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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Enrichment: Life Cycles

A life cycle is the series of changes that happen to a living creature over the course of its lifetime.  We have been studying life cycles in our enrichment class.  Two of our vocabulary words include complete and incomplete metamorphosis.

Remind yourself of what the difference is between a complete and incomplete metamorphosis by using the information from your notebook or looking at this website

After reviewing the information, look at the life cycle below.

Your writing prompt: Determine whether this is a complete or an incomplete metamorphosis.  Explain why you think what you think.  Use your vocabulary and write a paragraph.  Include an introduction, 3 strong supports, and a conclusion.  

Here is a great example of a paragraph!  I can't wait to see what you can do!  See you at the edge!


  1. The picture on the blog is a grasshopper’s life cycle, is a incomplete metamorphosis. Here are 3 reasons why I think it’s a incomplete metamorphosis. This is an incomplete metamorphosis because it has 3 stages and a complete metamorphosis has 4 stages. An incomplete metamorphosis has no pupa stage and a complete metamorphosis has a pupa stage. Like lice, crickets, termites, cockroaches, and praying mantises, grasshoppers have an incomplete metamorphosis too. The picture on the blog is an incomplete metamorphosis.

    Dean Estes

    1. Awsome job Dean! By Benjamin

    2. This is not opinion this is informational text do not include "here are three strong reasons why I THINK..."


  2. The grasshopper has an incomplete metamorphosis because there are three stages instead of four. An incomplete metamorphosis has only 3 stages. The grasshopper skips the pupa stage. So it can't have a complete metamorphosis. Instead of the pupa stage grasshoppers go through the nymph stage. The nymph stage is like a teenager. It is about to be an adult. As an example mealworm does not skip the pupa stage. I know a grasshopper has an incomplete metamorphosis because it has 3 stages .
    By Brady

  3. This is an incomplete grasshopper metamorphosis because it has three stages of life. A life cycle is life stages that goes on and on forever until they are extinct. This is why it is an incomplete metamorphosis.

    Here are some reasons why it is incomplete. A complete metamorphosis has four stages not three. The incomplete does not have a pupa stage. A complete metamorphosis has a pupa stage. This is the order of an incomplete metamorphosis,egg,nymph,and adult. An complete metamorphosis has a egg, larva , pupa , and adult. A grasshopper naturally doesn’t have a pupa stage.

    Those are my reasons why a grasshopper naturally has a incomplete metamorphosis.

    By: Claire

  4. This is an incomplete metamorphosis, here are 3 reasons why. An incomplete metamorphosis has only 3 stages and no pupa. A complete metamorphosis has 4 stages and has a pupa. They both have an egg and an adult, but only one has a nymph. As my paragraph says, this is an incomplete metamorphosis.

  5. A dragonfly goes through a incomplete metamorphosis. A incomplete metamorphosis has 3 stages:egg,nymph,adult. The egg stage is when it is not born. A nymph is a smaller version of the adult. This is the life of a dragonfly. It has a egg stage. Then it is a beetle then a dragonfly.

    By Benjamin

    1. Ben, we are not talking about a dragonfly life cycle we are talking about grasshopper life cycles

      Cian Barber


    2. more conclusion and introductions lets work on that but resons are good and work on exeples by:Cameron

    3. Ben~ great job on reasons.
      ~ Brady and Claire


  6. Today I am going to determine if a grasshopper goes through an incomplete or complete metamorphosis.The grasshopper has an incomplete metamorphosis because it has 3 stages the egg,nymph,adult.The reason it does not have a complete metamorphosis is because it has 4 stages the egg, nymph, pupa,adult.Here are three reasons why the grasshopper goes through a incomplete metamorphosis. It has three stages.The nymph is a small version of an adult.

    The grasshopper has an incomplete metamorphosis because it skips the pupa stage. And the complete has a pupa stage.In conclusion the grasshopper goes through a incomplete metamorphosis.
    By Dominick

  7. The grasshopper has a incomplete metamorphosis, I thought you would like to know, well I have reasons, three strong reasons.

    Well first thing first as you see there is no pupa stage, next you see there is three stages instead of four as my second reason, last there is just egg young adult egg young adult.

