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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Enrichment: Food Webs

All life needs energy.  The transfer of energy is called a Food Web.  Food Webs are made of Food Chains.  Examine the picture below.

Writing Prompt:  Create a paragraph that tells about one Food Chain that you find in the Food Web.  Be sure that you include an Introduction of your Topic as well as a Creative Conclusion.  Vocabulary is important.  Use your resources from your 5 stations.

When you are done with your paragraph, go to this link and create a Food Web.

Be sure and comment on a classmate's paragraph.  Write Strong.  Please note that you can only write your post after you have completed the 5 stations with success.  Early entries will be deleted.

See you at the edge!


  1. sun plant producer grasshopper primary consumer spider secondary consumer hawk tertiary consumer by Brady

    1. Brady I like how you said the creatures but pleese give more detail about who eats who

    2. sorry this was from Cian

    3. Brady you need to add more like who eats who and you need to add a pereod.Lillian

  2. The sun creats pruducers primary consumers eat pruducers secondary consumers like spiders eat primary consumers hawks and owls eat secondary consumers theese are called tartiary consumers.-Cian Barber

    1. in this food web I found a food chain.The food chain is the energy from the sun creates producers aka plants.Theese animals called PRIMARY consumers aka herbivors they eat the producers. Then a SECONDARY consumer aka a carnivor eats the PRIMARY consumer.Finally a TERTIARY consumer aka carnivors again eat SECONDARY consumer.

      This is the food chain why dont you think about what happens when a plant type becomes extinct? 1 2 3 a whole entire animal tribe goes extinct also.This was by Cian Mc Cain Barber

  3. the suns energy goes into the producer the producers energy goes to the primary consumer the primary consumers energy goes to the secondary consumer the secondary consumers energy goes to the tertiary consumer by Brady

    1. i do not understand your reply Cian

    2. Brady I like you paragraph. from Dominick

    3. Food webs are amazing if one animal dies all the animals die . One food web I found was the sun then the plant the producer the grasshopper primary consumer the shrew secondary consumer and the hawk the tertiary consumer . the tertiary consumer is usually the last one in the food web . Food webs are just a bunch of food chains .I like food Brady

  4. All living things need energy. The sun's energy goes to the grass. The grass goes to the grasshopper. And the grasshopper gets eaten by the spider. That's why all living things need energy. Dominick.

    1. This paragraph is going to explain to you the structure of a food web. I hope this will be interesting to you. In my opinion, the food web is a lot of food chains connected to each other. Now I will give an explanation of this cycle. The sun’s energy goes to the plant which is a producer. Plants get eaten by the grasshopper which is a primary consumer. The grasshopper eats the spider which is a secondary consumer. Therefore the hawk, which is a tertiary consumer, swoops down to eat the grasshopper which is a primary consumer. As you can tell it is one big circle that always comes back to living things need energy. Dominick

    2. The tertiary consumer is the last in a food web by Brady

  5. This is one of the food chains that I found. It goes like this, first the sun, then the plant, next the grasshopper, then the spider, finally the hawk. Dean Estes

  6. The sun gives energy to plants. Then the plant is ate by bugs. Then the bug is eaten by a spider. Then the spider is eaten by a shrew. That is my food chain. By Benjamin.

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  8. The food chian I found was the sun gives the plant energy.The plant gives the grasshopper energy. The grasshopper gives the spider energy.That was the food chian I found.

    1. I found a food chain in this food web.The food chain I found was the sun gives the plant energy.The plant gives the grasshopper energy.The grasshopper gives the spider energy.The spider gives the hawk energy.If one
      of these plants or any of these things died out the others would die to.That is the food chain I found in this food chain.Brayden

  9. Mrs.Belinda told us to find a food chain in a food web this is mine. The sun gives engry to the plant the plant is a produer the grasshopper is a primary consum the secondary consumer the owl is the tertiary consumer. the weasel is the secondary consumer

  10. I am finding a food web and these are the ones I choose. (sun grass deer fox eagles). sun alge snail sunfish bass. by: Anna

  11. sun energy goes to produser like bearybush energy goes to primery consumer like fox energy goes to secondarery consumer like wolf energy goes to tertiary consumer like a bear.By sean

  12. first comes the sun next producers then comes primary consuomers and seconedary cosunsoumer and then tertiyary consumers by cameron

    1. All life needs energy. Energy is transferred by food chains. Frist, the energy comes from the sun. The suns energy is used by the plant to make food. Then insects like grasshoppers eat the plants. Then the spider eats and gets energy from the grasshopper. Next, the spider gets eaten by the weasel and it gets energy from the spider. Finally, comes the tertiary consumer an owl it is at the top of this food conclusion, all parts of the food chain are important for life to continue

  13. I found a food chain and this is what I chose sun's energy plant's producer grasshopper primary consumer shrew secondary consumer and last owl tertiary consumer.

