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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Social Studies Writing: What do you know about what you see?

After looking at the pictures, answer the following question:  Who are Aborigines?  This is an explanatory paragraph.  Just as a reminder, here is a document about what an explanatory paragraph should include.  Make a plan before you begin.  Use your informational text.  Pre-write by adding a Google Doc to your folder in our Google Drive.

We look forward to reading your thoughts.  See you at the edge!


  1. The aborigines are people who take care of their culture and land. They live in Australia. They put paint on themselves for their culture. This is what aborigines are. By Tyler

  2. Aboriginals had food from lakes and animals. They have strict rules. Aboriginals live in Australia. Eli

  3. They are people that hunt for food. They live in Australia. They hold sticks in their hand. Jayden

  4. Aboriginals are people who hunt aniamls. They live in Australia. They are attached to the land. Peyton Rogers

  5. They were connected to the land. Their culture had a lot of art. The Aborigines people are who live in Australia. Paige

  6. The Aborigines paint their face and body as shown in photo 2. Photo 5, shows living souls in Australia. In photo 6, it looked like they were doing some kind of war dance. Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia.

    These people are semi nomadic and have little or no possessions. They are hunters and gatherers so they can survive in the wild. So because they are semi nomadic they have no land that they own.

    These people believed in Dreamtime. Dreamtime is when they believed ancestor souls made earth and all the land. This is their religion. Aiden B.

    The Aborigines believed that souls live in the land. They also believe that the land is very important. They think this because they believed that souls lived in the land.

    The Aborigines used to be gathers and hunters. Now they are now live in cities and are stockmen. Some are in the Outback like their ancestors. This is who the Aborigines are.

  7. Aborigines are people who focus on their culture like their paint on their body. They eat and hunt animals. They are artists on wood and metal and rock. Georgon

  8. Aborigines are people that has symbols on their bodies. Aborigines live on an island. They live in Australia. Hayden

  9. Aborigines are people that live by their culture. They paint their faces. Hunting and eating come from the land. Traditionally, the Maori is a set of strict rules they live by. Hedit

  10. Aborigines are indigenous to Australia. When I looked at the pictures at first they looked like island people sort of like Indians. I didn't expect them to be Aborigines. Did you notice in the 5th picture it showed Australia? It also showed lots of mythical things painted on Australia. In the fourth picture it shows an man playing the didgeridoo. It take lots of practice to play the didgeridoo. As shown in picture two, most people were painted to face down.

    Aborigines have few possessions because they are semi nomadic. Semi nomadic means sometimes they stay sometimes they move. Most Aboriginal people move for food. Also for shelter. It is neat that they are semi nomadic.

    Aboriginal people loved to tell stories usually orally passed down. But sometimes they would paint to show stories. Mostly they would paint the dreamtime. The dreamtime is a time when all the aboriginal peoples ancestors created everything.

    Aboriginal people believe many things. But I thought this was neat they believed in a mythical time called the dreamtime. Where there ancestor spirits created all of creation. Almost every country has a mythical culture. It is very neat to research mythical beliefs.
    Aboriginal people are very important to Australia. It is amazing to research Aboriginal people.

    by Brady Wells

  11. Aborigines are people who are connected to their culture though art. They live in Australia. Samantha

  12. Did you notice the pictures above? They are wonderfully interesting because they show some the Aborigine art. They like to express themselves through dot art and wood carvings. I think maybe they like to carve events that have happened in there life or there ancestors life, if they knew about them! I think they like to paint the future to!

    Aborigines loved and worshiped the land because they thought it had spirits and soul of there ancestors. They might have known these ancestors but they might not. I think they worship animals to.

    Aborigines are semi-nomadic which means they travel when the seasons change. They have very few possessions because of this. They had no concept of ownership.

