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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Social Studies: Bean, Egg, or Carrot - You Decide!

John F. Kennedy
by Amanda Perkins

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, MA. He had 8 brothers and sisters. His nickname was Jack.  John was sick as a child. When John was 3 years old, the family moved to a new home. John’s father, Joseph, was a good father. Joseph was a businessman. He fought discrimination because he was Irish Catholic. John’s great-grandfather came to the United States from Ireland. John’s grandfathers had both been politicians..

The family lived a happy life. They had a vacation home in Hyannis Port on Cape Cod. John’s family had a nanny to help care for the nine children. John went to Choate, a school for boys. In 1936, John graduated from Choate. He went on to Harvard University. John graduated from Harvard in 1940. After college, he joined the Navy. He fought in World War II.

After returning from war, John’s dad pushed him to run for Congress. He won in 1946. John served a 6 year term in the House of Representatives. He was elected to the U.S. Senate. As a senator, he married Jacqueline Bouvier. Soon, the couple had a little baby girl, Caroline.

John decided to run for president. At the age of 43, John became the youngest president ever elected on November 8, 1960. He was first Catholic president. John and Jacqueline’s second child was born right before the inauguration.

On January 20, 1961, John became the 35th president. In his speech he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” During his presidency he started the Peace Corps, helped to fund a mission to the moon, and worked to end racial segregation.

President Kennedy worked with Dr. Martin Luther King to help end segregation. On June 11, 1963, Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights bill to Congress. He stated that, “One hundred years of delay have passed since President Lincoln freed the slaves, yet their heirs, their grandsons, are not fully free.” Sadly, President Kennedy was shot and killed on November 21,1963 while riding in a parade in Dallas, TX. 

In life, people choose to be a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean.  A carrot seems strong but then falls apart after being boiled.  An egg starts with a moldable center but changes and hardens in the heat of the action.  A coffee bean actually changes in hot water.  When the water gets hot, the coffee bean releases the fragrance and flavor.  The coffee bean, when things are the toughest, makes things better and changes the situation.  

Your mission, if you chose to accept it, is to write an opinion paragraph about and illustrate the following prompt.  In your opinion, was President Kennedy a coffee bean, an egg or a carrot?  Push yourself to the edge!


  1. President Kennedy was a coffee bean because a coffee bean releases the fragrance and flavor.The coffee bean,when things are the toughest,makes things better and changes the situation. On January 20,1961, John became the 35th president. President Kennedy worked with Dr. Martin Luther King to help end segregation. Kennedy was a coffee bean is more better than a carrot or an egg.


  2. I think John .F Kennedy as a coffee bean. A coffee bean is where you are allwas stong. John .F Kennedy fought for our country . When his mom or dad would tell him to do something he would do it . This is why I think John .F Kennedy was a coffee bean. by geordon

  3. John F.kennedy was a loyal man.Or you could say a coffee bean.Here a Exampale,his dad pushed him to run for Congress.And he served a 6 year term in the houes of Repersentatives.How big of a coffee bean is that!He had 8 brothers and sisters.I bet a lot of them were eggs,carrts, and coffee beans.I think John F. kennedy was a coffee bean. Do You?

  4. John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean.John F. Kennedy fought in the Navy, World War II.President Kennedy worked with Dr.Martin Luther King to help segregation.On June 11,1963 Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights bill to Congress.John decided to run for president.At the age of 43,John became the youngest president ever elected.John F. Kennedy was 35th president of the United States of Amarica.On November 21,1963, John F.Kennedy was shot and killed on that day.He was a coffee bean.

