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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Social Studies: Writing, Dian Fossey

Dian Fossey's work added much to the scientific world.  Your writing challenge is to tell why Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than people.  We can't wait to hear what you have to say in your paragraph/s.  Feel free to write on Google Docs then copy to the blog.  See you at the edge!


  1. Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than people. The quote says that she could feel what they were going to do and they were purely motivated.

    Here are some reasons why Dian Fossey was not comfortable with people. Her parents did not treat her well. They were mean to her and did not provide emotional support. She did not do good in school. She struggled with sciences.

    On New Years Eve she saw her favorite gorilla Digit dead. This gorilla fought of lots of poachers. Dian started the Digit Fund to get money for anti-poaching patrols. This is why Dian felt more comfortable around gorillas than people.
    By: Aiden B.

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  3. Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than people. She always did not get along with people .Here are three reasons why. Frist her stepfather and her mother were mean and didn't give her emotional support. Next she did not do well in school and she dropped out of two colleges. Last the poachers came and killed Digit for ash trays. This is why Dian Fossey felt more comfortable around gorillas than people. By Sara

  4. Dian Fossey feels more comfortable with gorillas than humans. Humans have always been mean to her like her parents. They gave her no emotional support. She did not do well in school. She dropped out of 2 colleges and she only got degree in one school Dian's favorite gorrilla was Digit. Unfortunately poachers came and decapitated him and used him as ash trays. These are some of the reasons Dian Fossey was really comfy with gorillas than humans. By Anna

  5. Dian Fossey felt better around gorillas than the people. In the quote, it says “I can anticipate what a gorilla’s going to do, there purely motivated” this means she can understand gorillas and know they have a good heart.

    These are reasons why she didn’t feel good around people. First,her mom and stepdad didn’t care for her that much. Second,she didn’t do as well in school . Third,poachers killed her favorite gorilla Digit . Those are some reasons why she felt more comfortable with gorillas than humans.

    That’s why she feels more comfortable around gorillas than humans.

    by Emily Weekley

  6. Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than people. If you read the quote above it means.

    She had a rough life with humans. Her parents did not help with emotional support. She had a hard time in school. Also people killed digit. In her ‘quote’ she said gorillas had pure heart. She said she knew what gorillas were going to do. In 1967 Dian Fossey founded the Karisoke Research center. She created this because she felt more comfortable with gorillas than people.

    On 1977 Dian's favorite gorilla died his name was digit. Dian fossey loved gorillas so much she started anti poaching patrols. Digit protected many other gorillas from poaching. Eight years later Dian Fossey was found murdered in her bedroom of her cabin . That is why I know Dian fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than humans. By Brady

  7. Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than humans.

    There are three reasons why she was more comfortable with gorillas. She was treated very badly as a child and her parents were divorced and she had little to no contact with her biological father.
    She also had to drop out of her classes in college and high school.
    Dian didn’t like when her personal favorite gorilla,Digit, was killed by poachers. Dian was against poaching and didn’t like it.
    That is why Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than humans.
    If I had a life like Dian Fossey, I would feel the same way she did.

  8. Dian Fossey feels more comfortable with gorillas than people. Here are three resones why. Her mom and stepdad were very mean to her and provided her with no emotional support. She attended lowell high school but did not do well. poachers killed her favorite gorilla digit. Sean

    1. Sean - You did well in writing. But can you give more details please? Thanks. :)


  9. Dian Fossey feels more comfortable with animals. Here are 3 reasons why she feels more comfortable about feeling comfortable with animals. My first reason is Dian struggled with her self esteem. My second reason is that Dian’s
    parents were very mean to her. My last reason is that the poachers killed Dian's favorite gorilla digit. She was opposed to torsum. She was against torsum in this area because gorillas were susceptible to human diseases and torsum would disrupt the gorillas natural habitat. In December 27th Dian was murdered in the bedroom of her cabin located in the Virginia Mountains of Rwanda. Many people believed she was murdered because of her opposition to torsum and poaching. La’Tariyahna

  10. Dian Fossey feel more comfortable with gorillas than people. Here are 3 reasons why she feels more comfortable with animals than people.She feel more comfortable because she can anticipate what a gorilla goings to do but she can’t anticipate what a person going to do.Plus in here childhood here parents didin’t treat here with emotional support and treated her very mean . Dian struggled with self esteem cause her parents were mean to here . She turned to animals for acceptance . She understood them more than humans.Her parents were the one that kept her sad .She also felt more comfortable with gorillas than humans because her parents treated her very badly and she just felt more comfortable with gorilla and they were purely motivated. She started loving animals with her first goldfish and continued throughout her life. Those are some reasons why she felt more comfortable with gorillas than people. Here are more reasons. She had trouble in college and had to drop out she struggled with sciences and dropped out that program and switched to San Jose State College .Where she received a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy . So she turned to animals with made it more comfortable because she struggled in college so that made her love gorillas a lot. But her parents are some reasons why she loved gorillas more than people. Later on New Year's Eve day 1977 Dian’s favorite gorilla Digit was killed by poachers . That’s a reason why she liked gorillas better than humans because they killed her favorite gorilla .If i were here i probably would have found the people that killed my favorite gorilla and did something I was not supposed to but it is not the right way to respond to the problem but i probably would have . But Dian Fossey was brave for not finding the people that killed Digit and killing them.She was against tourism in this area because gorillas was susceptible to human diseases and tourism would disrupt the gorillas natural habitat .This get even sadder Dian Fossey was murdered in 1985 and the case is still open. by Dakedra