    Aborigines are the indigenous people of the continent Australia who love the land and to express themselves through art. They are the native people of Australia


  13. Aboriginal art tells the story of Deamtime- a period when, according to Aboriginal myth, everything was created. Breaking the Tapu was thought to bring serious consequences from the gods. Stories of Dreamtime were told in art and song. They aborigines are the native people of Australia. For over 40,000 years before the Europeans came to Australia, the Aboriginal people live in nomadic, or traveling, hunter gatherer clans. Surviving the Outback was not easy, and most of their time was spent obtaining food and water. It is thought that the Maori came to New Zealand around AD 1300 from an island in Micoesia. Many people on the islands of Oceania live in small villages where family relationships, or kinship, are very important. Makaila

  14. The aborigines live on the land and water. The Aboriginal are Australia's original inhabitants. Ryan

  15. Aborigines are people who hunt for their tribe because they might die without food. They live in the forest of Australia according to the pictures. They white stripes all over them to represent colors because they think colors are important. Aborigines are the semi-nomadic people of Australia.

    Fact one about Aborigines is that they are nomadic that means they move alot because they need to find food for the tribe or they’ll probably die because of hunger . They gather clans by moving and this helps the tribe not have to move alot .

    Fact two is that they play the didgeridoo . The didgeridoo plays really unusual music I don’t know why they play it but it would be cool to find out. The didgeridoo is an tube like thing that makes it make that weird sound.

    Fact three is that they carve weird stuff half human half animal. They used only there knives I bet it would take about five or six hours to carve it . The Indians used these carvings to show there emotions . Thats cool because they would have to spend over two hours on working on it.

    The Aborigines are the natives of Australia which is hard life because Aborigines have to move a lot. Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia. They are very interesting to study.


  16. The Aborigines are the native people of Australia. For over 40,000 years before the Europeans came to Australia. The Aboriginal people lived in nomadic, or traveling, hunter-gatherer clans. According to Maori ledgend, they traveled thousands of miles across the ocean in several large canoes. Many modern-day Maori can trace their ancestry back to one of these canoes. Today, most Aborignes live in cities or work as stock men, people who look after livestock on Outback stations. Surviving in the Outback was not easy, and most of their time was spend obtaining food and water. Addison

  17. Did you notice the pictures? They look like Indians. The frog thing might be something they believe in. That picture that has the people painted faces might be them doing an war dance or praising there gods and goddesses. The Aborigines are the native people of Australia.

    To play an instrument called an didgeridoo .The didgeridoo is a pipe thing that you blow into and it makes a wnow noww sound and is made of wood. You must have skills to play it because you have to blow well to play it. the didgeridoo tells the stories of the dreamtime

    The Dreamtime is when the aborigines believe that the spirits formed the land. The aborigines tell the stories of the dreamtime by mouth too. Many times they told it by art. The dreamtime is very important to the aborigines

    Aborigines are hunters and gathers. But now they live in the city, where they are stockmen. Those are aboriginal people.


  18. The Aborigines are the native people of Australia. The Aborigines are Australia's original inhabitants. The Aboriginal people live in nomadic, or traveling hunter-gatherer clans. Aborigines live in cities or work as stock men, or people who look after livestock on Outback stations. Aboriginal art often features animals, animal tracks and humans as well as geometrical shapes such as circles and diamonds. Aboriginal art often tells the story of Dreamtime- a period when according to Aboriginal myth, everything was created. Today, many artists continue to create traditional Aboriginal art. The oldest surviving painting were made about 30,000 years ago on rock walls in central Australia. Kenley

  19. Did you ever want to know what the word Aborigines mean? Maybe it means you are original.On the blog, the last picture maybe the dots could be where the live. The bird thing could be one of their ancestors.In of the pictures they look like Indians I think they are the Indians tribe of Australia. The Aborigines are the indigenous to the content of Australia.

    The Aborigines have very few possessions because they are nomadic. Nomadic means you don’t relay have an home. The Aborigines are nomadic because they follow the food and hunt it. The Aborigines are great hunters and gatherers they respect the land and there friends and family.

    They respect the land. They believe that the land has spirits. They also respect the land because it is there home and where there food is. They also love it for there art. The Aborigines love art. They do tattoos wood carvings and dot art. They do this with bright colors. When they do art they express their emotions.

