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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Social Studies: What Kind of Government Would You Want Ruling You?

What Kind of Government Would You Want Ruling You?

In our world, many people have different visions of how people should be governed.   In early civilizations, a monarchy was the way groups of people were ruled.  In a monarchy, a monarch, a king or queen, would rule over the people of a state or country.  This leader was born into this position and held the position for life or until the next of kin was ready to assume the throne.  The monarch would make the decisions he or she thought was best for the people or even primarily for the monarchy.  The king or queen would not listen to, and some didn’t care about the people they led.  Some countries do have groups of men and women who will help the monarch make laws and other decisions that will be in favor of the people.  Ultimately though, the monarch makes the absolute decisions.

There were some citizens who abided under the rule of a monarch, did not appreciate being told what to do and how to live.  Sometimes these citizens would rise up and revolt.  The fighting might result in a change in the government to a democracy.  Others would just up and leave their home country to find a new land to begin a democracy, a type of government where the people have an active role in voting for those taking part in the government.  Ancient Greece was one of the first countries to have a democracy.  Their form of democracy was called a direct democracy.  This meant that each person was able to have a voice as to what going to happen and the rules that would be put in place.  The majority of countries with a democracy now have a representative form of democracy.  This allows the citizens to vote for those they want representing, or speaking for, them.  The candidates, men and women wanting to run for a place in the government, tell the citizens the ideas they have for the state or country.  Then, the citizens are encouraged to vote for the candidate they feel would do the best job.  While they are some stipulations to holding an office in a democracy, most any citizen can hold some kind of office in the government unlike a monarchy.  Time limits called, terms, were also set so one person is not always in an office.

While some citizens fought the monarchy for a democracy, some citizens wanted to be in complete control or to dictate what happened in the government.  In this form of government, a dictator would come in with force and use their armies to wipe out the leaders that were presiding.  When the dictator would gain complete control, they would make all decisions without consulting the citizens of that country.  He or she would not listen to the citizens of the country when making decisions that would affect them.  What made a dictatorship different from a monarchy was the laws made by the dictator were usually very unfair to the citizens.  Plus, the dictator rarely followed the rules himself even though punishment was given to citizens who broke the laws.  A dictator was usually in office until another person or group of people were able to take back control.

Each of these kinds of governments is found all over the world.  While some of these are better than others, no type is perfect.  Which do you believe is best?

Prompt:  Which government would you want to live in?  Why would you choose this form of government for your life? 


  1. What kind of government would you want ruling you. I prefer a representative democracy ruling me. Here are three reasons why. We can vote. We send an representative from each state to help make laws. We are not being forced to do stuff. now you see why I prefer representative democracy ruling me.

    1. Unknown, are you sure laws don't force us to do stuff?

  2. There is many different types of government in many different places. What would you chose. I chose democracy. This is why.

    People in a democratic government have the chance to get hurt or stolen from. But that can happen in other countries to.But there might less of an chance than in dictatorship.
    people are pretty safe here to me

    In a democratic government the people are free and are allowed to vote for there leader. In other government people have no ability to vote and I feel you should be able to vote.In my comparison democracy is the complete best for many reasons like that you are free unlike other goverments.

    You might chose another but in my opinion I chose democracy.For many immigrants this country is important and it is important to me. We can all be free here in democracy. That is why I chose democracy.

  3. What Government would you like to live in? I think a Democracy. Here are are my reasons why. 1, You get to vote for a president. 2, You can make some laws if the president thinks it's a good law. 3, The government that you live in would have an lot of peace because of the president. This is my evidence why I like a democracy. 1, Being able to pick an president is good because most people will pick an good person to be president. 2, Being able to make laws if the president likes it, it is good because all of them will most likely be a good law. 3, Peace in your government is good because you can’t kill anyone or you will go to jail. That is a democracy. That is why I like the having an democracy.
    Aiden B.

  4. There is many different governments in my opinion I would like to be ruled by a Monarchy. My first reason is an monarchy makes the best decisions for her or his people. In the U.K. they are ruled by a monarchy her name is Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. Another reason why I like a monarchy is passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes an king or queen dies and the son or daughter takes over. One more reason why I like an monarchy is they do not listen to the people so if the people make an bad decision the monarch would not listen instead he would make good decisions for the people or her or himself. This is I would want an monarchy government ruling me and my family.By Brady

  5. What kind of government do you want? There are many types of governments. For instincts the Monarchy. The one I like most is the Democracy. Ancient Greece was one of the first countries to have Democracy. That type of Democracy this was called direct democracy. This meant that people had choice of what kind of democracy they wanted. The most part of the countries with democracy now have a repersitivie form of democracy. The reason why I want democracy is because you get to vote what rules you want. You get to for what rules you want and so many other thing this is why I want democracy.brayden

  6. There are many types of governments in the world such as Democracy, Monarchy, and Dictatorship. I would live in Democracy. Here are 3 reasons why I would live in Democracy.