  5. John F.Kennedy was a coffee bean.He had two chidren.His wife name is Jacqueline Bouvier.His dad pushed him so he could do somthing else to work on so he could make some mony for his family.President Kennedy was shot and killed on November 21,1963 while riding in a parade in dallas,TX.John F.Kennedy is a coffee bean.By JORDAN DENBOW

  6. John was a coffee bean,he was in world war 2 he fight for people.He help made a mission to the moon.He decided to run for president.He was making right for the state.This is why he is a coffee bean.]
    Tyler Wright

  7. Do you think John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean a egg or a carrot.First of all To be an coffee bean you must push yourself to do more but if you're an carrot you give up because of all the pressure and if you're a hard boiled egg the get frustrated with all the pressure and lose your temper. In my opinion Kennedy was a coffee bean. What do you think? I would rather be a coffee bean.

    John F. Kennedy was born on May, 29 1917. He was raised with 8 other siblings. Kennedy's father fought to end discrimination because he was Irish catholic. Kennedy's father had urged him to run for president. Finally he ran for president. Kennedy at age 43 was the youngest President ever. He was also the first catholic President. Kennedy tried for many years to end racial segregation finally Kennedy started to work with an man named Martin Luther King Jr. Together ended lots of racial segregation.

    Lots of people know him for his famous speech “ Ask not what your country could do for you ask what you could do for your country”. In his Presidency he also started the peace corps. Sadly on November, 21 1961 he was killed in an parade in Dallas Texas. I think John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean for everything he did. What do you think? By : Brady

  8. I Accept: I think John F. Kennedy was an bean. A bean releases Francis and flavor. A corit seems strong but when you put in water it foals apart. A egg has an Maillol but hardens. Back to talking about how Kennedy is an bean.

    Here are some examples why Kennedy is an bean. Kennedy stated the pace corps. Which is all around the world. He was the youngest president ever to be elected. He has one of the most famous saying in America and that is Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. He helped end segregation with Martin Luther King Junior. He fought in war world 11. All the clubrashion did not last sadly KIndiy was shot and killed while riding
    in an prad in Dallas T.X. HE was shot because this and many other people did not want change they did not want everybody to be treated the same way. Kindy was proactive he put first things first he singrized he flowed all the 7 habits. This is why I think John F. Kennedy was and steel is an bean. If we hadn't been born an bean than we would not have the freedom and rights we have today. By:Sara

  9. I think president Kennedy is a coffee bean because he always listens to his teachers and to his parents. He always did what he was supposed to do.President Kennedy worked with DR. Martin Luther King to help end segregation. From Peyton Rogers

  10. Jonh f. kennedy coffee bean. Was a president I can be a coffee bean. And people will like you accomplish any thing you put your mind to like coffee bean. an egg is not good at all. you need to make the right choice. you should be a coffee bean

  11. John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean. A coffee bean releases a franguish and flavored when boiled and a carrot is all mushy when it is boiled a egg gets moldable and hard a coffee bean is the best and J.F.K was a coffee bean. Here are some reasons why.

    First, he joined the Navy and fought in World War two and was the thirty fifth president and he served an six year term in the House of Representatives. Can you believe that he did all of that ,but he did many more wonderful things.

    Second, he made a famous speech ‘’Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country’ ’He also started the peace corps ,help fund a mission to the moon ,and also to work to end racial segregation he also did these things, but he also did something really important.

    Third,he was with Martin Luther King Jr to help end segregation, but sadly someone didn’t like his idea and shot him in the Dallas, TX in an parade on November 21,1963 .

    These are reasons why J.F.K. is not an egg or a carrot he was and always going to be a coffee bean.

    By: Emily

  12. John F. Kennedy is a coffee bean because he was a nice person. John F. Kennedy was the youngest president. He was killed on November 21, 1963.

  13. He was a coffee bean becase he heip end segrgtion. kennedy was shot and killed on November 21,1961.On january 21,1961 john became the 35th president.After college he jouned the Navy. He fought world war2. by eli

  14. Be A Bean

    Do you want to be a coffee bean, an egg, or a carrot. A carrot goes into the boiling water strong and confident. When it comes out it is weak and mushy. An egg goes into the boiling water with a moldable center. When it’s out it’s hardened in the inside. A coffee bean goes into the coffee the same way the carrot and the egg did. It’s just the coffee bean changes the water. The coffee bean makes coffee. That’s what John F. Kennedy was, a coffee bean.

