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Monday, September 14, 2015

Our National Government: The Constitution

Read the following passage.  There is a prompt at the end.  You will be writing an opinion paragraph about this topic!

For many years, a king ruled America.  His name was George.  He lived in England.  After fighting a big war, George needed money.  He started to tax America.  The people were very mad.  They did not want to pay money to England.  If they had to pay, however, they wanted a part in the English government.  The king wouldn't listen to them.  So, they fought for their freedom.  And they won!

Now America was a new country.  There were thirteen states in America.  The people needed a government that would be fair.  It also needed to unite them as a free country.  The states had fought hard to be free.  They wanted to stay free.  Many did not want a strong government.

In 1781, a group of men met in Philadelphia to plan a new government.  The first time they set up a plan, the government was weak.  America discovered many problems with the government.  It could make laws, but it could not make the people obey them.  Everyone knew that the government had to be changed.  The states sent men to another meeting.  This time they knew they needed a strong government.  But, they also knew the states needed to have rights.

They talked a lot about what to do.  Some states were small. They wanted to be sure that they had an equal voice in the new government.  The big states wanted to be sure that all of their people would be heard too.  The men who were meeting debated and argued.  Finally, they decided how to set up the government.  The new government would have three sections called branches.

The first branch they planned was the legislative branch.  They called it the Congress and divided it into two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives.  The Senate made the small states happy.  Each state would have two Senators.  The House made the larger states happy.  Population would decide how many people would serve in the House.

The legislative branch would make the laws.  They would also decide how much money the government could spend.  They gave the Congress the power to approve decisions made by the executive branch.  No one would have complete power in the government.  The Congress would also have the power to remove government officials from office if they broke the law.

The second branch they planned was the executive branch.  One person would be the leader of this part of the government.  The leader would be called the president.  Some people wanted the president to serve for life.  Many people didn't like this idea.  It was too much like having a king.  So, they decided the president would serve four-year terms.  They also said that whoever served as president had to be thirty-five years old and a natural born citizen.  The leader of our country needed to be experienced and loyal to America.

Today in the executive branch, many departments help carry out the laws made by Congress.  All this is done under the leadership of the president.  The president is given the power to approve or veto laws.  He also chooses judges, ambassadors, and department leaders.  In addition, the president makes treaties with other countries.  The Congress, however, has to approve these decisions.  This keeps the president from becoming too powerful.

The third branch of the government was the judicial branch.  When it was first planned, it was only the Supreme Court.  Later, the Congress added U.S. Appeals Courts.  The courts have the power to decide if laws are fair.  They also hear legal cases where federal laws are broken.  The Supreme Court is called the highest court in the land.  In most cases, their decision is final.

When the plan for the government was finished, it was call the Constitution.  When the states were deciding if they liked it or not, some people were concerned that the people's rights were not written down.  This was changed in 1789 by adding the first ten amendments to the Constitution.  These amendments are call the Bill of Rights.

Our government was planned to keep us a free nation.  Free from a king.  Free from absolute rule.  People have a voice in what the government does.  All because a king decided to tax America.

Please answer the following prompt in a paragraph.  What do you think it would be like in America if the government couldn't make people obey the laws?

Don't forget to...
  • Introduce the Topic
  • State Your Opinion
  • Organize your reasons
  • Use linking words to explain your reasons
  • Write a conclusion
You can do this!  Remember to read the prompt carefully and frequently.  Make sure your paragraph answers the question.  Tell me what you think!  Blog writing will occur on Thursday - early entries will be deleted!

See you at the Edge!


  1. The Articals of Confedorushon was weak because it did not give other states rights. I wounder what it would be like if people did not obey the laws? 1. money/debt 2. kill/steal/Legislative 3. king/Executive branch

  2. What do you think it would be like to live in America if the government couldn't make people obey the laws ? the Articals of Confederation was intac .America figurd out it wasn't working . It had to change .The states needed rights . I wonder what it would be like if the government couldn't make people obey the laws . In my opion America would be dangerous if people didn't obey the laws .by Brady

    1. 1 money Indet 2 kill steal legislative 3 king executive branch if we had these America would not be safe and free this is why it would be dangerous

    2. needed a lot more opinion and to many questions by cameron

  3. It would be bad in America if people didn't obey the laws. He or she would get hurt. America would not be a country at all. It would fall apart.