    The first reason is that I would like to have a voice in an important conversation. I would not want an person telling me what to do, which they they have a queen or king like they do with Monarchy. The second reason is that you have to vote to have a president. I would like a person ruling me who doesn't get voted for. The third reason is that there are time limits or terms. I wouldn’t like a person in the office for 15 years. Probably, not very many people would like it either.

    There are many types of governments but, I would want to live in Democracy.

  7. There are many types of governments, such as, monarchy and democracy. Monarchy has an king or queen that makes all the rules. The citizens of that country or state must obey them. Democracy is an type of government that has all decisions made by the citizens. They decide by voting. There are two types of democracy, representative democracy and direct democracy.

    A representative democracy is the better than direct democracy or monarchy. Direct democracy let’s all the citizens make decisions. Representative democracy only let’s certain people make decisions. Representative democracy is better due to the fact that only certain people have good decisions. But, if they said no to all the bad ideas they might make a better government.


  8. There are many types of governments.Which government would you rather have an Democracy ,Monarchy or Dictatorship .An Democracy allow you citizens to vote an whoever win the vote will be president ..An Monarchy is an government that has an king or queen and passed on as an family member.An Dictatorship is an government that do NOT allow you to choose an leader and makes rules and really don’t follow them thereself.Which one do you pefer?.Well i would prefer an democracy.I would prefer that because you would get to vote and whoever vote for that person that you voted for will win or lose the election.That would be fair because you had an chance to vote but the one you didn't want to win won. Also i would prefer that government because you would have an person that is not an king or queen over you making all of the rules over you.That's an reason why i would like an democracy government over me .Another reason why i would like an democracy government over me is that you will know that an great person is taken over the United States if they got all the votes and won but some people still don’t like that.Also why i would want an democracy government you can make laws if the president allows you to and accept it but it has to be more than the president because if it is an bad law the secrets services and the other people in the white house workers have to agree with it.A lot of people came to this world because you had an privilege to vote ,make laws if workers and president agree,ave peace in your government and not war between each other and that’s an reason why i would like an democracy government over me.I would also like an democracy over me because different races may not like the president and threat to kill throw bombs at the white house and all sorts of things like that .Even know the united states are an democracy government we still sometimes get threats at the president We still are an democracy government .Those are some reasons why i would like an democracy government.I would not like to have an monarchy government because an king or king rule it and mean that the job is passed on to an family member as you die that’s why i would not like an monarchy government. I would not like an dictatorship because an dictatorship is an government leader that is not usually chosen by the citizens and when they sometimes make an law they will not even follow there own laws and that’s not fair that’s why i would not like neither of those government but i would like an democracy .Which one would you want i would want an democracy.By Dakedra

  9. I think a country or state with Democracy is best to live in. Here’s my reasons why I think it is best.
    Democracy is a government that allows people to vote. They want to make important choices in their lives. Ancient Greece was a first to have democracy. Their form was called direct democracy. It meant each person could have a voice. Some countries have an form of democracy now and have a representative form for democracy.

    Those are my reasons why I would want democracy. You should too. La'Tariyahna

    1. La'Tariyahna - I like the way you put at the end " You should too". ~ Claire

    2. La'Tariyahna - AWESOME JOB!!!!! Emily Anne Kogos

  10. I would like to live in Democracy. I would like to live in it because it allows citizens to take place in voting.
    Some citizens would abided being under the rule of Monarch. They did not like to be told what to do, and how to belive. They did not like to be told to live. Some of these citizens would rise up and revolt. The fighting is what might have changed the government.
    Ancient Greece was one of the first countries to have Democracy. They called it the district democracy.
    So now you see that democracy is an very good government._Brooks_

    1. Brooks - I like the way you chose democracy. Great choice. ~ Claire

    2. Nice job Brooks!!!!!

  11. My Favorite

    By Cian Barber

    If I could choose I would live in a direct democracy where everyone discusses and votes for laws and bills and stuff like that. Ancient Athens, Greece is one example of direct democracy. Royalty and over powerful people are too, well, powerful and full of power. Representative democracies have presidents and congress they are probably making some people feel weak and under the control of people. This is my reason I would live in an direct democracy.