    The Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia. They were great hunters and gathers. They now live in cities and work as stockmen but they still take care of their ancestors in the Outback. Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.


    Did you ever want to know what the word Aborigines mean? Maybe it means you are original. On the blog, the last picture maybe the dots could be where the live. The bird thing could be one of their ancestors. In of the pictures they look like Indians I think they are the Indians tribe of Australia. The Aborigines are the indigenous to the content of Australia.

    The Aborigines have very few possessions because they are nomadic. Nomadic means you don’t relay have an home. The Aborigines are nomadic because they follow the food and hunt it. The Aborigines are great hunters and gatherers they respect the land and there friends and family.

    They respect the land. They believe that the land has spirits. They also respect the land because it is there home and where there food is. They also love it for there art. The Aborigines love art. They do tattoos wood carvings and dot art. They do this with bright colors. When they do art they express their emotions.

    The Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia. They were great hunters and gathers. They now live in cities and work as stockmen but they still take care of their ancestors in the Outback. Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.

    By: Sara

  20. Based on the pictures from the blog, here are some items I noticed. Aborigines dressed very different from what we dress like. They played an instrument called didgeridoo. They got in huge groups with each other. They had tattoos all over their body. The Aborigines are indigenous people to Australia.

    Aboriginal people lived in nomadic or traveling, hunter-gatherer clans. Surviving in the Outback wasn’t easy. Alot of their time was spent obtaining food and water. Since they had moved frequently, they had very few possessions. Aborigines are semi-nomadic which means that they move by the season to be hunters or gatherers.

    The Aborigines believed that they, just like the plants and animals, belonged to the land. Religious beliefs centered on Dreamtime. Dreamtime is the mythical time when ancestral spirits moved across the land and gave it form. Stories of Dreamtime were told in art and music. Aborigines religion is Dreamtime.

    For many years Aborigines have decorated their bodies with tattoos. The tattoos tell their stories. They represent an special story or an storie of their life. As a matter of fact, before European missionaries forbade the practice in the 1800s, almost every adult in Polynesia had tattoos. Their tattoos told their stories.

    Aboriginal people do not live like this any more. When you go to the grocery store and see an stockman, they could be an Aborigine. They live in big cities. Although, they still take care of their ancestors. Today, in 2015, the Aborigines have a very different culture.


  21. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia. Then wear very different clothing than us. They wear not not much clothing than us. In the third picture you see a Didgeridoo. They play the Didgeridoo by blowing air into it. It is an instrument made of bamboo. Look at Australia. You see it has many strange colors and drawings. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.

    They are semi-nomadic. They have few possessions because they moved frequently. They move frequently because the are hunters and gatherers. Also they had no concept of land ownership.

    Stories of Dreamtime were told in art and song. Religious beliefs centered on Dreamtime. Stories of Dreamtime were told in art and song.

    Today, many Aborigines work as stockmen.They also take care of their ancestor by looking after livestock. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia. La’Tariyahna

  22. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia. Did you notice the pictures on the blog? . Based on the pictures on the blog I saw a boy playing a instrument that is very long.
    Would you like to know the name of it? It is a didgeridoo. On the pictures, did you notice that they didn't wear much clothes on there body. On the picture did you notice that the boy was totally amazed by the airplane that was in the sky? Also on the pictures did you see tattoos on the people body they have those because it tell their story which is part of there traditions? The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia

    The Aborigines like dot art and wood carvings. I noticed an art that looks very nice and that is part of their tradition. Their art is part of their culture and their emotions. Dreamtime were told in art and song religious beliefs was on dreamtime that is part of their culture.

    They are semi nomadic they have few possessions because they move frequently. They move frequently because they are hunters and gatherers. They also have to have food to survive or they will die.I bet the Aborigines have an hard like cause they move frequently.