    John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean for many reasons. First, he fought in World War II. He could of just sat around his house all day and hire people to do all of his work. Another reason why, is Kennedy went into political business. He went for House of Representatives and he won. He was in for a six year term. Then, he went for president. Kennedy won the election! Third, He started the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps are people going around the world helping the less fortunate. Finally, he helped stop racial segregation. He worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    It was also cool that both of Kennedy’s grandfathers were politicians. Maybe that is why he was pushed to politics. Now you know why John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean. Now it is your turn to either be a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean. Dean E.

  15. President Kennedy was a coffee bean.President Kennedy was a coffee bean case he did the right thing and went to college.On January 20/9161/John became the 35 President.President kennedy was shot and Killed on November 21/ 1963 while riding in a parade in Dallas/ TX.A egg gets strog and geves up.A carret is strog then gets weke.The coffee baen when boiled makes things better. BREANNA HOLMES

  16. in life people choose to be a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean. A carrot seems strong but then falls apart after being boiled. An egg starts with a mold able center but changes and harden in the hat of the action. A coffee bean actually changes in hot water. John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean.


  17. A coffee bean acttually changes in hot water and that is John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy run for presient becasue he believes that he could that is why he ran for president. John run for congress and he won in 1946. During his presidency he started the peace corps. helped to fun a mission to the moon and worked to end racial segregation. On June 11, 1963, Kennedy propsed the Civil Rights Bill to congress.


  18. He whas a cofy bean when he workd hard. He workd whith Dr.MARTIN LUTHER KING .


  19. A carrot seems strong then falls apart after being boiled. An egg has a moldable center and then when boiled it hardens on the inside. A coffee bean actually changes in hot water, when the water gets hot the coffee bean melts and leaves an fragrance and flavor. Was John F. Kennedy an coffee bean,egg, or an carrot?

    John F. Kennedy was an coffee bean because he gave back what the world gave to him and he went to school he was happy and he never gave up. John F. Kennedy said one day “Ask not what your country can do, but what you can do for your country”. And what he meant by that is that don’t let the world give you what want instead give your country what it needs.” And what he means by that is don’t let the world give what you want but instead give the world what is needs like an healthy environment. That is why John F. Kennedy gave back what the world gave to him.And when he graduated from Harvard University in 1940. After he graduated he went to college and after college he went to join the Navy, and fought in World War 2. And he went to Congress and he won in 1946 and he served an 6 year term in the House of Representatives.

    John F. Kennedy decided to run for president and he also became the youngest president and also an Catholic president and then sadly in an parade in Dallas,TX. That’s why John F.Kennedy was an coffee bean.

    Emily Anne Kogos

  20. I think John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a coffee bean. He got stuff done when he needed it done. He wasn't mad when he had to do something hard. He never got sad or angry. He made good chooses.

  21. john f. kennedy is a coffee bean becuse he never gave up and never stop't he allwas trise aing wint to the navy and fought in world war 2. he was elected to the u.s. senate . As a senator,on june 11, 1963 kennedy proposed the civil rights to congress. he stated that,"one hundred years of delay have passed since president Lincoln freed the people.


  22. John F. Kennedy, a Coffee Bean by Lillian

    First before I tell you my opinion I want to tell you what an coffee bean, egg, and carrot means. A coffee bean mean you could turn into something great when you are put under pressure. A carrot is when you get all mushy and you just fall apart and get sad. A egg is when you get all grumpy mad, and you're probably say mean things. This is what a coffee bean a carrot and a egg means.

    Was John F. Kennedy an coffee bean, egg, or carrot? In my opinion J.F.K. was a coffee bean. He had a lot of money but he never bragged like say “I’m so rich I can do anything,” instead of using for himself his dad made him go to Hardver and when J.F.K. got back his dad let him go fight in WWII. His dad pushed J.F.K. to the edge by making him run for Congress.

