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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Veterans Day: We Remember.

This is my dad.  He is a Veteran.  His name is George Washington and he served his Country.  I think that days like we had on Friday at East Chester take on a particularly special meaning when someone you know and love has served.  We remember.

This is our principal Mrs. Kim and our assistant principal Mrs. Spring who believe that school is about growing academically as well as growing as a person.  This is why we are able to have a Veterans Day program.  Our administration serves the whole child.  We remember.

  These are the students who participated in the Veterans Day program.  Some of them had speaking parts, all of them sang 'You're A Grand Old Flag', and all of them stood tall as they said the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag.  We Remember.

These are just some of the Veterans who took time out of their day to come to East Chester and allow us to honor them for their service to our Country.  We are thankful to each man and woman who have served.  You are the reason we have the freedom to learn at East Chester.  We remember.
This is the future of America.  At East Chester, we believe it is our duty to empower the future.  Our future are these students.  We are blessed to teach in a Nation that believes in the future.  We remember the past so that we can build a better future.  We remember.

To the wonderful 3rd graders at East Chester, what do you remember about Veterans Day?  Write your memories in the comment spaces below!  See you at the edge!


  1. I remember when we sang Your A Grand Old Flag.That was the best part.I also had a speaking part I was so nervouse when I did the speaking part.The Veterans Day Program was Amazing!!!!

    1. that was colton

    2. Colton - You did a fantastic job on your speaking part! Proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

  2. I remember that I had a speaking part. And we sang some songs for example Your a Grand Old Flag. We thanked the Veterans.


    1. Claire - You did a great job with your speaking part! I loved how you all loved the Veterans! Mrs. Belinda

  3. I remember the veterans. I also remember all the music and the white table. I am thankful for the veterans. By Jerric

    1. Jerric - What a beautiful post. I love what you remember! Mrs. Belinda

  4. Thank you for serving our country. & thank you for coming to our veterans day. & listing to us while we were singing thank you for every thing you have done. We are very very thankful for what you have done. By: Ashlyn Trice Nov.9

    1. Ashlyn - What a wonderful thank you to our Veterans. Great job! Mrs. Belinda

    2. Good Job Ashlyn !I wish you told us your favorite part.


  5. I remember that we had speaking parts. And that K- 3 grade sang a song. We thanked the Veterans. by:Hallie

    1. Hallie - Proud of how you did your speaking part - you did a great job! Mrs. Belinda

  6. Veterans day is the best day ever all the 3rd graders sang your a Grand Old Flag.At the end we said " Thank You For Your Service ".One speach said we read America's White Table. It said we turn over the glass cause they can not toast with us.

    By: Mackenzie.S.

    1. Mackenzie - I love the enthusiasm in your post. What a great remembrance! Beautiful job! Mrs. Belinda

    2. Thank you Mrs. Belinda . But I wish I remembered more .

      -Mackenzie .S.

  7. The Veterans serve our country like men and women.We were thankful that the Veterans went to keep us safe.Because if they didn't serve our country we would't have school and we wouldn't learn. By Peyton and Nate

    1. Peyton and Nate - What a great job you did working together on this post. I love how you talk about how the Veterans make our school and country a safe place to learn. Excellent! Mrs. Belinda

  8. I remember us speaking and seeing all of the veterans smile.And singing the National Anthem.And I loved shaking the veterans Oliver Osburn.

    1. And I am sure they loved you shaking their hands, as well.

    2. And I am sure they loved you shaking their hands, as well.

    3. Oliver - I think it is wonderful that you remember shaking the Veteran's hands - you made their day when you stopped and spoke with them. What a terrific post! Proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

  9. I remember that we all sang Your A Grand Old Flag. We all sang The National Anthem. Also we all sang This Is America. By:Mckenzie A

    1. Mckenzie - What a great job you did singing all the songs - you always have a smile on your face! Proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

  10. Thank, you for your service in the U.S.A. I am glad that you give us freedom to go to school in East Chester Elementary School. By Zoe

    1. Zoe - What a beautiful post. I know that those who serve and have served would be thankful for what you have written. Proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

  11. I remember that all the kids were singing. After that we took pictures and shook hands with some Veterans. The Veterans Day Program was awesome. By Lizzie

    1. Lizzie - It was an awesome day. I know that the Veterans appreciated you taking the time to shake their hands. Proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

  12. Thank you for serving our country thank you very much for your service thank you very much. Jordan Denbow

    1. Jordan - What a beautiful post! Proud of you! Mrs. Belinda

  13. Replies
    1. Connor - We did have a fun day that day. Good remembering. Mrs. Belinda

  14. I remember our recent Veterans Day Program it seems it was only Friday. (because it was)What I remember most is when it was my turn to speak.I remember trembling walking up to the microphone to say my lines. I also remember all the people and Veterans staring at me.I was scared out of my shorts!Wait,I wasn't wearing shorts.I mean pants!I said my lines and then I saw my mom she was so happy I saw her crying I don't know if she was happy or sad.Maybe it was because I messed up. That is what I remember about the Veterans Day Program. Alex Vires

    1. Alex - I can promise you that your mom was crying because she was proud. She was proud of you because you got up in front of all those people and spoke from your heart. You made a difference in the lives of those Veterans. Mrs. Belinda

  15. I remember. I remember listening to 104 3rd graders sing 'You're a Grand Old Flag' with great spirit and emotion. I remember fantastic speakers. I remember 3rd grade teachers smiling proudly at their 3rd graders. I remember tears of joy. I remember proud faces of veterans. I remember a day of greatness. This is what I remember about our East Chester Veterans Day! Mrs. Belinda

  16. I remember the veterans day program. I remember my speaking part Thank you for serving.

    By dominick

  17. I love veterans day. I loved Your a Grand Old Flag. Andrew

  18. thank you veterans for serving our country and because of you we get to enjoy many timothy

  19. Thank you again for what you have done By: Ashlyn Trice Nov.10

  20. Thanks for serving our country. Thank for letting us go to school. Thanks for letting us have the freedom for everything.
    THANK YOU By Wyatt Shirley

  21. When we had Veterans day and we song your a grand old flag that was the best. The best thing I most like was when we song the plealg. from Rylan

  22. Thank you veterans severing our country and I would want you to know that I that I care about them and their family and friends I want to say thank to the veterans. Emily Kogos

  23. Thank you veterans for serving our country.And we are happy that you did this for our freedom.thank you. morgan heaton.

  24. Thank you for serving our country. You let us be free so we can go to school.Thank you for fighting for our fredom.Thank you.