    1. Good job but just a little short. Anna

  4. If the Government could not make people obey the laws I think it would be caous because people could spend money freely and hurt other people or even kill them! people could steal from shops. Therefore people would run out of food! Then what would they do? Then people would start stealing other peoples prized posecions. Thats why I think it would be caous whithout laws. by: Anna Goff

    1. You put some good reasons. By: Aiden B.

    2. Why was it good? Anna

    3. good but restate your iponin. by sara

  5. There would be some serious accidents if there where no laws . The people could not buy anything . you will have to live in the same state . by geordon

  6. The Articals of Confedorushon was because it did not give other states rights. I wouder what it would be like if people did not obey the laws? In my opinon Ameraca would be lost if people did not obey the laws. Hear are 3 reasons why I belive this, 1. money/debt, 2. kill/steal/Legislative, 3. king/Executive branch. This is what I think it would be like if people did not obey the laws. By: Aiden B.

    1. You gave Great reasons Aiden! La'Tariyahna

  7. People would do things wrong if people didn't obey the laws.They have to have 1 kind of money because if people went to different states.They would not have that kind of money.

  8. The Constitution tells how country must run in order to stay strong. If people did not obey the laws a war would start. It would not be vary safe. Hayden ross

  9. For many years, a king ruled America. His name was George. After a big war, George needed money so he taxed America. America declared war on him. However, they won. They weren't under any laws yet so they could do anything they wanted. They didn't pay for anything and they could murder without going to jail. So in conclusion, I think it would be horrible and absolutely embarrassing to me. Cameron

  10. In 1781 Articles of Confederatin wour witen. They did not have a strong govemrent. I wonder what it would be like if we did not have a strong govmrent? I my opin Amerce would not be strong. We give money to the govemrent. If we did not have a strong govemrent they could spend it on weter they wonted. Nolaws mens pepoel could kill and steal. We would have a king. This is my opin. by Sara

  11. If everyone didn't obey the laws the country would be a bad place. By Eli

  12. In 1781 the Articles of Confederation were the laws and people didn't follow them because they wanted rights. The states wanted a strong government. What if people didn't obey the today?

    In my opinion, America would be lost if people didn't obey the laws because America would be dangerous. It would dangerous because America would be in debt. It would dangerous because they could kill or steal without consequences.

    In conclusion, America would be lost without a president or laws. Emily

  13. It will be bad if people didn't obey the laws. There would not be hospitals. America would not be a hedit

  14. The first time men set up a plan the goverment was weak .The men found lots of problems with the gorverment .he could make laws but not make people obey them . People knew that the govrment had to be changed .The states sent men for another meating . in my opinoin Amaraca would be dagures .hear are some reasones why I think that . There is a branch of the consatusoin that says how much mony and dept the goverment can spend . You can not kill with out going to jial. The executive branch says that that the presitent can not serve for life by sean

  15. It would not be good if the United States did not have laws. People would not be safe. By Breanna

  16. America would not be strong if people didn't obey the laws. It wouldn't be very safe. Makaila

  17. In 1781,The Artacals of Confedoration where created.It was very weak .It could make laws,but it could not make people obey laws . I wonder what it would be like if we did not obey laws? In my opinion, it looks like if we not follow laws America would be crime filled. We would not allow money to be spent and not paid back .There would be no punishment for crime. One person would make all the laws. So you see, this was changed in 1789 by adding the first Tenadmendments were to the Constitution. La'Tariyahna Reed

  18. If the government couldn't make people obay laws it would be like when the articles of confederation was made.So what would it be like if the government couldn't make people obay laws.It seems to me that if no one obayed laws that America woube lost.A weak government allow money to be spent and not paid back.If we had a weak government no wrong crimes would be juged. If only one person made all of the laws it would be much to like having a king.Now that you now about the articles of confederation.I'm glad we have the constition today.

