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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

EDU638 Tweets!

Motivating others requires planning.  You must know your audience – their needs, wants, and desires.  You must know what professional development they need, how they want to be acknowledged or what they desire to become during this school year.  Teaching and learning should bring joy.  

This assignment for EDU638 Instructional Design and Improvement is an action oriented assignment.  The graduate students are asked to tweet up to 5 times a day.  They are looking for faculty and staff to motivate, ideas that motivate them and then sharing them with the world.  

The graduate students are going to capture their tweets through The Tweeted Times.  The Tweeted Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account. An example of what this will look like is found here  

As instructional leaders, we want to have an impact on learning and school culture.  Join us in this week's journey.  Begin your own tweeting trend by sharing your successes and failures on Twitter.  Use the hashtag #(insert your initial here) motivates.  Mine looks like this #bamotivates.  Let's make a difference this week as we share through tweets.


  1. school is fun to lern math and reading you should all ways lern math and reading.morgan h.

  2. this school is awesome each week we learn something lizzie
