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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Enrichment: Narrative Prompt, January 2016

Please add your narrative below so that we can enjoy your creativity and great writing skills!  We can't wait to see your imagination on the blog.  See you at the edge!


  1. Once there was a boy named Tom. Tom was only 10 years old. One day he was playing outside and heard a wonderful sound. When he ran to see what the sound was, there wasn’t anything there. He ran in to tell his mother but she didn’t like the outdoors. So, Tom went and asked his dad but he didn’t believe Tom. Nobody would believe him.

    Tom had decided he would prove everyone wrong. He put on his detective suit and got his detective case to go out and investigate the whole neighborhood. When he went outside he saw footprints and dust everywhere. He went over there and took an look at them. “These prints were made by a dog” said Tom. I must find more of them.

    So Tom went around the neighborhood and found someone's bicycle. He thought to himself, “A bike might be a great way to get around”. So Tom took the bike and searched. As soon as he looked up, he saw that he was heading straight for a tree. Tom had crashed right into a tree. To make matters worse, it started pouring down rain.

    Tom had skinned his knee. He limped home leaving the bike and his notes behind. His mother asked him what happened as soon as he walked through the door. Tom explained to her what happened and how he skinned his knee. His mother got an big bandage and put it right over Tom’s knee.

    Tom’s mother and father explained to him that the sound he heard was something they set up to surprise him. They knew how much Tom loved investigating things so they gave him an mystery to solve. Tom thanked them and asked what the answer to the mystery was. They told him the answer was a new puppy. They put an new puppy in the backyard for Tom. He and his family fell in love with it.

    Kendyl Huff
    Ms. Murphy

    1. Great paragraph Kendyl. It is very strong.

    2. Awsome paragraph good voacabulary colton

    3. Kendyl, I love your story! The investigation, the surprise the only thing is the computer puts a n after you type the letter a so it says an. But that is not your fault so your paragraph is awesome! Alex Vires

  2. November 9, 246
    Dear Diary I was walking in my hometown called Toilet Mania (mainly because that's where toilets actually come from) at 2:30. When all the sudden one of the most rare storms ever started to happen. I knew by the what I call Phoney Baloney laughs, the tricycle horns honking but before he could take could take cover I got hit by a rubber ducky. But I didn’t care he trudged on to the gas station ( it’s not your regular gas station you use our gas stations when you have gas).
    “Pssst!” “ What was that I said Billy Bob.” “ It was I” said a voice. I looked around but saw nothing, looked again and an little guinea pig was standing there. “Awww whats your name?” “My name is Penelope. she said.
    A new friend
    Come into my burow it is safe in there. I crawled in that tiny hole we sat and ate his little bake shop homemade biscuits they were sooo good! WE heard people yelling and screaming but I knew I was safe from the scary clowns.
    I crawled out of the little hole. I saw people frantically pacing around hospitals. Then I tripped over a log. I got hurt. I wailed and rolled on the ground. No one came.
    I didn’t know what to do! So, I got up and sat on that same log. Oww! I thought. Then the wind started picking up and was blown away to some place I never knew about or heard about. Then, I realised I was on the property of the Awesome Super Cool Mega Spies ASCMS for short. I tripped and was left stranded on the grass with an big cut on my knee.
    I got up and ran I didn’t know where but I somehow ended up at my house where I was doctored and cured. When I got home I never looked out the door to see how far I had ran. It was to painful just thinking about it. I shall never again recall this day. Never Ever.l

    THE END!
    Alex Vires Anderson

    1. By the way guys, that I is not supposed to be at the end of the story. Alex Vires

    2. Great job Alex! Awesome story! (Can you make a part 2) Claire

    3. great paragraph good voacabulary colton

    4. The only problem I saw was that you did not use commas in the first two paragraphs. Also, you have a couple spots where you need a word. Other than that, you story was awsome.

    5. Alex that was the most funniest story of them all! Brooks J.

    6. Claire, I do think I could make a part 2. Alex Vires the writer of um, I forgot to name it so it is Awesome kid.

  3. One sudden Friday night at 12:05 Charlie Hampton creeped out to a party to meet a girl. He met her at school on the first day of Elementary School. Her name was May Cauliflower. She was the most popular girl in school. She was rich also. She teased others, but Charlie still liked her.

