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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Enrichment: Rocks and Fossils

Visit  Take some time to enjoy the different items on this page THEN

While you are on the website, click on 'geological maps' like you see in the picture below

Enjoy exploring this page but make sure you find the map that looks like this and spend time hovering over the map.

 Then find the picture that looks like this and click on the word 'rock'.

After you have explored the page, take time to take the quiz about rocks and minerals to see what you have learned!

The prompt for this assignment is post a list of at least 5 things you learned while exploring rocks and fossils through your stations as well as the selected website.  Yes, this should be in complete sentences.  I can't wait to see what you have learned.  See you at the edge!


  1. Rocks have made many things in life. Technology like televisions, mobile phones and radios are made from lots of different metals and minerals such as lead and mercury. Aluminum is used to make drinks and food cans along with steel. Salt can be found in rocks that formed a long time ago by the evaporation of ancient lakes. Pottery is mostly made out of clay. Paint is colored using ground up minerals found naturally on the earth. Therefore, rocks are a very interesting thing to learn about. Claire and Sean

    1. Like your facts and good vocabulary. Dean and Colton

  2. You can learn about earth's past from rocks and fossils.
    Mountains might contain fossils. There are lots of fossils including shells, bones, footprints, and burrows. Most of the fossils that you might find are on beaches, or quarries. Cliffs might contain fossils.
    Coal is an type of rock that can be turned into gas. Buildings can be built out of rock. Cliffs are made of rock. Technology like phones are made from lead and mercury. Volcanoes are made from rock.
    You can learn an lot about earth's past from rocks and fossils. They teach you an numerous things.
    Lily Brooks

    1. Lily and Brooks - this is a awesome paragraph. Keep up the good work! Great intro.

    2. From Claire and Sean

    3. Your topic is completely on target but you are saying rocks and fossils when you could be saying they or something. I love it! Alex and Cameron

    4. Don't put rocks and fossils word after word. Besides that, great job explaining! Kendyl and McKenzie

    5. Amazing vocabulary , and great evedince from the text. Brayden and Brady.

  3. There are three main types of rocks. Igneous rocks are formed when lava cools from volcanoes. Metamorphic rocks are formed when another rock undergoes extreme heat and pressure. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are compacted and cemented overtime. Compaction presses sediments together. Cementation is when sediments stick together.

    Sedimentary rocks take thousands of years to form. Sandstone can be a type of sedimentary rock. Limestone can also be a type of sedimentary rocks. Fossils are often found in sedimentary rocks. The top layers of the sediments press down on the lower layers.

    Fossils are the remains of dead plants. Plant and animal remains become buried and are compacted over time. Most fossils have not been found yet. Archaeologists use fossils to draw conclusions about organisms long ago. Fossils can help us learn about the Earth's past.

    These facts are about rocks and fossils. These facts will help you know how rocks and fossils are found and made. Dean and Colton

    1. The first paragraph is really interesting. The collusion could be stronger but over all, this is great! Alex and Cameron.

    2. Good job explaining the different types of rocks. Kendyl McKenzie

    3. Dean and Colton- The first paragraph is very good. Keep up the good work! Claire and Sean

    4. Dean and Colton you have great vocabuly , but you could have a stronger conculetion. Brady and Brayden.

  4. There are many types of rock. Igneous rocks are formed when lava from volcanos cool. Metamorphic rocks are formed when another rock goes under extreme pressure and heat. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are compacted and cemented over time. These are the three classified rocks.

    Sedimentary rocks often take thousands of years to form. Cementation is where sediments stick together to form an sedimentary rock. The top layer is pressed down on the lower layers.

    Compaction presses sediments together. This is the process of how sedimentary rocks are formed.

    Metamorphic rocks are the least found rock. They can be made from any other rock. Jade is a very important metamorphic rock.Gneiss is also an very important type of rock.

    Fossils are the remains of dead plants and animals. These have been found in every type of rock. Most specifically sedimentary. This is what we learned in our 5 stations and research. By Brady and Brayden

    1. B and B,
      The conclusion was very strong. But, the first paragraph was not strong or interesting. We still love the paragraphs but they need a little work. Better than last time keep growing! Sorry! Alex and Cameron

    2. You need to write more in your paragraphs. Dean and Colton

    3. we think you could put more writing but over all it was good. emily and lillian

  5. There are three main types of rocks those are metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary these rocks can contain fossils that have not been found for many years. Archaeologists study these rocks and fossils. Rocks and fossils can tell much about earth's past and how it has changed. Here are the facts about rocks and fossils.

