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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hokki Stools: Donors Choose!

We received our Donors Choose shipment of Hokki Stools today!  The kids are beyond excited.  They all wanted to give money to our next project and then find a way to get more stools for the classroom.  I am blessed to teach such sweet and kind students.  They listened as we talked about the incredible people who donated so that we could have these stools.  They asked questions about why these people gave money and how they could help others.  Donors Choose is an excellent way to teach students about Habit 5: 'Seek first to understand, then to be understood' from our 7 Habits of Happy Kids.  These students care about other people's feelings.  They want to make a difference not only in their classroom but in the world.  What a joy to be a teacher!  What a joy to teach these students!  Thank you to all those who gave freely and generously to our Donor Choose project!  See you at the edge! 


  1. I think I would scared becuase there would sticking these dohikkikis stuck up my nose and mouth from cameron H

  2. I love the stools by sean