    He went to an club for teens, but he was ten years old. How could he possibly go to a club for teens when he is ten? He is totally out of his mind! Luckily he got past his mom and dad without waking them. But he woke them up when he opened the door. He ran as fast as he could to be out of his parents sight! It was so scary!

    He bumped into May and said, “ Oh I am so sorry please forgive me!” “ It’s fine don’t be such a baby!” May said strongly “ Hey I am not an baby missy!” “ Who you calling missy?” May said furiously “ I did actually. And I am proud of it!” She pushed him and he fell and sprained his knee! “ Oww! That hurt! Mom come here!” Charlie said in pain

    The next day was the first day of school. He was not looking forward to school. “Charlie wake up and get ready!” His mom said “Ok I will.” He got ready slowly. RING!!!! “The bell rang honey you better get to class!” “Ok bye mom” “ Bye Sugar Lumps!” “Bye mom!” “ Ok bye!”

    “ Hey there is the new kid !” Everyone stared it was so embarrassing! I had to find a way to change schools. The bell rang and I went straight home so I could convince mom to let me change schools. “ Hey mom here is an important question.” “ What is it baby?” “ Well can I change schools?” Of course honey.”

    This school is even worse! Everyone was hitting me with balls in gym today! Probably because today our game was dodge ball. The worst game in the world. But when I got home I realized West Chester was not that bad. So I changed back to West Chester. I had so much fun that day when I changed back. Now everyday was the best day ever!


    By Claire Summars Mrs. Belinda Anderson’s Enrichment Classroom

    1. Bravo! Bravo! Lily S.

    2. Claire I liked how you wrote your story so creative! Great job!!! McKenzie A.

    3. How come you start at narrator view then go to charlie view?

    4. The only problem I noticed is that you used an a lot. If you changed some of the an's to a there wouldn't be any mistakes. Very creative

    5. Guys- Should I make a part two yes or no? ~ Claire

  4. Narrative prompt

    in month 21, day 34, year BOOK, and in Paris Billy bob and Mr. Guy both went to buy the same plot of land, but after they got to where they buy the land they had to split it in half, neither of them liked this idea so they challenged each other to a boxing battle! Billy bob did an uppercut, but wait Mr. Guy dodged and BB (Billy Bob) flew across the room! Wait, this fight rages on! The landowner hated this, so he moved to California and the land was free! They made a deal, one guy had to pay the other for the land so BB paid Mr. Guy and thought it was over.

    But because BB paid Mr. Guy the Dragon of Death was awakened, and he hated money being spent for land… It’s not even BB’s! “I am the Dragon of Death and you will not disturb nature anymore!!!” Said DoD. BB and Mr. guy knew they had to buy much land because a kid already hurt himself running away. cha ching! cha ching! cha ching! Fire balls rage through Paris suddenly BB and Mr. Guy knew that giving him hate is wrong. They have to appreciate nature! If there was no nature there would not be people and that's why DoD is mad.

    BB and Mr. Guy went raging out of Paris into nature! First smelled the flowers. Next gave bees natural honey and got some in return! The DoD could not stand all this nature being appreciated, suddenly he realised he was fantasy and fantasy is appreciated, so he disappeared but wait it's not over there is still something to do with the kid. Well, his name is Sam and he needs a Band-Aid but they could not quite reach the pain and it had to heal over time.

    Day 1 it hurt so bad they thought of cutting it off. Day 2 on the second day you really don't feel pain at all. Day 3 ….. no real commentary… Day 4 the pain just sprout hard! Day 5 it is gone gone gone! BB and Mr. Guy built the biggest mansion on both land combined! The mansion was filled with… bananas? Any way bananas or not it’s an awesome mansion, but too bad this is the end. Story by Cian Mc Cain Barber

    1. Mrs. Shelby Johnson

    2. Cian, I LOVE your creativity. A few things I think you would want to change is make the word IN at the beginning capital and I don't understand year BOOK. I LOVE YOUR STORY!