  19. In 1781, The Articles of Confederation did not give rights to the states. The government was weak. I wonder what it would be like if the government could not make people obey the laws? It seems to me that if people did not obey laws , America would be crime-filled. A weak government allows money to be stolen and not paid back. There also would be no punishment for crime. Another reason is that 1 person would make all the rules. In conclusion, I am thankful that a group of men came together and formed a stronger government.Dean

  20. America has to obey the laws to stay strong and to help each other. It would not be very Samantha

  21. If the government couldn't make people obey the laws it wouldn't be good.The people wouldn't have any jobs and they wouldn't have any money. If they didn't have any money they couldn't buy any thing. If they didn't obey the laws the country wouldn't be strong. Everybody will not be safe. by Kenley

  22. In 1781 the Articles of Confedration were written it was weak and people did not follow them. If people did not follow laws in America wonder what it will be like today ? It seems to me that if there are not laws in America will be dangerous and a lot of people will be dead the government will be weak like in 1781.And a weak government .Also it seems to me that a weak government allows money to be spent but you will not get paid back to you. Also you will not be punished if you was a crime . Also the 1 person that will be chosen will be that person that make all the laws.So you see that I am thankful that a group of men forn a stronger consuticion . For and example what I think it will be like in AMERICA if there were no laws. I think it would be horrible like I was saying when I was saying what was my topic like in 1781 when America was weak . Also another executive branch might be formed in America and could come take over the country .That's why I am thankful for the group of men writing a stronger articles of confederations . Thanks the group of men for our government and they had it planned to keep us safe also keep us as a free nation. Free from a king which is free from absolute rule. And that we don't have pay tax .Thank for the group of men .Now you know what it would be like if you didi'nt have laws in America. dakedra t

  23. The government is a very strong law. In my opinion, I think that America would be filled with crime if the government couldn't make people obey the laws. I wouldn't like America being filled with crime because I don't like crime. I enjoy that the government punishes crime. In some ways I think that criminals need their punishment but in other ways I think that they don't need their punishment because they may just be doing it to let off some stress. The constitution was a strong law that had many rules. Just like the government! I think that America would be filled with tons of crime if the government could not make people obey the laws. In conclusion, the government and the constitution are both very strong laws. - By Kendyl N Huff

  24. If the government couldnt make people obey the laws. I wonder what it would be lie if people didnt obey laws today?by derec

  25. In 1781 the Adicles of Confederaion writen . The Adicles of Confederaion was a law,but was a very weak law . It was like that because the states did not have rights . I wonder what it will be like if the goverment could not make the people obey the laws today? It seems to me that America would be drowned. We would not be a strong country. America would be crime filled.The first branch they planed was the legis lative branch. The legisave branch would make the laws. They also decide how much money the goverment would spend. In concluion I think if the men did not write the Constation Amerca would go wild.Brooks J.

  26. If people didn't obey the laws we would not be safe. jacob

    1. you have to make way more details Cian Barber

  27. If the people don't obey the laws it would not be safe.Each state made its own kind of money. The Constitution solved the problem. Peyton

    1. You need to tell what parts of the Constitution solved the problem Cian

  28. soo If the government could not force people to listen to laws it would be total chaos!!! grts 1 There would be way too many money types and people would not know witch to pay with 2 People would be robing stealing everywhere!!! 3The government would be seaming mad furios with anger!!!!!! But all of that was solved in 1781 after war against a king. People went to Philadelphia and make all of the branches (not real tree branches) and people would obay laws because of president and congress. By Cian Barber

    1. Cian i like what you said about not real tree branches. Emily Anne Kogos

    2. Cian my favrot part is when you toled the resons if there were no branches.Lillian

  29. In 1781 55 men met in Philadelphia to plan a new government. The government was weak. America found out many problems. It could make laws, but people didn't follow them. What would it be like if the government couldn't make people obey the laws? Everyone said the government should be changed. The states men came for another meeting. They said the government should have more power. And they said states need to have laws. I would not be happy without the laws.

