

  26. The Aswan dam will help the Egyptians because it will not flood. By Noah

  27. It helped the Egyptians so that the homes would not get broken. And it dose not flow because of the Aswan Dam. And that is why the river dose not flow any more. Kellie Haase

  28. I think the Aswan Dam helped the Egyptians because with it not flooding it is a lot more safe there.
    And with it not flooding people can get setleed and not have to move every now and then.This way its a lot more
    safe. And they can do more things with out have to move. By Jalyn Huddleston

  29. I thing it will be good becuse the Aswan Dam cese the river from fluding.People can grow plans better and they can bild there home by the river. by;Jaelin Walker

  30. it helped the people. by jacob

  31. It helped the Egyptians. Because it wood not flood.

  32. IN EGYPT the NILE river dose not floods because thay lost a lot of water now EGYPT the NILE river dose not floods any more and EGYPT is safe. morgan .H.

  33. I chose king tut because he was very brave and his tomb was the only one that had every thing was still there. Timothy N

  34. George Washington was the best president .He made our money.