    3. BOOK, a veritable.

  5. One Tuesday afternoon, when Bobby(a little boy) was going to Taco Bell Joe (Bobby’s older brother) saw somebody he didn’t know on the ground crying. Bobby knew him though. He was a second grader in Ms.Kelly's class. Bobby was a second grader too, but he was in Ms.Cart’s class. The little boy’s name was Wain.

    Bobby went over where Wain was full of caution. It was a trap! Out of nowhere a big snowman falls out of the sky! Bobby fell face flat on the ground. It was mysterious how Bobby fell at 3:31 Tuesday and Wain fell on Tuesday at 2:31. This was very mysterious until Bobby’s brother Joe came out and put bandages on Bobby’s leg. Bobby asked Joe “Why did the snowman not fall on you.” Joe responded by saying “ It was because it wasn’t at a time that had a 31 as minutes.

    Bobby was going over to help Wain. Wain was crying so much it looked like it was raining from his eyes. Now Bobby knew why Wain was crying, he had a skinned knee that was bleeding badly. Bobby said to Wain “I’ll help you get up.” Wain said he just needed bandages. Bobby went to get some bandages.

    When Bobby returned, he didn’t see Wain anywhere. Bobby was yelling “Wain, come back.” Finally, he found him. He was hiding from Bobby. Wain was laughing so hard it looked like he was crying earlier. Wain yelled “ I tricked you!” That was the biggest trick pulled on Bobby ever.
    Dean Estes Ms. Becky’s Class

  6. One hot Friday in summer in Summerville a little boy named Jordan was riding his bike home at 5:55. When he got there he was very reluctant to open the door. He was reluctant because his parents did bad things to him. When he came in his parents weren't home, so he thought of this as an chance to escape and get some help. He ran to the police station and told the officer every thing that had happened but as soon as he got done telling the officer his parents got there and pushed him down violently. He was down on the ground crying. The police tried to grab Jordan's parents but they ran. The officer called for backup. Another officer took Jordan somewhere safe. The officer asked him why he didn’t tell anyone. He said : they would hurt me if I told anybody. He begged the officer to not put him in an orphanage but to let him stay with one of his friends. So he lived happily ever after. {;

    By: Anna Goff. Teacher: Stacey Pruett

    1. Good Anna Kate! I like how you used when and where in your story! Lily Sanford

    2. I love it! By: Anna Kate

    3. Sort of related to good secret bad secret. Makes it a good story.

  7. chapter 1 Gary and the kid larry

    Gary was was curious panda in the zoo. Many people passed on an bike at the zoo. Gary was not a fan of bikes. Gary saw a worker at the zoo who had come to feed the pandas some bamboo. It was his time to escape. And there reluctantly Gary’s fat body passed the worker. He grabbed a hat off a guy and blended in. A kid named larry came by and said nice costume man. ;) Gary would get revenge on this hamster he thought. Then larry went of to his house.

    chapter 2 the idea

    Gary and his lump of fat followed the child. Then larry turned quickly but Gary acted like an little tore up stuffed animal then he saw the huge clock up ahead it was 7:59 and larry seemed to be home he put the bike in his garage. Then he remembered it. A kid at the zoo said at 7:30. when we get home is it bedtime he said. And the mom said yes. that gave Gary the best idea.
    chapter 3 a accident waiting to happen

    Gary knew all little kids went to bed at 8:00 and when it was finally 9:00 and all in the house would be sleeping that is when he would hijack the bike. Then the next morning larry went to ride his bike and pow! he crashed. His knee was skinned and gushing blood.

    chapter 4 the good the bad and the Gary

    Gary was so happy. Larry went inside and got band-aid. And while Larry did that gary escaped back to the zoo. And no one knew what had gone on with Larry and Gary. The end.


    From then then on gary and Larry had very happy lives. And for Gary.... all the other pandas looked up at gary and escaped Plus Gary got married and had a baby.

    by: Cameron Hodum

    Teacher: Tonya Egros

    1. Camron you r story is so cute and adventurous. Alex Vires

    2. amazing and funny story By:Brady

    3. Why did Gary hate Larry?

    4. Like the story it is funny also I like the epilogue. Dean

  8. On Friday Mack was playing Skateboard Basketball with his friends in the school gym. His mom was an teacher, so this afternoon he and his friends stayed at school. Mack’s little sister Haley watched them play there game and she started to play to. Mack got off his skateboard and got some water. Just then Meanie Doodly Clown came in the gym. He would do anything to get his way.

