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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Enrichment: Our Solar System

Explore  Answer the question: How is the Earth unlike every other planet in the Solar System? A sentence like 'Earth has people on it and other planets don't.' is not acceptable.  Please provide at least 5 facts from the website and write at least 3 paragraphs.  Enjoy learning.  See you at the edge!


  1. Have you wondered why Earth is the only planet with life forms? Well you have to understand that Earth is the only planet that is placed perfectly in the solar system. That means it has enough heat and enough coldness. Now, I will explain how Earth is different in many other ways from planets in our solar system.

    Earth is the only planet containing 21 percent oxygen. Oxygen is what humans and animals breathe in, so if Earth didn’t have oxygen nothing would be living on Earth. Earth is also the only inner planet to have one large satellite. Mars has two tiny moons and Venus and Mercury don’t have any moons.

    Remember that Earth is the only planet with life and the only planet with oxygen. Those are some things that Earth has that not any other planet has. Dean E.

    1. That was amazing Dean! Very good job! Brooks

    2. Very good information By Brady

  2. The Earth is very different than all other planets in the solar system, like it is the the only planet with liquid on its surface. Here are some reasons the Earth is different than other planets, the Earth is the only planet with 21 percent of oxygen within our atmosphere. What's really neat is viewed from much of outer space the Earth's surface cannot be seen because of cloud’s water and vapor.

    The Earth is the only inner planet to have an large satellite . This is very neat that the earth is split into plates, inside the Earth active earthquakes,volcanoes and mountains building takes place along the boundaries of the tectonic plates. The Earth is very unique.

    This why I think the Earth is very different from other planets. The Earth is a very unique this is what I learned about the Earth. By Brady

    1. Brady, I wish that you could make "The Earth is very unique." stronger. good job on the rest! Cian

    2. I like your strategy. I feel you can do more than two or three paragraphs. Um, I feel you copied the website a little. Over all, I liked it. :)

    3. The one above is By ALEX V :):):):):)

    4. I like how you had a great introduction. Dean

    5. Brady, it's not much of outer space it's much of the earth's surface. Cian

    6. You need to stay on the topic. But I liked it. Brooks


  3. Earth is unlike every other planet in many different ways, here is an essay about why earth is different from every other planet. Why would you think earth is different than any other planets? Here are reasons why I think earth is different from all of the other planets.

    Earth is unlike every other planet because it is the only planet that contains 21 percent oxygen. It is the only planet that has liquid water. It also contains living creatures. The Earth is the only inner planet. The earth is the third planet from the sun, and comes between the planets venus and mars.

    All of these facts can help you think why Earth is different from all of the other planets in our amazing solar system. Here are some facts why earth is different from all of the other planets in our solar system.

    By:Colton T.

    1. I like your introduction. Dean

    2. I like your introduction. Um, I think you should put " Unlike ANY other planet". That's all. Love it :)

  4. Earth Facts

    There are many ways that Earth is different from any other planets in the Solar System. Not just “earth has people and other planets don’t.” That way is not even an good way. Here are a few good ways Earth is different from the other planets.

    Earth is the only planet that contains 21% oxygen in the atmosphere. It is the only planet that contains liquid water on the surface of it. Earth is the only planet suitable for life. It is the only inner planet with one moon. Because of the volcanoes and earthquakes there are less craters than the following: Mars Venus Mercury and the Moon.

    I hope now that you know these reasons on how earth is different from any other planet. If you desire more please go to These have been some of many facts we know about earth.

    ~Cian B.

    1. I like the information you had in the 2nd paragraph. Dean

    2. Cian, Your introduction is great. Um, maybe next time Capitalize Earth every time. Alex Vires

  5. EARTH

    :) :) :) :)
    Earth is very different from any planet. How is it different? You can learn a few ways to tell Earth from any other planet that we know. Earth is special:).

    Earth contains enough oxygen to produce living things. Since having this oxygen it keeps the living things alive and never stop the cycle. It has water, plants, and animals. It has the right stuff to keep us alive. It keeps us from starving and gives us air. Earth is very different.

    The inside of Earth is active and causes natural disasters. Volcanos erupt because of the inside of Earth. Earthquakes happen because of the inside of Earth. This planet does what most planets can’t do,it makes movement on the inside. Earth is very special. It is moving inside and out.

    Earth is perfectly placed the right amount in the sun and in the cold. So Earth has the right temperature for us! It has the correct resources and the right amount of oxygen. It is different from any planet we know of! If we were out farther in space we would be to cold and freeze to death. If we were closer to the sun, we would burn to smithereens! We are on the perfect planet in the perfect spot!

    Earth is the perfect planet. We have what we need to survive here. Earth is different. So different that we can live here! Earth is very important. We should take care of it. :)

    Alex Vires :) :) :)

    1. Alex, you did a good job on this passage! Cian

    2. Alex, in your third sentence in the first paragraph, you should said "here are some ways that you can learn to tell Earth apart from any other planet". We need to know how we can get those facts. In your second sentence in the second paragraph, maybe you should say "since it has this oxygen....". You said Earth is different from any other planet too many times. Other than that, great facts.

    3. Alex - you did a great job on these paragraphs! Way to be organized! Claire

  6. Our Solar System

    The eight planets in our Solar System are all very important. They are not alike in many ways except for the heat and air. The most different planet is Earth. Here are 5 ways that Earth is different.

    Earth has living objects on it. It has gravity so that people can walk and not have to float. It has an atmosphere containing 21% oxygen. It has liquid water on it’s surface. It has 1 large satellite. There are 5 ways that Earth is different from all the other planets.