    The sedimentary rock takes years to form! The sedimentary rock will sometimes contain a fossil from over many years ago. The sedimentary rock is usually compacts sediments together. The layer on the top forces down to the lower layers. The last stage this formation takes is cementation. This takes many years and soon you have an rock.

    Metamorphic rock is an rock that is formed when put under high pressure or heat. An example is when clay turns into an shale. They are commonly found on were a volcano erupts. Fossils can not be found in an metamorphic rock.

    Fossils can be found all over the world. They come in many different shapes and sizes. Fossils are formed when an dead plant or animal’s body decays. The bones or fossil remain on the ground until an certain force or pressure. pushes it into the ground. A sedimentary rock can form around the fossil. Soon or 100 million years from then the rock is formed and you might find an fossil inside.

    Those are two types of rocks and the fossil. Rocks and fossils are found all over the world. The fossils might never come to life and tell us how they lived and how the world was, but they are clues. Humans have found many interesting things about rocks and fossils.

    Alex .V and Cameron H.

    1. Alex .V and Cameron H. great concultion , and Awesome vocabuly. Brady and Brayden

  6. Rocks and fossils are both an symbolism of earth’s past. There are lots of different types of rocks and fossils. They can be found all over the world. Here are five reasons why.

    Jurassic age rocks may contain the fossils of dinosaurs. Cementation is where the sediments stick together to form a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks can be found in South America.

    Fossils remain dead plants and animals that give clues to the past. The smallest dinosaur fossil is about the same size as a chicken, it’s wings/feathers are 55-77cm long, and found in China. Metamorphic rocks can be found in Canada.

    Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are compacted and cemented over time. Sedimentary rocks often takes thousands of years to form. Igneous rocks are formed when lava from volcanoes cools. There are lots of different types of fossils we find today are creatures that lived their lives in the sea.

    There are five facts about rocks and fossils. That is why both rocks and fossils are a symbolism of Earth’s past. We hoped you enjoyed.
    Kendyl and McKenzie A

    1. Your paragraphs are good and you could work on your closing sentence. Emily and Lillian

  7. Rocks have made many things in life. Rocks are very important to the environment. Technology like televisions, mobile phones and radios are made from lots of different metals and minerals such as lead and mercury. Aluminum is used to make drinks and food cans along with steel. Salt can be found in rocks that formed a long time ago by the evaporation of ancient lakes. Pottery is mostly made out of clay. Paint is colored using ground up minerals found naturally on the earth. Therefore, rocks are very useful in life. By Claire and Sean

    1. That was very informative. :} Cian Anna

    2. You need to endent


  8. Rocks and fossils can be found many places in the world and we're still finding new ones.

    Did you know that some caves are made completely out of rock?! Rocks can be used for fuel. Some buildings are made out of rock. Driveways are sometimes made of rocks. Fossils can also be found many places in the world. Fossils are animal bones that have been decaying for

    years under the earth . We have found T.rex bone stegosaurus bones and raptor bones. There are many more facts about rocks & fossils that are yet to be found.


  9. Rocks and fossils help us learn about earth's past about dinos. Well we have five facts for you.
    First, there are three main groups of rocks sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous . For example sedimentary are made when sand, mud, and pebbles get laid into layers. Overtime,these layers are squashed under more and more layers. Eventually, the layer are lifted and turned into rock. The word igneous comes from the latin word it means fire. But when they cool down slowly into an solid rocks made up of different bits called crystals. Metamorphic rocks are made by either heating or squashing the earth’s crust. They are often in mountain regions Second, salt can be found in rock that formed an long time ago. Third, different rocks like sandstone, granite, and brick is made from clay. Fourth, some rocks can be formed by a volcano because the rocks push up to make a hole in the ground and it makes the ground go up to hold it up and whenever it spews and medium sized rocks fall to the ground or water and it burns if water gets it.Last, some rocks get pushed upwards to form mountains also rocks and fossils help us learn about the past like dinosaurs and other creatures that lived in the sea. By Emily and Lillan

    1. You need to space out your paragraphs. Dean and Colton