    Just then when Meanie Doodly Clown stepped in he pulled out an skateboard. The other boys and Hayley froze in fear. Meanie Doodly Clown said “Who will challenge me?” Mack was going to defend him and his friends so he said “I will challenge you!” in a loud voice

    One of Mack friends James said he could go first. James went on the court. Doodly Clown had the ball, James stole the ball an shot a hoop. James won the game, but Mack still had to go. Mack got on the skateboard. Doodly Clown yelled out “There will be two games against us!” Doodly Clown honked his red nose loud very tauntingly.

    The first game Mack did an double alley then an slam dunk. Then in the second game Doodly Clown stole the ball and pushed Mack of the skateboard. Mack was about to fall so he grabbed Doodly Clown’s shirt. Then, when Mack fell Doodly Clown’s shirt ripped. Doodly Colwn bringed an extra shirt then put it on. Mack scrapped his knee very badly, so now he couldn't play.

    Haley was 11 so she said “I will challenge you Evil Doodly Clown!” Haley got on the skateboard. When the game started Haley had the ball. Doodly Clown yelled “You can’t beat the Clown!” Haley was tall so she had an strategy. She started to dribble the ball. She was zipping past Doodly Clown, at that moment Haley’s skate board was going near the hoop. Just when it when under, she shot the ball into the hoop and won the game! Evil Doodly Clown was so he yelled fiercely “I’ll get you next time!” and skated out of the gym. Mack was proud of his little sister. The End

    By: Lillian Michael

    Teacher: Mrs.Shelby

    1. I like your paragraph. It is very strong. Dean

  9. One night at 1:18 Hunter Swope sneaked out of his house and when he got out and walked a few minutes he skinned his knee so he walked to the closest house rung the doorbell it was the most popular in school her name was Claire Summers. She wasn't selfish or mean she was nice.

    Claire said’’ what are you doing here”Hunter said’’I skinned my knee can you help me please’’ yes i’ll help you. So Claire helped Hunter. She got him an band and he went home. The next day they went to the park and played for 3 hours. When they got home they watched the news. The news said their was a virus. If you got bit by someone who has it you will be one and sudden the news man got bit. So we got in the basement then we heard feet luckily our basement has a secret door and blends in with our floor so they looked around for an minute then they got out and when we got out their was one about to bite dad so we started to run.

    We got in the car and drove to pick up the baby and when we got the baby we got in the chorvat and drove to Kentucky and rented an place at the hotel when we got up there we saw one it grabbed mom's foot so Claire and I got in the chorvat drove till we were were out of gas so we hid in the forest for three days straight and then it happened there was one right behind us so we took off running. We ran 500 miles to get to Florida the only state that did not have the virus but we landed in Tennessee.

    Tennessee was the only state to have nothing else except for buildings so we hid in Jack’s and we got some food ate and started their journey again and runned 1000 miles to get to Florida when we got there they had an force field and soldiers. We tried to get in but they wouldn't let us because they thought that we were one of them. The soldiers said “you shall not pass “Claire said “why” because you're one of them.

    We didn’t give up we tryed and tryed until they let us in so they provided us with food water until they said we need people to be outside because we have to many people since we survived for 12 days now we decided to do it. S o they gave us clothes water, food, guns, and swords.They had fight to the virus so Florida could develop an antidote so the virus could stop and then it did.

    Emily Weekley,Egros

    1. Emily great job I liked how you really used your imagination McKenzie A

  10. One day an girl named Lily went to space with her big sister Amanda. Lily was so excited to go she has been wanting to go for an very long time. She had never gone in an rocket ship before. Lily said look at all of these buttons. Then suddenly the rocket ship began to move, it moved faster and faster, than suddenly they both heard, BOOM! Lily and Amanda both jumped. As they both got higher, Lily said, I can’t wait to see or Solar System.