    1. Good job Dakedra for adding important stuff.Lillian

  11. I am writing about Dian Fossey. Dian Fossey didn’t feel comfortable around people.There are 3 reasons why she did not feel comfortable nere people.First her parents did not care for her. Next she had to drop out of a science program.Last a poacher killed her favorite gorilla Digit.These are the reasons why Dian Fossey didn’t feel comfortable around people.Lillian

  12. Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than humans.And here are 3 reasons why. She was born in San francisco,California.Fossey struggled with self esteem. Her parents did not motivate her.Her parents were not very nice.Her parents were not very nice to her.They did not help her.first.The poachers killed her favorite gorilla named digit.second Then she started the help digit foundation.last In September, 1967 Fossey founded the Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda.Her parents did not help her with school.In December 27, 1965 she was discovered murdered in her cabin.In conclusiuon this is why Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas then humans.
    By Dominick

  13. Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas more than people. Here are three reasons why this fact is correct. First, Fossey struggled with self esteem and turned to animals for acceptance. Second, she opposed poaching and the capture of gorillas. She felt the act of holding animals in zoos as entertainment for people is unethical. She also assisted in the arrest and capture of many poachers. Last, she also opposed tourism. She was against tourism in this area because gorillas were susceptible to humans diseases and tourism would disrupt the gorillas natural habitat. These are three reasonswhy Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than people.

    By: Claire Summars :)

  14. I am going to determine why Dian Fossey feels more comfortable with gorillas than people.Here are reasons why Dian Fossey feels more comfortable with gorillas than people.Dian Fossey strugled with self estem and her parents were mean to her.Dian Fossey strugled with science so she quit that program and went to San Jose State College.When she figured out that pochers killed her favirote gorilla Digit.Dian Fossey started a fund called the digit fund.Dian started the digit fund to raise money for anti-poaching patrols.The fund is is now called the Dian Fossey International.On December 27th,1985 Dian Fossey was discovered murdered in the bedroom of her cabin.Her cabin was loacated in the Virgunga Mountains of Rawanda.Many people believe she was murdered because of her opposition to tourism and poaching.These are my reasons why Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than people.


  15. Dian Fossey and the gorilla prime ape

    Created by Cian Barber
    Dian Fossey felt more comfortable with gorillas than other people. You may ask the question why. There are three reasons why Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than people. First, her parents (people) were mean to her.They did not help with emotional support Second, She struggled with science and dropped out (of a people collage). Third, Poachers (people who kill animals) killed Digit (Dian Fossey’s favorite gorilla).

    Can you see why Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas?. Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than people.

    Word Key

    reasons 1 2 3 people: humans

    reason 3 gorilla: a primeape which is the same as people.

  16. Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than people. Here are my three reasons why see was more comfortable with gorillas than people. Fossey felt the act of holding animals in zoos as entertainment for people is unethical. She also assisted in the arrest and capture of many poachers. On New Year’s Eve day 1977 Dian’s favorite gorilla Digit was killed by poachers.She also opposed tourism. She was against tourism in this area because gorillas were susceptible to humans diseases and tourism would disrupt the gorillas natural habitat. These are my three reasons why Dian Fossey was more comfortable with gorillas than people.

    By: Hallie

  17. Dian Fossey's work added much to the scientific world. But she never was treated well. She loved animals so relied on animals. her first gold fish was who she went to first. And later she would come in love with gorillas. This is the story of Dian Fossey…

    Dian was born in San Francisco, California January 16,1932. At 6 her parents were divorced and her stepfather was very mean and gave her no emotional support. So she went to animals to help. she loved animals because they treated her better.They could not talk so they could not make fun of her. and she understood them better. However Dian was doing horrible in school. When she first went to college at Marin, she dropped out. And went to the university of California but was not an expert in science and dropped out. She went to San jose state college and enrolled a bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy. In 1955 Dian attempted a job at Kosair Crippled Children’s Hospital. While she worked there she stayed at a farm and fell in love with animals. She went to Africa for 7 weeks and moved to Africa permanently in 1966. Eventually, she got her phD from Cambridge. She researched first in Congo until civil war drove her out. She moved to Rwanda where she founded the Karisoke Research Camp. And researched gorillas. And made friends with a gorilla named Digit by Digit got decapitated for ash trays by poachers. And Diane made a fund called the Digit Fund it told people to not poach and it is a law to poach. But some didn't agree with that and because of that Diane got murdered by a poacher. How? She got a meashedey. Diana's life was very tragic but she was great. And that is Dian Fosseys