    1. I am writing about a food chain. They are food webs. The best food chain is first the sun's energy. The plant/producer absorbs the sun's energy, an example is a clover. Then the primary consumer (like a grasshopper) eats the plant/producer. Then the secondary consumer (like a weasel) eats the primary consumer. Last the top of the food chain is the tertiary consumer (like a owl or hawk) eats the secondary consumer. This is about the best food chain ever.

      Claire Summars

  14. The sun's energy gose to the plant (producer). A grasshopper (primary consumer) it eat's the plant.A hawk (tertiary consumer) eats the grasshopper.The grasshopper is also eaten by a spider (secondary consumer),weasel (secondary consumer)and ,sherw (secondary consumer).Owl (tertiary consumer) eat's the hawk.Lillian

    1. A food wed is a bunch of food chains.The sun's ray gose to the plant(producer).The plant is eaten by the grasshopper (primary consumer).The grasshopper is eaten by a hawk (tertiary consumer) , wich eaten by a owl (tertiary consumer). That is one of the food chains I found in the blog.Lillian

  15. I found a food chain .Sun to plant ,grasshopper ,spider ,shew ,to weasl. The sun give enegey to the plant. The plant gives enegey to the grasshopper .The grasshopper gives enegeyto the spider. the spider powers the shew the shew powers the wasel.Brooks

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  18. This paragraph is about food chains are things that tell you about animals that eat other animals.for example how the hawk gets its food.In this food chain the sun gives energy to the plant and the plant gives energy to the grasshoper the spider, mouse,and the hawk.the sun gives energy to all of the animals in the food chain.Colton

  19. This is the food chain that I found above. A food chain is part of a food web. First, the sun's energy shines down on the producer,the plant.Then,the primary consumer,the grasshopper, comes over and eats some of the plant.Next,the spider,also the secondary consumer,eats the grasshopper.Finally,the tertiary consumer the hawk eats the spider. What if the spider died? Then there would be no food chain.Dean

    1. I love the way you said "The secondary consumer , the spider. Alex I want more detail.

  20. I found a food web and have written this. The food chain has a producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer. The best food chain I have found was the sun gives enrgy to plants. Next the plant is eaten by a grasshopper . Then the grasshopper is eaten by a spider . Finally the spider is eaten by a hawk. That was the best I could find. By Benjamin

  21. Food chains are a lot of food webs put together.

    All food chains start with the sun.The sun gives energy to a plant ,so the plant is obviously a producer. A producer gives energy to a primary consumer such as a grasshopper. The primary consumer gives energy to a shrew. Then the secondary consumer gives energy to a tertiary consumer such as a hawk. What if the plant died. How would it effect the food chain. It would disrupt the food chain.

    Alex Vires

  22. A food web has about 2-3 food chains in it. Food webs and food chains both have sun's energy, producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers. Food chains always start with the sun's energy. Food webs do as well. Food chains and food webs both represent how energy flows from one thing to another. The energy flows from the sun into the producer. The producer's energy flows into the secondary consumer. The secondary consumer's energy flows into the tertiary consumer. The tertiary consumer's energy could flow into something else. I found a food chain in this food web and it is... Sun's Energy- Producer, Plant- Primary Consumer- Grasshopper, Secondary Consumer- Spider, Tertiary Consumer- Hawk By: Kendyl H.

  23. I found my food chian the sun gives energy to the plant it is a producer. the next one is the primey cosunm it gives energy to the secondary consumer and gives energy to the tertiary. This is my food chian.

  24. Food chains are important because they witch animal eats the other one. in my opinion this food chain is the best for me to understand. the suns energy goes into a producer like a plant. then a primary consumer like a grass hopper eats the producer. then a secondary consumer like a spider eats the primary consumer. then a tertertiary consumer eats the secondary consumer. What would happen if the grass hopper died out then the spider would the the hawk would die because each one would starve because there food would be gone. by ANNA

  25. A food web is a lot of food chains put together the sun's energy is the first thing in the food chain . Then the plant or producer grows from the sun's energy . Then the plant gets eaten by the grasshopper the primary consumery . Then the grasshopper gets eaten by the spider the secondary consumer . Then the spider gets eaten by the hawk the terity consumer .

  26. I have been challenged to find a food chain . This pargraph will be about food chains. I think think is the best .This is the one I have. Sun ,plant ,grasshopper ,spider , weasel ,owl. The sun gives energy to the plant.The plant is the producer. The grasshopper is the primary consumer.The spider is a secondary consumer .A weasel is a secondary consumer.The owl is a tertiary consumer. Here are resons why.The suns energy helps the plant grow. The plant is a prodcer ,it helps the grasshopper grow The spider eats the grasshopper . The shew eats the spider . The weasel powers the owl. Now you see how to pull a food chain out of food web. By Brooks J.