    When they both got just an little bit higher and Lily and Amanda slid. When Lily slid to the left it accidentally hit a button it was an green button. it slid out an star. it was glowing very brightly.
    Lily called Amanda to come over there. Lily told Amanda to touch the star so they both could get back to Earth safely. All of an sudden they both heard an cracking sound. They said what is that!
    Lily turned to the rocket’s window and she looked out. She told Amanda she saw something like the end of the rocket was falling off. Amanda turned to the window in the front of the rocket ship. Amanda said look. Amanda saw the Solar System. They both shouted out COOL!

    But then Lily told Amanda that they couldn’t be worrying about that right then. Lily told Amanda that they needed to touch the star. Amanda said are you sure that it will land the rocket ship back where we are in Earth? Lily said yes I am sure. She said just trust me. We have to hurry up before the rocket ship breaks.

    Lily and Amanda touched the star and closed there eyes. when they opened them, they both noticed that they were on Earth. it looked like an familiar place. They both shouted we are FINALLY HOME! But as soon as they looked up at the sky they both noticed that the rocket ship already blew up. Lily said it’s okay. They were both very exhausted. They have been gone for three days.

    McKenzie Adams


    1. I love your story but I don't really understand where they get hurt. Alex Vires I love your story

  11. On a cold monday morning in England on October 1999 Buddy went out to play. His sister Melissa was being really quiet and secretive. The next morning was cool and dry. This morning again melissa was being very quiet and alone in a corner. Soon I learned Melissa was not sad but she was furious with Buddy .

    We could not figure out why melissa was mad at Buddy and she would never say! One morning at 1:00 february 12th Melissa started to cry but why? She wouldn't let us know. Later that morning I followed Melissa behind her house. Then suddenly I saw Buddy! He was tied in a chair. I told Buddy’s parents but they didn't listen or pay attention. Then suddenly Melissa picked up a toy and chunked it with all her might and hit buddy’s knee cap! She hit him with her toy magic wand. I overheard Melissa saying she was mad because last summer Buddy went to Europe with his grandpa Melissa didn’t get to go.

    So that is why she was being mean to buddy. She was probably making her plan. That is why she was being secretive. I ran out and politely told her to let buddy go. She thought for an minute or two and then let buddy go and apologized. She payed for the band aids for buddy’s leg and once again. Melissa was happy and from then on she always played with me and Buddy. The next summer she would get to go to Europe with me buddy and grandpa. Brady wells Stacey Pruett 1/27/16

    1. nice job bray bray love your story how did Melissa get buddy enyway they live in eroupe cameron

    2. I like how you introduced the characters. Dean

  12. On an cold and stormy Tuesday a boy named Jim Patterson and he had a mission. His mission was to find Gold Rush River in South America. Jim was really curious to find this Gold Rush so then Jim took a plane to South America and when he got there he was so amazed South America had mountains as tall as giants.

    On Wednesday,10:30 sharp he was ready to set out and find Gold Rush River. At that point he was sure to find Gold Rush River. Jim thought trying to find the Gold Rush would be super easy. But the Gold River was on top of the highest mountain called Mt.Bigfoot. The mountain was called that because it was the tallest and the biggest mountain in South America.

    Looking at the mountain made him have butterflies in his belly. Jim started to climb Mt. Bigfoot then Jim almost forgot to bring water to stay from being dehydrated. Then he started to climb Mt.Bigfoot. Jim had a very good mission to complete. When Jim was half way up he slipped and almost fell off Mt.Bigfoot but he kept on going.

    When he was about to reach the top of Mt.Bigfoot and find the Gold Rush River jim slipped and he fell!!! And rolled all the way down Mt.Bigfoot!! Jim was lying down on the ground when Melvin Jim’s friend came rushing down to Jim. Melvin had to take him to the hospital as quick as possible before Jim got a leg infection.

    12:40 sharp Melvin had just got Jim to the hospital and said you did not find the Gold Rush. Then Jim said right now i’m not worried about the Rush i’m just worried about my life right now. The nurse said there could be an chance that Jim could be paralyzed. Then Melvin started to worry. Just then the nurse came rushing out and said that Jim is not paralyzed he just got an knee scrape. And the to friends lived happily ever after.