    He loved his wife, Jacqueline, and his kid Caroline. He ran for president and won the election. He gave a speech and on one part he said “Think of what you can do for your country not what your country can do for you.” He created the Peace Corps. He helped a fund an mission to the moon. He proposed to the Civil Right Bill. He is an coffee bean because he helped the nation.

    So this is why J.F.K. was a coffee bean. He had a good influence

    By Lillian

  23. John F.Kennedy was a coffee bean also he was a good man.He was born May 29,1917 in Brookline.He marred Jacqueline Bouvier soon they had a baby named Caroline.Soon he wanted to run for president.His dad pushed him to run for congress.He became the yongest president ever elected.His dad is a coffee bean

    Morgan Heaton

  24. John F. Kennedy, coffee bean.

    I think that John F. Kennedy was a hard boiled egg. A hard boiled egg is where you choose not to do something. A carrot is something that gets stiff and strong. A coffee bean is when you try to help people. The reason I think that he was an hard boiled egg is since he did stuff that was given to him. He did not do stuff for his country.

    He was also rich since he went to Choate high school. And then he graduated from Choate. And then he went to harvard university for college and then graduated from harvard university. And then after that he went into the navy. And fought in wwii. He also had a nanny that took care of his nine children. Then President Kennedy met with Dr. Martin Luther King to talk about ending segregation.

    His two grandparents were politicians. In 1963 he was elected president of the united states of america. During his presidency he started the peace corps, and helped set up a mission to the moon. On June 11, 1963, Kennedy proposed the civil rights bill to congress. Sadly, President Kennedy was shot and killed on November 21, 1963 while riding in a parade in Dallas, Texas. In conclusion this is why I feel that President John F. Kennedy was a hard boiled egg. John F. Kennedy makes me want to be a coffee bean everyday.

    By: Dominick Williams

  25. John F. Kennedy, coffee bean
    By Cian Barber
    John F. Kennedy the 35th president of the United States was a coffee bean through life and people’s segregation with form color of skin, when people treated white better than black. John was a coffee bean through the tough times in life and this is proof, this is how he was a coffee bean.

    John had a happy life he lived in a vacation home with his 8 siblings and a nanny babysat them. John went to Choate, a boy school, after he graduated from Choate he joined the Navy and fought in World War II. After the war his dad pushed him to run for congress and he won. After he was congress he was elected as the U.S. Senate and he married Jacqueline Bouvier, the two had an baby named Caroline. John was president at age 43 he was the youngest president he also was the first catholic president. he worked with Martin Luther King Jr. sadly, his life ended at a parade where he was shot and killed.

    John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean through life, he wouldn’t get anywhere a carrot or egg. He helped to end segregation, fought in war, and much more.


  26. J.F.K coffeebean

    I think that JFK was an coffeebean. If you would like to know what an coffeebean is this is it just look below. There are also two other ones a egg and a carrot. An egg if you put an egg in boiling water the egg will turn as hard as concrete. If you put a carrot in boiling water it will turn all mushy and gross. If you put a coffee bean in boiling water it changes the water and makes it smell good. So, now you know what an coffee bean a carrot and an egg is.

    Here are some reasons why I think JFK was a coffee bean. JFK was an coffee bean because he went to Harvard university and graduated from there. He went in the

    U.S Navy and his dad made him run for pres and he won. JFK is now or shall I say use to be the U.S pres and he was the thirty-fifth pres of the United States of America. Then sadly he was assassinated on November 21, 1963 that was a sad moment for the Kennedy family.

    All of these facts can help you learn about John F. Kennedy and why I think he was a coffee bean. JFK did many things for the United States of America.