    Earth is a very important planet in our Solar System. It gives life and goods. There are 5 interesting facts about Earth being different from other planets.


    1. I like how you have your essay organized. Dean


  7. The Earth can be different to other planets in many ways. But how can it be different in many ways? Well, it's the only planet with 21 percent oxygen. And it's the only planet with water on it's surface. Wow, I guess I didn’t know a lot about our planet Earth.

    Well, I know that the Earth is the only planet that has life. And I know that it is the only inner planet with a large satellite. And it is the only planet that is fragile. It can split into tectonic plates. The Earth has one moon. Some even don’t have a moon.

    The Earth is special. The Earth isn't exactly sphere you know. The Earth has rivers. The Earth has plants and animals. And it is the only planet with an atmosphere. And it is the only planet that revolves.

    Wow, I guess I didn’t know that the Earth can be that special. How do you think the Earth is special? :) By Claire

  8. Earth and other Planets
    By: Brooks J.

    Earth is very different from other planets. I will explain to you how earth is different from other planets. Here are some reasons why.

    Earth contains 21% of oxygen ,the other planets don’t have an atmosphere. Earth is the only planet with water. The other planets do not have people, earth does. Mercury is the closest to the sun. It travels at 36 million miles an hour.

    Now you see that the earth is a unique planet. These are some reasons why earth is different from all other planets.

    1. This is not a complete passage all paragraphs need at least 3 sentences. Cian

    2. I agree with Cian that you need to have a longer introduction. Dean

    3. Otherwise that is great. Dean

  9. Earth’s Solar System

    Earth is a very unique planet. It is not like any other planet. Here are some reasons why.

    The Earth is fragile. It's surface is made into plates which floats on a rocky mantle. That the layer between the Earth’s surface,it's crust,and it's hot liquid core. The inside of the Earth is active and earthquakes,volcanoes and mountain building. Earth has only one moon,a natural satellite that revolves around a planet. The Sun,Moon,and Earth work together and is one whole solar system and each orbits around each other. It takes a year to orbit the Sun and 28 days to orbit the Earth. Earth has rivers and has an atmosphere.

    The Earth revolves around the Sun and has life as in plants,animals,and people. Earth is also the smallest. The Sun provides the earth with heat and light and is needed for survival. Only Earth has gravity and air. Earth is also smallest. Earth has fewer craters than any other planet. If you look at Earth from outer space you can not see much of earth because of clouds and water vapor. The plan closer to the sun like Mercury and Venus have shorter years than earth. It is the only planet that has 21 percent oxygen. It is the only planet that liquid water is on it's surface. It is the only planet in the solar system that has life.

    There are some ways Earth is unique.

    By: Lily Sanford

    Earth’s Solar System

    Earth is a very unique planet. It is not like any other planet. Here are some reasons why.

    The Earth is fragile. It's surface is made into plates which floats on a rocky mantle. That the layer between the Earth’s surface,it's crust,and it's hot liquid core. The inside of the Earth is active and earthquakes,volcanoes and mountain building. Earth has only one moon,a natural satellite that revolves around a planet. The Sun,Moon,and Earth work together and is one whole solar system and each orbits around each other. It takes a year to orbit the Sun and 28 days to orbit the Earth. Earth has rivers and has an atmosphere.

    The Earth revolves around the Sun and has life as in plants,animals,and people. Earth is also the smallest. The Sun provides the earth with heat and light and is needed for survival. Only Earth has gravity and air. Earth is also smallest. Earth has fewer craters than any other planet. If you look at Earth from outer space you can not see much of earth because of clouds and water vapor. The plan closer to the sun like Mercury and Venus have shorter years than earth. It is the only planet that has 21 percent oxygen. It is the only planet that liquid water is on it's surface. It is the only planet in the solar system that has life.

    There are some ways Earth is unique.

    By: Lily Sanford

  10. We know Earth Has many differences than other planets.Astronauts have explored that it is different than other planets. And that is what my essay is going to be about. Here is why Earth is different than other planets.

    Here is why earth is different. first things first, Earth has lifeforms. Earth is also the only planet with 21 percent oxygen. It also liquid water. And is is the only planet that take 365 days to orbit the sun. Earth also only takes 24 hours to spin fully around.

    The other planets are different here is why. The other planets can not contain any life form Because of things like heat, pressure coldness, gases, no water, no oxygen, and other reasons. They also no or multiple moons.

    In conclusion Earth is very different from any other planet. That is why Earth is unique.
    That was Earth is so unlike any planet.

    By: Cameron


  11. Earth has some unique features that other planets don't . For instance Earth is the only planet with life forms. Earth is in the perfect spot we have just enough sun to live. Earth is a very unique planet in our solar system. Here are some reasons why Earth is unique.

    Earth has 21 percent is oxygen. It is the only planet with liquid water on its surface. Earth is the only inner planet with one large natural satellite the moon. Earth is fragile since the Earth splits into plates called the tectonic plates. Since the Earth has volcanoes and earthquakes the Earth has less cratores.

    Earth is very unique. Our planet is so much unlike any other. It is the only planet with creatures. Earth is the only planet with human on it. This is what makes Earth unique.

  12. Earth is unlike every other planet in our solar system in many ways. It has animals and a gravitational force which means we stick to the ground. We can breathe on Earth but on other planets we don't have big plants giving us oxygen.

    Earth is the only planet that has an atmosphere with 21 percent oxygen . It is 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers from the sun. the Earth is not an exact sphere, but an bunch of lumps and bumps.

    The Earth is larger than Mercury, Venus, and Mars, the planets closest to it. As the Earth orbits the sun it tilts which gives us the seasons. The Earth defers from all other planets. Anna

  13. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article

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