    Direct Democracy: There are no big people everyone has power on laws and stuff

    1. Great job on doing your intro Cian! ~ Claire

  12. What kind of goverment would you like best? I prefer democracy is best. You get to make your own decision in life. Democracy is a system of government in which all the people of a state or nation are involved in making decisions about its concerns, typically by voting to elect representatives to a government or similar assembly. You probably would not want someone that wants everything to him or herself. And one person making all the rules. That is Dictatorship. Who would like to live in a world with Dictatorship? I sure wouldn’t. Those are an couple of reasons of why I prefer democracy better than dictatorship. ~ Claire

    1. Good job Claire!!!!!!!

      ~Emily K ~

    2. Outstanding job Claire!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      By: Colton

    3. Good expression and mind into this. Qs and your As.

    4. AWSOME PARAGRAPH!!!!!��������

    5. Great job Claire. Dakedra

  13. What government do you want ruling you? I want the Democracy government. Since there are two kinds I will pick the Representative Democracy it is in the United States. I like the Representative one it is in the United States, and citizens choose people to represent them in government, and citizens vote on individuals that they want making the important choices for them, also they help make laws. That is why I want the Representative Democracy.

    Emily Anne Kogos

    1. Emily, you know that the U.S.A. is only an example right?

  14. What kind of government would you like? I would like an kind of government that is respectful to our country and safe government. I hope that our government is strong and I want an government that keeps the United states safe and healthy. The U.S.A is very important me and many other people. The kind of government that I want should an kind government and an government that is wealthy and that keeps our countries together.

    That is the kind of government I want to keep our countries safe and together.


    1. Which government exactly?

    2. So you would like a democracy government or dictatorship or monarchy. Governnment ??!!

  15. There are many types of governments, such as, monarchy and democracy. Monarchy has an king or queen that makes all the rules. The citizens of that country or state must obey them. Democracy is an type of government that has all decisions made by the citizens. They decide by voting. There are two types of democracy, representative democracy and direct democracy.

    I would love to live in democracy. Why you ask? They had monarchy which many people did not like. Monarchy is when there is an King or Queen these people told people how to live and what to wear and they told people many other things.They take absolute decisions.Some people just leave their house and find new land to live on.Fighting would usually lead to democracy. Dictatorship is like monarchy but some people can choose some decisions.I would not like to live in dictatorship also you only can pick an few decisions.I would like to live in an place that’s free.People are important not just big leaders so people should choose democracy.The dictator found the rules himself.

    I would choose democracy because you wouldn't have to follow rules and the place would be free


  16. There are many different governments in the world some are bad some are good. Therefore I would like a good government that is why I want to chose Dictatorship. A Dictatorship is where you get to vote. It is where you can do whatever you want, that would mean that you could go to church if you wanted to go to church. If you were in an Monarchy government you would have to do what the King or Queen says to do. I would like to be able to do what I would like not to be bossed around by some King or Queen. That would not be fun having someone telling you what to do every minute. Those are some reasons why I would like to have an good government like Dictatorship.

    By:Hallie Lockridge

  17. We are writing about what kind of government we want to live in. I would choose the democracy since they let you vote for who you want to. They are also a really strong government. A dictatorship is when people don’t let you pick your own leader. A democracy is when you get to vote for who you want.

    One reason I don’t want a monarchy since I don’t want an king or queen. I also don't want a monarchy you can not vote for them. I don’t want an monarchy since they make your decisions for you. I also don’t want an monarchy since they have all the power over people. I also don’t want a monarchy by reason of having some freedom. In conclusion this why i want a democracy for an government.

    By Dominick Williams

  18. What kind of government is right for you? The right government for me is democracy. I would not like for a king or queen to tell me what to do.I would not like for a man like Adolf Hitler to tell me what to do.He would say do this or i will kill you.That is why i think that democracy is best for me.Emily.H

  19. If you had to choose what type of government would you choose.If I had to choose I would pick Democracy.I would pick that because you would get to vote for your rights.You can choose what government controls you.It is a type of government that makes laws for the good of the people. This is why I choose a Democracy. Garner

  20. Im wirtig about what Goverment shoud role me?Democracy is wher citizens vote on all bills,laws,and other issues.A democracy has a presedent that is vote on dy the people.If we do not like our presedent we can vote for someone eles.In a democracy,the people are free from a king/Queen and a dictator.If we didn't like our presedent. We the people vote for any president that we want. Thomas Jefferson wanted to be a president. THat is why I think a democracy is the best. Dahani

  21. What kind of government would you prefer. I want to live in a democracy .I want to be free and vote for the president. This lets me pick who I think will do the best job. One person will not be in a office forever. This is why I choose a democracy. Pheobe

  22. What kind of government would you prefer. I want to live in a democracy .I want to be free and vote for the president. This lets me pick who I think will do the best job. One person will not be in a office forever. This is why I choose a democracy. Pheobe

  23. WHAT KIND OF GOVERNMENT IS THE BEST FOR YOU. I THINK DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST GOVERNMENT FOR ME. I THNK THAT IS BECAUSE WE HAVE DEMOCRACY TODAY. also BECAUSE WE HAVE BARACK OBAMA. we have donald trump.we get to believe in the religion that we want to. we get to ave free speech. we also have Donald trump.