  27. J.F.K. BEAN
    A coffee bean is someone who changes a when you put an coffee bean in hot boiling water it makes the water smell good and changes.A carrot is someone who does not even try to do something big.When you put a carrot in boiling water it gets mushy and bad. An egg is someone who gets angry and pouty.When you put a egg in boiling water it gets hard. J.F.K was a coffee bean.
    John F. Kennedy was an coffee bean because he did things that he did not know how to do that he could.When he was born he was sick.John was an very rich man.He went to harvard university and that cost alot of money to go there.He was a businessman.He was in world war II.After war his dad pushed him to run for congress.He was elected and won.Then he was shot and assassinated.

    He was an coffee bean because he pushed himself and he worked very hard. .But I don't think they were a coffee bean.I want to be an coffee bean because of all the things he did and did for us. by brennan

  28. john Kennedy is a coffee bean. Kennedy is a coffee bean to me he was kind and he fought in world war 2. president Kennedy worked with D.r Martin luther king to help end Segregation. John Kennedy is a coffee bean.

  29. John F. Kennedy The Real Bean In The Coffee By: Alex.V
    First of all, I would like to tell you the story of The Egg, Carrot, and Coffee Bean. There was an little girl, she wanted to do something but couldn't get it right. She found herself running home and was found by her grandma. “Dear come into the kitchen.” said the grandma. And so she got up and went into the kitchen. She saw three pots of water boiling on the stove. She looked on the counter and saw three bowls, one with a single egg, one with a single carrot, and one with a single coffee bean. The grandma put the egg, the carrot, and the bean in separate pots. She let them boil for a short time then she spoke. “ A carrot gets all where he doubts himself and gets pouty when he/she get in the boiling water aka the situation. A egg gets all stubborn and decides he/she is not going to do his/her’s work. But, a coffee bean gets in the situation and makes it better. They don’t in the situation and get all pouty and stubborn, but makes it better. Which one do you think John F. Kennedy was?

    To me J.F.K was a coffee bean. Growing up, he was beloved by his rich family. He was pushed and went to Harvard University. He could have stayed home and been stubborn and stayed home and ate ice cream all day and said “I’m rich and you're not!” He could have sat in school and cried and said “ This is to hard waaaa!” But, he made it into Harvard. He was humble and caring, but gentle. Yet pushed you to do what you want. He encouraged people to send in a space expedition, which soon became a success. But, what if he decided he would be the boss and do what's best for him not us, him. What if he decided he would lead his country into a Monarchy. Where he was the monarch (King/Queen etc.). Would we be like we are today, know what we know? John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean to me. Why? He did what was good for him ( made it into Harvard) and us ( sent in space expedition etc.). John F. Kennedy is one of my hero’s. What is John F. Kennedy to you?
    Alex v

  30. John F. Kennedy was a coffee bean. He had 8 brothers and sister. His mom and dad had a nanay to keep all 9 kids. He was in word war 11. After that John got married to Jacqueline Bouvier. Soon, they had a baby girl named caroline. He was a coffee bean. That is opinion what is your opinion. JAELIN.W

  31. Was John F. Kennedy an coffee bean,egg, or carrot?

    What is a coffee bean,egg,or a carrot? Well first,I will tell you what an egg is. When you get a egg it will usually have a soft inside,but when it hits the water it will turn hard. It won't do anything good. A carrot nice and hard but when it hits the water it turns mushy and soft. The carrot says that he want do anything that he thinks is to hard for him. A coffee bean lets it's good flavor turn the water into something that smells so good.

    What would you want to be? I would like to be an coffee bean. Why? I am about to tell you why. First,when the subject gets hard the coffee bean makes it better. Next,the coffee bean will try unlike an carrot or a egg. Last,an coffee bean will never say I can’t do this or this is to stupid for me to do. That is what an coffee bean is.

    Who do you think that John F Kennedy was when his father and his grandfather ran for a olfes. Do you think he was being a coffee bean or an egg or a carrot. When he ran for president. Did he have to? No,but he still did that is the good kind of coffee bean that I would want to be. That is why I think that John F Kennedy was a coffee bean. That is why I would want to be an leader in what I do being a coffee bean.


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