    Did you know now they work as stockmen? They still take care of their ancestors. Some take care of their ancestor by taking care of livestock and others take care by looking after their ancestors. Aborigines are indigenous to Australia . BY: Dakedra

    1. You can see the first picture, there is a boy. He does not have much clothes on. He looks as if he is amazed at what he is doing. As you can see the boy sees a spider, He is high on rocks.There are a lot of lush plants. This is an Aborigine boy. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.

      These people are semi- nomadic. Which means that they move when the seasons change. They have few possessions because they are hunters and gatherers. They live in clans.

      Their religion is based on Dreamtime. Dreamtime is a mythical time where ancestor spirits move across the land. Stories are told in art and song and the ancestor spirits gave it shape.

      The Aborigines have storytelling tattoos. Almost every adult in Oceania had tattoos before the European missionaries came. Getting tattooed was a sacred event.

      Today, most Aborigines live in cities or work as stockmen, or people who look after livestock., on Outback stations. However, a small small number still live much as there ancestors in the Outback.BY:Brooks

  23. The Aborigines are the native people of Australia. For over 40,000 years before the Europeans came to Australia. The Aboriginal people lived in nomadic, or traveling hunter-gatherer clans. They have been making paintings on rocks and tree barks for thousands of years. They also had no concept of land ownership. They believed that they, like the plants and animals belong to the land. Religious beliefs centered on Dreamtime- the mythical time when ancestor spirits moved across the land and gave it form. Story of Dreamtime were told in art and song. Today most aborigines live in cities or work as stock men or people who look after livestock on Outback stations. However a small number still live much as their ancestors in the Outback did for thousands of years. Surviving in the Outback was not easy. Hannah

  24. Have you ever seen an Aboriginal? The connection they have with the land is the same deep connection they have had. How they eat is by hunting. Their hunting habits were guided by their strong spiritual beliefs and connection with the land. Aboriginal art often tells the story of Dreamtime. One common artistic style is called dot art. Jordan

  25. Aboriginals led people to the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Indigenous people lived a peaceful life in Australia for mopre than 65,000 years before the arrival of European settlers in 1788. Jaelin W.

  26. You see that the 1st picture it has a young boy that sees something in the sky. I think that it is cool just to see a airplane in the sky! You see that they don’t wear as much clothing as we do today. In the 3rd picture, you see an instrument called a didgeridoo. The people in Australia like playing that instrument because it is part of their culture. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.
    Dreamtime is a part of the Aboriginal culture. Religious beliefs center on Dreamtime as a mythical time when ancestors spirits moved over the land and gave it form. Stories of the mythical time are told in art and song. Their art is often centered on Dreamtime. The religion is based on Dreamtime.
    Storytelling tattoos are part of the Aboriginal culture. The tattoos were made by the Shamans. This was a sacred event that didn’t happen very often. The tattoos means something to the person who has a tattoo. The Shaman used needles of tortoise or bone.
    They lived in semi-nomadic clans. That means they moved by the season. They moved by seasons because they needed food and to hunt. They had very few possessions. They had few possessions because it is not easy to carry to many possessions.
    Today , many Aborigines work as stockmen and live in cities. People also look after livestock on outback stations. But, today a small number of Aborigines still live much as their relatives did an long time ago. Dean

  27. The Aborigines are native people of Australia. The Aborigines live in nomadic or hunter-gatherer clans. Living in the Outback wan't easy. Most of their time was spent gathering food and water. When they moved frequently, they had no possessions.
    The Aborigines did believe that they lived like the plants and animals that belonged to the land. Religious beliefs centered on Dreamtime, the mythical time when ancestor spirits moved across the land and give it form.
    The Aborigines have been painting for thousands of years. Their way of painting is to use rocks and tree bark. Their oldest painting was about 30,000 years ago. Animals were used for shapes such as circles and diamonds. Today Aborigines have many different culture thing like paintings, carvings, and tattoos. If you think this is cool, read more about Aborigines. Jalyn

  28. The Aborigines are Australia's original inhabitants. Aborigines art often features animals, animal tracks, and humans. They have been making paintings on rocks and tree bark for thousands of years. For thousands of years, epople across the Oceania have decorated their bodies. The Maori, native people from New Zealand, are known for tehir beautiful stone and wood. Peyton

  29. Aborigines are native people from Australia. For over 40,000 years before the Europeans came to Australia. Aborigines people lived in nomadic communities in the Outback. Most Aborigines work as stock-men or people who look to livestock. Rylan

  30. When I look at these pictures I feel as if I am inside the story the people are telling. All the color that I see seems as if the story is real. I see constant love of their land. These people are the indigenous people of Australia also known as the Aborigines.

