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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Social Studies Writing: Global Water Scarcity

All information below is sourced directly from with no changes or adaptations.  

For many people, water has never been a big story in their lives. This is because they live in communities that have good water supply systems. They turn on the tap and clean water flows, everyday of the year. This makes it very difficult for people to appreciate how precious water is.

Water is life. Plants, animals and humans all depend on this invaluable natural resource for life. Besides this, water is used in moving waste, cleaning and sanitation, manufacturing, construction and farming. Almost every human activity you can think of involves some use of water.

Water covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface, so how can there ever be scarcity? 
Less than 3% of water on earth is fresh water, and the bulk of this is trapped in snowfields and glaciers and not easily accessible. The rest form the seas and oceans and cannot be used in the same way as fresh water. Only a tiny fraction (0.014%) is surface water in the form of rivers, lakes and swamps. 

Naturally, the 3% should be enough for all humans and animals on earth, but unfortunately, many factors have caused a major upset in the flow and use of fresh water and has caused massive crisis in many regions of the earth. 

water scarcity

But why should you care? 
We should care because a lot of the factors that cause water scarcity are broadening and becoming more complex and uncontrollable. This means if we do nothing in terms of preserving and using it wisely, it is only a matter of time that all regions shall begin to experience water crisis and all the repercussions that come with it.

Information that may be helpful to read:

After examining the map and the text compose a paragraph to answer the following:  What effects will water scarcity have on the area with the greatest scarcity?


  1. Of course water is very important and if some people don’t have enough then they may die , there animals may and there crops which is there food supply. Alot of unlucky people don’t have even have water! some lucky people have enough to survive but as I said most people don't have water.

    People all over the world have very scarce water and try save enough for there families. I don’t like to think about it but it's true. These are just some of the things that water scarcity does to people.

    Anna KATE Goff

    1. Great comment Anna! Love the way you thought of the way you thought of the way the people would die without water

      ~ Claire

  2. Many people have a scarcity with water. Around the top of Africa and many other places on earth. This is why they do not have much water. Fact #1 People do not use water wisely. Fact #2 Most drinks have water in them. Fact #3 Most things we do involve water. Fact #4 Water is used to move waste. Fact #5 Water is used for construction. Fact #6 It is used for manufacturing. Fact #7 It is also used for sanitation. People in Africa do not have a lot of water. People in Asia around India also do not have a bunch of water. This is why people are suffering because they don't have a lot of water. Aiden B.

    1. Well make into paragraph and needs more conclusions but other than that great. by: Cameron

  3. water is needed in many countries on earth. Many people do not care for water. And that needs to change. Countries like America and Canada are hogging water and wasting it. The people in Continent of Africa usually have to travel to get water and that water will make you sick. But… there are people trying to stop it those are missionaries.

    missionaries are christians in places like africa giving water and teaching the bible. missionaries usually bring water bottles or build wells. you may know a missionary from church. Missionaries are important.

    Hoggers like us do not help people in places where h2o is needed. We waste water and don’t care. we also cause pollution. Many will die from dirty disease without it. Please don’t waste any more.

    Water is not common in many places. We need to change that. please donate more and more every day. They need you.


  4. This is my opinion about the water supply. I think there should be more places with abundant water. There are very few places with abundant water supplies. My first reason is many people in developing countries every day are dying from thirst and what they do drink is polluted which can mess up there health. Less water means sewers can not flow properly and mosquitoes breed on still dirty water called stagnant.

    I think everyone should help stop pollution by joining organizations and societies that aim to defend and protect natural resources. You could also learn about water crisis,because if you are in an problem you're more likely to have an solution. Talk about it with your friends and family. Look out for water crisis in your area.

    Never assume your society is too advanced to have a water shortage. It is only a matter of time until your city gets an water shortage, so minimize the flushing and bath water.That is how I think everyone uses water.By : Brady 1/6/16

  5. Water scarcity is when there is an low amount of water in that area.In result the area that has water scarcity civilins(pepole)don’t get to drink as much as they need to.The lack of water causes big sanitation problems.Less water means the sewage doesn’t flow the result is it give a deadly infection called malaria.Its kind of hard to see how water helps with education.For many pepole they have to wake up at dawn to get to water for there family and they miss schoo as an result.This is what water scarcity is about if you want to learn more there are other places out there.I hope this gave you the iformaion that you were looking for and thank you for reading.BRAYDEN

  6. Water covers 70% of Earth and water is abundant in many places but, some places on Earth don’t have the privilege of having much water. The U.S is lucky to have the privilege to have fresh flowing water out of sinks.

    Health is a big problem with water scarcity. People in low water communities have to not drink much water. There are some water borne diseases that can kill or make you very ill. There is a disease called malaria that is one of the most deadly diseases. That disease can kill someone and the disease is found in dirty water. That’s why you water.

    It also is a big problem with hunger. People who are trying to grow crops with no water is impossible. If you can not drink water at least a little every week you could go in dehydration and pass out. If you need an animal to eat, your out of luck because every living thing has to have water. That’s another reason why it’s important to have water.