    Why so as you see the grasshopper has a incomplete metamorphosis.
    Cian Barber

    1. Cian,
      I love the way you said "I thought you might like to know,well I have reasons ,three strong reasons. But,I don't think you need those equal sighns around your name. Alex Vires

    2. Equal signs are fun around the name it sort of points out who wrote the comment

      Cian Barber

    3. Great job Cian! By Benjamin

    4. I really need to put commas lots of commas wow I did something dumb

      reply by the creator of the passage

  8. On the blog it is incomplete metamorphosis. A incomplete metamorphosis has 3 stages. Like the pitcher on the blog. A grasshopper the 3 stages they are are egg myth. As you can see most animals as a complete metamorphosis. by sara

    1. You made many mistakes. Brooks

    2. Thats mean!!!! Anna

    3. I like that paragraph! By Benjamin

    4. Brooks, Anna is right that was mean. If you know what is wrong please tell me so I can do better next time. That made me feel like I can't be a great waiter. By Sara

  9. The picture of the grasshopper is a incomplet . The female grasshopper lays the egg in a body of water. The egg hatches in about 2 weeks. The nymph swims in the water and eats mosquito larvae.When the nymph is ready it will shed its skin.

    Then the dragonfly lets its wings dry. Then it is ready to fly.This is a incompat metamorphosis because it only has 3 stages. If it was a complete metamorphosis it would have 4 stages.

    In closing the grasshopper has an incomplete metamorphosis . The grasshopper metamorphosis is incomplete metamorphosis because it has 3 stages. Brooks

  10. We are typing about life cycles. Life cycles are very interesting.There are 2 types of metamorphosis complete and incomplete.This one is complete The life cycle of a frog is from egg to tadpole then froglet and finally frog. At egg stage the tadpoles are in the eggs and get sprayed with goo. this goo smells bad to keep predators away. Gross right! Tadpole stage is the coolest to me though because that is when they form the most. The tadpoles are amphibians. And form into froglets these froglets tails are disappearing. And turn into frogs when the tail is gone. The life cycle of a frog is complete metamorphosis.

    Incomplete metamorphosis would be a dragon fly. A dragonfly would start as egg the beetle then adult. the eggs are in water. Next they hatch and turn into beetles these beetles are fast swimmers. Then there are adults. dragonfly adults are very fast up to 15 miles per hour! A life cycle is a how animals survive. In conclusion these life cycle re great! by:Cameron

  11. .

    Did you know that the life cycle is an incomplete metamorphosis?

    The grasshopper metamorphosis is an incomplete metamorphosis. I know this because I have three cool reasons why the grasshopper is an incomplete metamorphosis. My first reason is that the life cycle has only three stages, a regular metamorphosis has four stages complete. Another reason is that the incomplete has no pupa stage like complete metamorphosis do. The incomplete metamorphosis has no nymph. The grasshopper does not have a complete metamorphosis.

    1. Very creative Alex I love it.Anna


  12. Today I am going to determine if a grasshopper goes through an incomplete or complete metamorphasis.An incomplete metamorphosis only has three stages.And an complete metamorphasis has four stages.An incomplete metamorphasis has the egg,nymph,and adult.The complete metamorphasis has the egg,nymph,teen,and adult.Here are my reasons why the grasshopper goes through the incomplete metamorphosis.

    The grasshopper goes through an incomplete metamorphosis because the nymph is basically a small version of the adult insect.The first stage of incomplete metamorphosis is the egg.During this time,the insect will hatch into a form called a Nymph.Nymphs usually have thin exoskeleton and no wings.As an insect Nymphs grow larger,their exoskelenton becomes to tight and have to replace it.

    When a nymph outgrows its exoskeleton it will go through a process called molting,in which it leaves the old skin exoskeleton behind.

    From all of these facts now you know a grasshopper goes through an incomplete metamorphosis.

    By Colton

    1. Colton very strong paragraph and conclusion.


  13. The grasshopper in the picture is a incomplete metamorphosis, here are 3 reasons why: 1.In the picture it show 3 stages.2.The life cycle dose not involve a pupa stage.3.It gose in a nymph stage.

    Some insects are incomplete metamorphosis, for example the grasshopper has 3 stages , the egg, nymph, and adult.If a insect has 3 stages it is a incomplete metamorphosis.Here are some incomplete metamorphosis:grasshopers,crockroches,termites,prayingmanties,crikets,and lice.

    I hope you like the two paragraphs I did.Lillian