    These people (the Aborigines) are semi nomadic. They have very few possessions. Instead of killing food they take of only what they need of and from the land. They do this because they feel that the land is part of them. Kinship is always an moto, kinship is helping family, and friends when they are in need. If a friend is in need of food the other family might help or give them food. These people move seasonally, only take what they need of the land, and have a motto of kinship.

    Why is the land important to the people you might ask? Dreamtime is why they love the land. Dreamtime is the time that these people believe that the spirits of their
    ancestors roamed the Earth. They believe that their ancestors formed the Earth. These people have cherished this story and that is why the only take what they what they need and cherished the land.

    Art tells stories of Dreamtime. This art made by these people tell how the Aborigines feel and what they think about Dreamtime. Dot art is made up of tiny dots that come together and appear to be bigger dots. Dot art is not the only type of art , Carvings are commonly on wood, stone, bone and mainly on canoes. The pictures are commonly Mermaid like figures, birds mixed with humans, lizards, birds, are mixed with human like figures. Ancestors are sometimes found on carvings. The ancestors are thought to be the ancestors from Dreamtime.

    In this time the Aborigines live in cities, work as stockmen, and watch live stock. Some Aborigines still live like as in the pictures above. These people are unusual and interesting to study.

    Alex Vires

  31. Look at the pictures above. These pictures show how Aborigines have tattoos, not many clothes, their art, and how they dance. I believe that these pictures are very interesting. Those pictures show so many stories. They show stories by their art. That is what Aborigines are all about stories and traditions. The Aborigines are indigenous people to Australia.

    They are semi - nomadic. Semi - nomadic is belonging or relating to an native group or people who migrate seasonally and cultivate crops during periods of settlement. They have few possessions. They also had no concept of land. They are hunters and gatherers. They have kinship. Kinship is like family loving each other very much.

    Aborigines have religious beliefs. They have a thing called Dreamtime. Dream time is an kind of art that tells who they are and their stories as well. They believe in the nature around her like they have souls. They have an soul because they care for them so much.

    Their paintings show their stories. Their stories show their kind. They have tattoos, and carvings. They are artist the way they draw and do tattoos. Almost every adult has a tattoo there. The native people of New Zealand, are known for their beautiful wood, stone, and bone carvings.

    It is 2015 and Aborigines are very different now in the present. A small number of Aborigines still live in Australia. Aborigines are indigenous people to Australia. Aborigines are very interesting to write about. Won’t you give it a try?


  32. By looking at the pictures I feel like I am with the people telling the stories. The Aborigines also tell there stories with paintings, motion, carvings and more. The Aborigines also have an instrument it is called the Digerado. They have tattoos on their bodys. Some Aborigines are in groups or tribes. The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.

    The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia. Australians are Semi-Nomadic, they have few possessions. They are hunters. They have respect to kinship. Kinship determines how people are treated and behave. People help family members-even distant relatives-in time of need.

    Aborigines have religious beliefs. Dreamtime is one of the beliefs. The Aborigines have ancestors with living souls. The Aborigines have paintings that tell some of there stories. The stories are very interesting.

    Their art tells many stories. Their carvings also tell there stories.The tattoos on their bodies also tell stories. They have been making carvings on rocks and tree bark for thousands of years. The oldest surviving paintings were made about 30,000 years ago.

    Today, most Aborigines live in cities or work as stockmen, or people who look after livestock, on Outback stations. Today, many modern Polynesians still get traditional tattoos.Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.

    By Colton
