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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Keep Sharing: Google Docs and 3rd Grade

Today, 3rd graders learned how to create a Google Doc in our Social Studies Writing class!  We write on our blog each week - we are trying to get ready for the writing part of TN Ready.   The students love the blog - they love the writing prompts, they love replying to their friends, they love offering advice and encouragement - they truly love showing what they know when they write on the blog.
The students are doing an exceptional job of growing in writing BUT they have one COMPLAINT!!!!  Their complaint is that they do not have enough time to write on the blog, complete their writings, and then they lose their writings - only to have to start again the next day or retype what they have lost when they accidentally press a button or the computer shuts down.  They want to do the writing but want a way to write without feeling frustrated.
Google Docs to the rescue!  Today, we learned how to create a Google Doc, how to select all, how to copy, how to paste - it was the day of ooohhh's and aaahhh's.  The students were amazed at how they can write something, it will save automatically and that they can go to their writing from any computer.  We practiced all these things in preparation for writing about Nancy Ward and Susan B. Anthony at our blog

We are problem solvers in 3rd grader.  If you have a problem, we will find a solution.  If you are frustrated with losing your writing, then we will learn how to use the Google Drive.  I am thankful to professionals who tweet and teach me so that I can learn and teach in my classroom.  See you at the edge!

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