    Claire Summars

  30. I think it would be bad because people would not be safe. By Rylan

  31. Each state would have their own money . People will get hurt. By Noah

  32. If people didn't follow the government's rules one state would eventually get to much power.If people will not follow the government, kids would not be able to learn.If people will not obey it would not be safe. By Jalyn Huddleston

  33. If we didn't have laws than America wouldn't be a safe place and necklaces,rings, and everything would be missing and the cops wouldn't go after the people that stole stuff from stores. And in 17178 a group of 55 men met to make a government and the first government was weak so the second one had to be stronger and more than one person had to run the government and the second government was strong so now people all over the united states obeyed the laws of the government and America is safe.And i'm glad to be an American and have laws to keep America safe.Emily Anne Kogos

    1. Emily I really like your comment. Dominick

    2. Emily your right ever thing would be stolen including purses.Childern proble steal to. it would be a bad time.Lillian

    3. yes Emily lots of people are glad to be American cian

  34. What would it be like if the goverment could not make people obey the laws.55 of the smartest men met in Philadelphia.the the aricals of confederation.They wrote it before the constitution the world would not be right if people did not obey the laws. It would be like 1781. People have a choice to obey the laws the goverment can't make you. If not a lot of people would be in jail. It seems that if people did not follow the laws America would be a dangerous place. Also it would be caotic Money would be spent and not payed back. It would be crime filled. That is why a strong goverment is important. Dominick

  35. I think America would not be nice if people didn't obey the laws. We would all have different money. By Morgan H

  36. It was 1781,15 men of the states met in Philadephia.They where writeing the Articles of Confederation.It made the laws,but people did not obey them.It would be bad kase,distrocton!It would be a bad place to live.Kase here distrocton there!To much bad things!People fighting each other for stuff!#one.Money could be spent and not payed back.#two.Crime here and there!#three.Only one person could make laws.I'm just glade the government made the laws to make America obey them.Lillian

  37. If the government didn't make people obey the laws everyone would not be safe.There would be different kinds of money.Jordan Denbow

  38. they wrote the articals of confederationbut it would not make people obey the they had to make there government stronger 55 of the smartest men gatherd to make the government if they did that that would make the government stronger.if they don't have the branches there would be something wrong with the country.THAT WOLD BE GOOD. BRENNAN RHODES

  39. It seems to me if the government couldn't make people follow the laws it would be crazy! I can not imagine living in that country. Without the Legislative Branch people could spend money and not get paid back. And the Judicial Branch, when it was just planned it was the Supreme Court. And the Executive Branch. Without the Executive Branch one person would be making the laws. These are the 3 branches.

    Mrs. Belinda - This goes before the conclusion. Claire

  40. If people did not obey the lows it would be crazy. There would different kinds of money. Each state would have different lows. by; Jaelin Walker

  41. Fifty-five men wrote the Articals of Confederations in 1781.The men met in Philidelphia to dicide the plans of a new Government. The first time they met their Government was weak.America found many problolms about the Government.They needed a strong Government because if we didn't have a strong Government we wouldn't be America.Money would be spent and not paid back.crime filled and one person would make all the laws.Colton

  42. In 1781 the Ardicals of Confedaration were made. It was a weak plan, they could not make people obey laws.

    I wounder what it would be like if government couldn't make people obey laws.
    It seems to me that if we didn't have a strong Legislative branch our money would
    be spent and not returned. Then we would not have any money. How would we get
    things we need? We would probably die.

    If we did not have a strong Judical branch our world would be crime filled.
    Our country would not be safe. Many people would flee fearing the worst if
    they stayed.How would families stay safe?

    Worst of all only one person would make laws and that is not good. We would not have good laws. People would not like most laws. The person who made laws might make selfish laws.

    I wonder if the Constitution and government couldn't make laws and make people obey laws, what would happen? Alex V.

  43. Did you know that the ardcal of confedion they created a very week goverment.I wonder what it would be like if the goverment could not make the people falow the lows.The goverment would be like the goverment in 1781.It would be like a lot of chilern that did not folw drasions. I would not want to live in Amarca.Amerca constitution was a very good constitution. BY:HALLIE

  44. Government is an matter of choice like people who choose dictatorship, monarchy, or democracy. I would choose democracy. I think that the the person who would lead us would listen to us. In democracy we would help and take part in the decisions. We would not be sentenced to death all of a sudden! In democracy there would be back up people like vice presidents to take over if something happened to the first person. That is why I prefer democracy

    By: Anna Kate Goff