    We, people in the U.S.A need to help the water scarcity countries. We need to use water wisely and not use as much. Like when you take a bath or shower, don’t use as much because some people need it more for drinking. Dean

    1. Dean,
      That was really beautiful. Thank you for making sure we help others who need it more Alex

  7. There is water scarcity in some places with harsh effects. This could kill parents, sad children, and anybody by death of thirst. People couldn’t grow food without water. Without plants livestock will die. Without livestock and grown food we would starve. Water is valuable to people, they just don’t know it because people have made it easy to have fresh, clean, water. But scarcity of clean water is still at the top of Africa where people are dying because it’s hard to find water that’s clean. This is what scarcity of water is and does.

    1. I love the emotion and feeling you put into this Cian. This is an amazing paragraph! Alex Vires

  8. Water scarcity will decrease the population where the greatest amount of water is not abundant but scarce.

    Fresh water being scarce can cause people to go to bed starving every night. It might be hard to understand how water impacts on food. But, it is not hard to understand that fruits, vegetables, trees and all crops need water. Animals need water to survive also. If animals like chickens, deer, fish, and other animals that we eat do not have water then we don’t have an source of meat. People are dieing from hunger and dehydration. Water is an valuable resource to both plants, and animals.

    No water means that water is not clean and mosquitoes often breed on dirty water this can lead to malaria, and many more deadly diseases. In some regions health is already a big issue and it does not help if that region gets water scarcity. People can die from diseases like malaria. People are dying from diseases every day. This means some culture will never be able to be remembered.

    Water scarcity sends people going to bed hungry, causing people to die every day and soon no one will remember the culture that they had.

    Alexandra Vires

  9. Did you know that in some places water has been Scarcity. Some people have not cared about the people who have scarcity water, because they a lot of water. The people that do have a lot of water do not think about the people that have scarcity water. That is why we need to help those that need help with water. We need to think about how we can help the people that have scarcity water. We could help the people by helping the workers to build a better water system. They could have some thing stopping up there water system and you could help with that. Maybe we could help them by just giving them a drink. There are many other ways you could help but I just named a few of them. That is why we need to help the people who have water scarcity.

    By: Hallie

  10. For many years, people think water isn't a big part of there life. That's because they live in places with a lot of water and clean water. Humans, animals and plants depend on this. Not long ago many people were polluting this very valuable thing.

    Water is very valuable to humans, animals and plants. Many people don’t care about there water. If you didn’t have water you would not be here. Your whole body is made from water. Animals and plants need this valuable thing to grow and get strong.

    Water is an amazing thing that God gave us water so we would not die the first little times we saw the world. So be glad he gave water to the world. You would not be here if it was not for him.Water is very good for you.
    By Colton

  11. The question on the blog on the new post asked: What effects will water scarcity have on the area with the greatest water scarcity? I think that it would the thing that inhabited that area would get thirsty and dehydrated and die. It would make the plants die because plants need water to grow. The people in Africa would have 0 of water. This is what think will the effect will cause.Lillian

  12. What is water scarcity? Water scarcity is an very important issue is some regions around the world. Such as the top of Africa. Scarcity means almost none. We should care alot about water scarcity. Why you may ask? Well I have your answer. We should care about water scarcity because if people in Africa don't get water, they will die shortly. They could never ever live with no water in their lives. It will be absolutely terrifying! We have alot of water in our state North America. What if it was vanishing? Imagine it, Tennessee's water supply would be vanishing! How weird and crazy would that be! Instead of clean water, we would get dirty water. That will be an easy way to get sick. Those are some facts what it will be with water scarcity in our countryTenneessee.

    ~ Claire

    1. Good job Claire!!!!!!

      Emily Kogos

  13. Why is water so important? Water is important because without it then plants would die, animals would have nothing to drink, and people couldn’t drink water so water is important to everyone and everything thing the world without water then we can’t grow plants and we couldn’t have gardens and people without water like your neighbor didn’t have any water then you could bring some water to their house so they could water their pets and water their plants and take care of everything that they need with water. That’s why water is so important.

    By: Emily Anne Kogos

    1. Great starting but next time do better on your conclusion. Brennan

  14. Water can be your life.Plants,animals, and many other things depend on water.Almost every human activity involves water so water can be very important to us.There is less than 3% of water is freshwater and that water is trapped by snow fields,glaciers and not easily accessible.(0.014) uses surface water from rivers lakes and swamps.

    Naturally we only need 3% of water but we have so much we need to do with it.Water is moving in waste.We use water to wash our hands,drink water and we do many other things with it.It is hard for people to understand how water is important to us.We have good things to drink thanks to water.

    Some water in Africa and other places dont have alot of water so that can be an way of how water is precious to us.Water is important to us we need water for about everything.There is not alot of fresh water so those who have fresh water are lucky because alot of people dont have alot of that type of water.There is not alot of surface water ether.This is about water scarcity like I said water can be your life. Brennan Rhodes

  15. We are writing a paragraph about what effects will water scarcity have on the place with the highest water scarcity.

    People need clean water to take a bath or shower. People need clean drinking water after they play outside. People need water to brush their teeth. People need water to give their pets to drink. People with low water scarcity cannot do what they need to without as much water then us. People need alot of water to wash their hands.

    People always need water after they have ran alot in sun. Parents need water alot to cook dinner. Everyone needs water for almost everything but with less than 3% of water there is not enough in the world for everyone. This means that if we don't start preserving and using it wisely it is only a matter of time before the whole world runs low on water. In conclusion water scarcity will not have any affect on the place with the highest water scarcity.

    By Dominick