  24. I want to live in world that you could vote.I want to live in a Democracy.We get to vote for are president of the usa.The president is fair he lets you vote for a new president. You should pick democracy. Blake R.

  25. Democracy because we get to vote for are president. jacob

  26. What kind of government is right for you. The right one for me is monarchy. Monarchy is a king or queen who would rule over the people of a state or country. I think that is right government for me because Monarchy is a king or queen that respects their country or state. This is why I will like to live in that country. Journee

  27. My government I want to live in is Democracy.I want live in Democracy because I want to be the President some day. I want to see who is the president. want to be the president so I can be in the White House. This is why I want to live in a democracy.

  28. There are different kind's of Government. I would choose a Democracy because you don"t have to be controlled and you can be free.You can choose what Government that you want .Democracy let's us vote's for Government.People need a Government that help's our environment.This is why I choose Democracy.

  29. I would live under Monarchy.I would live under a Queen which is a Monarchy.I would follow her rules because under a Dictatorship the dictatorship the dictator would kill people and I don't want to go to jail.I would be under her because I love Queen's and I no there good.I love Queens because they are Famous and rich. That's why I would live under a Queen in a Monarchy government. Jakiyah

  30. I like Democracy because I am free. We don't have kings or queens or a Dictator. Monarchy are king and queens . A Dictator is like A king but much meaner . If you had Democracy you could vote . Voting is the best . Voting is fun because you can choose . Issac

  31. Which government is right for you? The government I would live in is a Democracy. I would choose this form because I want to vote Democracy vote for who is president. Democracy have laws to follow and they are fair. In Democracy the government let people vote. Kalvin

  32. I want to be dictatorship.I want to take over the world and make people do what I say.I would make a war vs the American that is called the u.s.a.I what to make laws that are fair so I can make them suffer.I would make arms no mater there skin color and attack the people and invade each state in the world with my arm.I like being Dictatorship.By Noe

  33. We have a Democracy for a government. We vote for a government that we like. We like certain government. We have a government. We will vote for a government. This year we will vote for a government. We have the right to vote for who we want. When we vote we have to be 18 or older. Kellie Haase

  34. Who would want to ever live in monarchy? If anyone would ever ask me what government do I want to live in i'll say I would want to live in Democracy. I want to live in Democracy because we get to have freedom speech religion, and vote. Ashlyn Trice Jan.28

  35. What government would you live in. I would like to live in a Democracy. Democracy is where you can vote.If we do not like our president we can vote for a new one. That is why I choose Democracy. Connor

  36. A democracy is where we vote for our leader. we don't have a king or queen to tell us what we need to do. if someone runs for president,and we don't like him we don't have to vote for him . a democracy is a better type of government to live under than any other. we have the freedom to worship the way we want. these are some timothy reasons why I want to live in a democracy.

  37. what kind of goverment is right for you.Democracy is my type of government.The Reason I choose Democracy is because when i turn 18 i get i vote.and now one will be bossy

  38. What type of government would you like to live in? I would like to live in a democracy. We can vote if we live in a democracy. We do not want anyone to boss us around. We have the rights to choose what we want to do. We are citizens and we know whats right to do. When we watch TV and vote, do not vote because of gender or skin color. We know whats right or wrong. We do not want anyone to be mean to us and say they are going to kill us if we do not do something. This is why I want to live in a democracy. Lizzie Porter 1/28/16

  39. Democracy is something that you vote for.I would love to vote for my leader.I a choose Democracy government. Sometimes you vote but maybe you will have him next year.It would be amazing if you you got the right person you wanted.You do not want a dictatorship becomes if you do something wrong he will kill you. Did you know that we are voting this year. I would choose Ben Carson this year to lead our Democratic country. Nate

  40. I choose a democracy type of government! You get to choose who can be president you get to pick a person if you don't like the people who are it then you get to choose the next time you get to make your on choice of the next government i would choose you get to choose. Willow