    The End
    By Colton Trice

  13. On Monday Mike watched The Gabby Douglas Story. He wanted to be part of gymnastics. So he took part in Chang's Gymnastics. On the first day gymnastics looked harder than the movie. Do not worry his instructor said .It takes time.
    This class is from 3:00 to 4:00. First we will start with the bars said his instructor. Make sure that your body swings around the bars at least 2 times to gain power. Then let go of the bars and make contact with the higher bars said his instructor. Mike jumped up to the bars and started to swing. Then he went around two times and let go and made contact with the bars.
    I did it exclaimed Mike. He was very shocked with himself. Very good said his instructor. Ring ring! Class is over, you may go home now said the instructor. Mike come here, make sure that you come here at 3:00 Saturday said his instructor. Buy yourself some bars.
    On Wednesday Mike bought some bars. He practiced Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow I have practice said Mike. The next day Mike was at Chang's Gymnastics. Mike let's go to the bars said his instructor. Remember what you do to get yourself to the next bar
    Swing at least 2 times let go and make contact with the other bar said Mike. Very good Mike said his instructor. Mike jumped up to the bar and swung around two times and missed the bar! He fell to the ground and skinned his knee. Owww! he said. Mike are you O.K.?! said his instructor. No I am not said Mike. Come and get yourself an bandaid said his instructor. Brooks Johnson Mrs Becky's Class

  14. Joe and Bob were playing kick ball. But when it was Joe's turn to kick he kicked the ball and it hit Bob. Bob fell scraping his knee. Bob got up and fought Joe because he had to get revenge against Joe for kicking him with the ball.

    By now Bob and Joe stopped fighting. They went to the store on monday and they noticed an girl with hot pink on stalking them. Bob says why is she stalking us. Joe says i don't know. when they got home they left early on tuesday so they could throw her off but they accidentally let there screen door slam but they coyishly walked on and when they got to the store she was there but this time she had on camo so Bob and Joe turned around quickly but she vanished Bob says do you think there is someone stalking us ‘wink wink’ Joe says i do not know ‘wink wink’. On wednesday they they left at 1am and finally found the bandages after three days Bob sies with relief Joe says he did not mean for the ball to hit you. Bob says why didn't you tell me earlier. Joe says I do not know.

    Sean Barnett

    Tonya Egros

  15. On Friday Mack was playing Skateboard Basketball with his friends in the school gym. His mom was an teacher, so this afternoon he and his friends stayed at school. Mack’s little sister Haley watched them play there game and she started to play to. Mack got off his skateboard and got some water. Just then Meanie Doodly Clown came in the gym. He would do anything to get his way.

    Just then when Meanie Doodly Clown stepped in he pulled out an skateboard. The other boys and Hayley froze in fear. Meanie Doodly Clown said “Who will challenge me?” Mack was going to defend him and his friends so he said “I will challenge you!” in a loud voice

    One of Mack friends James said he could go first. James went on the court. Doodly Clown had the ball, James stole the ball an shot a hoop. James won the game, but Mack still had to go. Mack got on the skateboard. Doodly Clown yelled out “There will be two games against us!” Doodly Clown honked his red nose loud very tauntingly.

    The first game Mack did an double alley then an slam dunk. Then in the second game Doodly Clown stole the ball and pushed Mack of the skateboard. Mack was about to fall so he grabbed Doodly Clown’s shirt. Then, when Mack fell Doodly Clown’s shirt ripped. Doodly Colwn bringed an extra shirt then put it on. Mack scrapped his knee very badly, so now he couldn't play.

    Haley was 11 so she said “I will challenge you Evil Doodly Clown!” Haley got on the skateboard. When the game started Haley had the ball. Doodly Clown yelled “You can’t beat the Clown!” Haley was tall so she had an strategy. She started to dribble the ball. She was zipping past Doodly Clown, at that moment Haley’s skate board was going near the hoop. Just when it when under, she shot the ball into the hoop and won the game! Evil Doodly Clown was so he yelled fiercely “I’ll get you next time!” and skated out of the gym. Mack was proud of his little sister. The End

    By: Lillian Michael

    Teacher: Mrs.Shelby

    1. Lillian that was a great story, but you need to work on the bringed. It is brought O.K.? Brooks

  16. Great post,Thanks for providing us this great knowledge,Keep it up.

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