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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Adaptations: An Assignment for Mrs. Belinda's Enrichment Students

Read the following information to refresh your mind about adaptations.  The prompt you are responding to is in BLUE below.  You will have a chance to respond to this prompt on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday in Enrichment.  Do not respond to the prompt until your day or your comment will be deleted.
Tuesday:  Lillian, Brennan, Dominick, Sean, Emily, Dean

Wednesday: La'Tariyahna, Brooks, Kendyl, Zoe, Brady, Benjamin

Thursday: Wesley, Brayden, Anna, Alex J., Aiden B., Ben H.

Friday: Sara, Aiden W., Cameron, Alex V., Cian

All animals live in habitats. Habitats provide food, water, and shelter which animals need to survive, but there is more to survival than just the habitat. Animals also depend on their physical features and their behaviors to help them be successful in their natural habitats.

Physical, bodily features that help animals survive are called physical adaptations. Physical adaptations do not develop during an individual animal's life, but over many generations. The shape of a bird's beak, the color of a mammal’s fur, the thickness or thinness of the fur, the shape of the nose or ears are all examples of physical adaptations which help different animals survive.

Animals also have behavioral adaptations that have to do with their actions.  Like physical adaptations, behavioral adaptations help an animal survive and flourish in its habitat.
Animals adapt for many different reasons:
  • to find food
  • to adjust their bodies to the temperature of their environment
  • to defend themselves
  • to find a mate
  • to escape from predators and other dangers
  • to adjust for the loss of their habitat
If animals do not develop physical or behavioral adaptations that help them survive in their habitats, they die or become extinct.  An animal’s habitat sometimes changes due to climate fluctuations or the influence of humans. When animals cannot adapt to the changes in their environments, they can become extinct.

Evaluate what life would be like for a specific animal if it did not have physical adaptations to help it be successful in its environment.  For example, determine what life would be like for a duck if it did not have webbed feet or for an eagle if it did not have sharp talons or for an owl if it did not have soft wing feathers to help it fly silently.

Choose an animal and write a paragraph describing what life would be life for that animal without the necessary physical adaptations to help it be successful.

Make sure to
  • introduce the topic, 
  • tell about your animal, 
  • tell about the physical adaptation 
  • and then provide at least 3 details of what it would be like if the animal did not have that physical adaptation.
  • Don't forget a conclusion!


  1. Animals have all sorts of Adaptations. Adaptations are nachaural things that happen in a animals life. Egample dogs shead fur in the summer and in the winter they grow a thik cout of fur . Every animal has difrent adaptations. by Sean

    1. sean that was a very important statement because yes all animals have adaptations by cameron

    2. Sean - Your paragraph has an opening and a conclusion but did you truly complete the assignment? Please look at the assignment again and tell me what you think. Mrs. Belinda

  2. Think about a porcipine it has a spicky back and if it did not have a spicky back to protect it and could not drink water so it has to have these things to live.BRENNAN RHODES

    1. Brennan - Interesting choice for your animal. Good points about needing these adaptations to live. The question is... Did you write a paragraph? Please look at what the assignment asked you to do and tell me what you think! Mrs. Belinda

  3. Pretend a duck did not have webbed feet. How would it swim from preadators. If ducks could not swim very good it would become extinct very soon. It would not find food very well. That would be very hard to be a duck without webbed feet.Dean

    1. Dean - This is an excellent middle of a paragraph. Good organization and good reasons. Think about the assignment - did it ask for more than what you provided in this paragraph? Let me know what you think. Mrs. Belinda

  4. Animals have alot of physical adaptions .I'm showing you 2.The animal I'm doing is a treefrogs. Treefrog's stick to stuff and eat fly's if they didn't have physical adaptions they proably die.

