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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Guest Bloggers: EDU638 Roz Durant

Leaders who are effective are leaders who are disciplined in their daily lives.    

According to Proverbs 4:1.  Hear, O son, the instruction of a father, and give attention that you may gain understanding.  In order to give instruction a person has to well discipline in their thinking, speaking and knowledge.
John Maxwell says, “You can’t prioritize if you don’t know your priorities.”   He shares how he starts his day and give a few pointers that we could begin using to help us be better in effective discipline.  I will begin to use some of these pointers in my daily life.  This style of leadership is something that people would love to model.

Leaders need to display a discipline life that people can trust and would love to follow.  A disciplined leader will have the determination to lead a group to be the best that they can be.  If a leader fails to have discipline in his daily life how can he lead us?  In the book Seven Disciplines of a leader, Jeff Wolf mentions, “Great leaders exude a passion from within to grow, learn and build teams.” Wolf also states, “His focus is on how leaders can help their colleagues, team, and organization achieve maximum effectiveness, at all levels and in all areas of the given enterprise. The seven disciplines that Wolf proposes could just as well have been five, nine, or a dozen. Whatever the number, such disciplines are the "what" of leadership.”

The Seven Disciplines are: 
• Discipline 1: Initiative and Influence 
• Discipline 2: Vision, Strategy, and Alignment 
• Discipline 3: Priorities, Planning, and Execution 
• Discipline 4: Social/Emotional/Political (SEP) Intelligence 
• Discipline 5: Reciprocation, Collaboration and Service 
• Discipline 6: Love and Leverage 
• Discipline 7: Renewal and Sustainability

According to Mark Sanborn, “The biggest challenge of a disciplined leader is not being successful; it is being successful over the long run.  Longevity trumps the temporary and requires daily disciplines.”

Men and women who achieve leadership positions, who display what others refer to as personal power, are invariably those who possess indomitable willpower and the ability to persist in a good cause until success is achieved. The more you endure when the going gets rough, the more self-discipline you display.  Disciplined leaders resolve conflicts, and relied on their self-discipline to make the right choices.  Principals are consider leaders in the school. They have vision of the type of team that they want.  Disciplined Leaders show desirable characteristics; they have ambition and demonstrate certain skills.  The leader has to be a person that has a caring and passionate spirit and loves his or her job.  The disciplined leader works well and gets along with co-workers on a professional level.  A leader should know how to associate with people outside the work walls.


44 Inspiring John C. Maxwell Quotes for Leadership Success

Leadership and Management Coach, Jeff Wolf,

The 7 Disciplines of a Successful Leader


  1. Roz, I really enjoyed reading your blog. You made several valid points about effective leaders who possess discipline. Sometimes in our quest for leadership we forget the many layers of being a leader and the only layer we want to exhibit is power. And effective leader is a disciplined leader. I liked the statement you quoted "great leaders exude a passion from within." One thing I have learned on this journey to administration is that a person without passion for what they are doing is a person without a vision for success. I truly believe that as a leader, we should lead by example.
    LaTrina Walker

  2. Roz, this is a fabulous post! When I reflect back on effective leaders in my school, I recognize their ability to be disciplined in their daily lives. LaTrina's comment about leading by example fits right in with your post. One of my colleagues models this ability daily. She is a role model for me (at least!). I have observed her structure and organization as well as her ability to care and motivate her students and her PLC. She is an exceptional teacher and instructional leader and I know that she will succeed in her aspirations for the future.
    Teachers need role models as well as being role models. We learn from others so that we can pass that knowledge onto our students and other colleagues. Discipline is one of many skills that an effective leader needs to possess.
    Thank you, Roz, for this inspiring post.

  3. Roz, you create a great blog about self-discipline and I enjoyed reading it. You highlighted some interesting facts about effective leadership which calls for discipline and having a teachable spirit. Effective leadership is a daily walk.

  4. Did you know that the ardcal of confedion they created a very week goverment.I wonder what it would be like if the goverment could not make the people falow the lows.The goverment would be like the goverment in 1781.It would be like a lot of chilern that did not folw drasions. I would not want to live in Amarca.Amerca constitution was a very good constitution. BY:HALLIE

  5. Thanks for sharing Roz! This post reminds me of my first year as a leader. Teachers did not care what I had to say until they knew that I could foster a culture around support and trust. When I begin to reflect around the first discipline Initiative and Influence, I realized that as a leader you will not be able to influence anyone unless they believe that you are competent and you do what you say you are going to do. This was GREAT!
