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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Let Your Creative Juices Flow...

This semester, we have studied and written about many famous people and events.  What if you could give them a gift?

Work with your partner and write a paragraph in Google Docs to answer the following question.  You may post as many times as you like as long as your paragraph is creative and strong.

You could give a gift to ...
  • the immigrants from Ellis Island
  • the Aborigines
  • Dian Fossey
  • Francis Scott Key
  • Susan B. Anthony
  • Nancy Ward
  • The Founding Fathers
  • Africans who live on the banks of the Nile River
What would you give them and why?  Your starting sentences could be... If I could give a gift to _______________, I would give him a __________.

Write your paragraph and then post it to the blog below!  Good luck!  See you at the edge!


  1. If we could give a gift to Dian Fossey, we would give her a pet gorilla. She could name the gorilla whatever she wanted to name it. We would give her a gorilla because she had a compassion and love for gorillas. She would love the gorilla and care for the gorilla. Dian would probably name the gorilla along the lines of Digit. That is why we would give a gift to Dian Fossey. Dean and Brayden

  2. If I could give a gift to the immigrants of Ellis Island , I would give them Food, water and a home. I would give them food, water and an home because they were on a boat for two months and they wanted to get off the boat, some even died from hunger. When they arrived at Ellis Island, they were homeless and hungry. But they were very happy to be in a free country. They were also happy to be off the boat. That is why I would give them food, water and a home.
    By: Kendyl and Colton

  3. If I could give a gift to a famous person it would be Francis Scott Key. We would give him the Star Spangled Banner. We would give it to him because he wrote it. We would tell him about how it was set to music. We would sign our names on the poem so he can remember the visit that we gave him .Brooks J. Lillian M.

  4. We are going to give a gift to Dian Fossey. If we could give a gift to her it would be her favorite gorilla Digit. If we could get digit back I would be so happy for her and Digit. If Digit was still alive we would go find her and give Dian Fossey her gorilla . By Sara and Dominick

  5. Nancy Ward deserved a present which would be better clothes and better treatment for her. She was an awesome person. Nancy saved a woman named Lydia Bean. She did not get treated well until she went to war and opened an Inn with her new husband Bryan Ward. Ward followed her uncle and tried to keep peace between the two tribes.

    Claire and Cameron

  6. If we could give a gift to the Aborigines we would give them maracas and bongos.

    We would give them a maraca since maracas are from Mexico and these indigenous people are not familiar with these maracas! We think that maracas will be a good present since maracas have color and Aborigines love color! Aborigines will love maracas since color is cultural to them.

    We would also give them bongos since they use art, and music. They might want to have an new experience. Bongos are the perfect new experience. They could use bongos to make an new traditional dance or song. Bongos are an great present for the Aborigines!

    That is what we would give the Aborigines.
    Sean Barnett and Alex Vires

  7. If I could give a gift to Dian Fossey I would give her money to put in the digit fund. I would also give her a stuffed gorilla.I would give her these gifts because she deserves it for her rough life and hard work . I respect her for everything she went through. By Anna and brady

  8. We would give a gift the immigrants at Ellis Island. We would give a gift to them because they struggled throughout getting to Ellis Island. The immigrants didn’t have medicine or much food. Our gift would be medicine and food to the immigrants. That would help them survive in the new world. That is the gift the immigrants would receive.

    Dean and Brayden

  9. If I could give a gift to a famous person I would give it to Dian Fossey. I would give it to Dian Fossey because poachers killed her favorite gorilla, Digit. If I could make Digit come back to life I would give him to her. They spent a lot of time with each other. That is why I would bring life back to Digit and give him to Dian Fossey.
    By Kendyl and Colton

  10. If we could give a gift to the Aborigines it would be box of iced water. We would also give them building materials. Why? Because they have few possessions because they travel alot. (Building Materials). Most of their time spent finding water. (Iced Water). That is why we would give them these gifts. By Cian & Benjamin


  11. If we could give a gift to Dian Fossey a job at a gorilla habitat. She can name all the because she lost Digit. We would give her the amount she wanted. We would let her spend time with the gorillas this would make her very satisfied. Brooks and Lillian


  12. If we could give Dian Fossey an gift we would give her a gorilla plushie!

    We would give her that because she loves gorillas. Gorillas are an big part of her life. We want to thank her for helping save the Mountain Gorilla and to give her a gift we would give her an toy gorilla! Sean Barnett and Alex Vires

  13. If we could get a gift to the Aborigines it would be houses. We would give them this because the aborigines don’t have many houses. They need houses for shelter . They also need homes for protection. We would also give them water to stay alive. By Sara and Dominick

  14. We want to give a gift to the immigrants on Ellis Island we would give them basic needs. Such as food and clean water so they could stay healthy! Love Sean Barnett and Alex Vires

  15. If I could give a gift to the founding fathers I would them a statue of Mount Rushmore. I would also give them a picture of the white house to remember. I would give them these because you worked so hard. anna brady

  16. George Washington had an great impact on the country so he deserves to live in the White House. He deserves to live because of all the great things he did great things. Which is leading WWI. George Washington is awesome.
    Claire and Cameron