    1. I wish you had put your name at the end of your paragraph. You make some good points but I don't know who you are. Mrs. Belinda

  5. All wolves have packs but lets pretend they did not well they would have to catch little prey because they would be defeated without teamwork but they get much more of the meal. Cian Barber

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Cian - Is a pack an adaptation? I would like to know your thoughts on this question. Mrs. Belinda

    3. yes packs help each other to survive the larger animals it helps satisfy there hunger. Cian Barber

  6. Sharks can't servive with out it's adaptations. Sharks needs it's teeth,fins,and gills. If sharks didn't have it's gills it could not breath under water. A shark's fins help them swim. A sharks teeth to get it pray. That is why sharks need there adaptations.Lillian

    1. Lillian - Good opening and closing. Are a shark's teeth, fins, and gills adaptations? Did they develop over time? I am interested in what you think about these questions. Mrs. Belinda

    2. Great, you explained how they are adaptations.
      Cian Barber

  7. Life would be hard.All the other ducks would look different.It would be hard to swim.The other ducks would laugh .Thats why you need adaptations . by Brady

    1. Brady - You have the components of the paragraph but your points are not clear. Do ducks laugh? What is your topic? Please let me know what you think about these questions. Mrs. Belinda

    2. brady is this a joke you sound like your on a pbs kids show trying to teach someone a lesson you need mor real stuff like an predator would eat you or you would drown by Cameron

    3. ducks do not laugh . But you would look different . by Brady

    4. Brooks - Why did you say that the other ducks would laugh?

  8. I think all animals need a shelter. They all have phyicl adaptations to help them survive. They also have behavioral adaptations. If some animals can not find food they can die. La'Tariyahna

    1. La'Tariyahna - Did you read the assignment and follow the assignment details? Mrs. Belinda

  9. Pretend a owl did not have soft wings it would be hard to find food.It would be hard to fly away from preadetors . And it would be hard to fly silently. That's why it would be very hard for an owl with out soft wings.Dominick

    1. Dominick - You did a great job catching up with the assignment. Help me to understand how soft wings help an owl find food. I think you have some good starting points but they don't complete the assignment. Mrs. Belinda

  10. Animal adaptations help animals live in the wild and in a new habitat. There are other are other types adaptations witch are physacal adaptations they happen over time. Behavior adaptations are in charge of actions.

    If an owl didn't have soft wings they could not catch there food and soon they would be extinct.
    Owls have behavior adaptations witch are used for diving witch help the owl catch there prey.Owls
    are very goodb at sneak attacks . That is why owls need adaptations.

    Animal adaptations are very important , we also might need adaptations one day. Alex Vires

    1. Alex - Your organization is terrific. Your content is a little off but you truly followed the assignment. How do soft wings help an owl catch their food? I would like to know! Mrs. Belinda

  11. Habitats are amzing. Animals need the right habitat. Animals also have behavioral adaptations. A tree frog can stick on a leaf.They do that by haveing suckhuncups. Brooks

    1. Brooks - You are very enthusiastic about habitats. You need to make sure you read and understand the assignment. If you don't understand ask questions or reread the information. Mrs. Belinda

  12. This is how a ducks life would without webbed feet. Then ducks wouldn't swim good . They also wouldn't be able to save babies. They all will die. That's how its like to be a duck without webbed feet.

    1. I do not know who you are - you did not include your name. Mrs. Belinda

    2. This is Benjamin . Sorry.

  13. if ducks didn't have webbed feet they couldn't swim well or go under water and catch fish that basicly means they couldn't eat meat. That's why I think adaptatoins are anna

    1. Anna - Do ducks go under water to catch fish? Please let me know what research you found about this topic. You did not respond to the assignment. Make sure you read and understand the assignment. Mrs. Belinda

  14. the duck would not be abile to swim good. if the egle did not have talons it could not catch its prey.

    1. I do not know who you are. You did not sign your name. Mrs. Belinda

  15. Wolfs habatat is the fourest and woods .A wolf has a wide sleacon of food coises like deer birds fox and weasul . Traits they can run very fast and chach thery prey the wolf is the peatorde .tey shead fur in the summer and grow a thik coat of fur .By Sean
