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Monday, August 31, 2015

Ellis Island: Isle of Hope or Isle of Tears?

This is going to be an exciting writing challenge.  You will be asked to write a good paragraph on Thursday during your writing time.  You will write the paragraph on the blog in the comments.  If you write your paragraph before Thursday, it will be deleted!

Here is the prompt for the week.  The prompt is for an opinion paragraph.  Ellis Island is known both as the Isle of Hope and the Isle of Tears.  Which name would you choose for Ellis Island?  Why would you choose that title?

Tuesday and Wednesday should be taken to prepare for the writing.  Remember that we want 'To Seek, To Know and Thereby Grow'.  

To Seek: Tuesday:  Take time to explore this link  Go through all 10 Stops on the Tour. Make sure to stop and look at the photos as well as listen to the audio.
See if you can find the answers to these questions.
  • How long was the trip from home to Ellis Island? 
  • How old was the first Ellis Island immigrant?  
  • Why did they wear numbered tags?  
  • How many questions were asked of every immigrant? 
  • How many languages were spoken at Ellis Island?
  • Each question answered is a signature!
To Know:  Wednesday:  Take time to create a graphic organizer or a rough draft of your paragraph using the information you found on Tuesday.
Remember that an opinion paragraph...
  • introduces the topic, 
  • clearly states your opinion, 
  • has an organizational structure that includes 
    • reasons and 
    • linking words or phrases
  • and has a concluding statement.
To Grow:  Thursday:  Write a solid opinion paragraph answering the prompt.
Ellis Island is known both as the Isle of Hope and the Isle of Tears.  Which name would you choose for Ellis Island?  Why would you choose that title?

A good writer prepares to write.  Use Tuesday and Wednesday wisely!  We look forward to reading your responses on Thursday.


  1. I'm learning about Ellis Island.We are trying to deside if it would be Isle of hope or Isle of tears .I think it would be Isle of tears because it would be sad to be asked 29 questions and have to where numbered identy tags.You proabley have to be separated from your family.Thats why I think it would be Isle of tears.

  2. Most people traveled to America from Italy Poland And Russia.I think it would be the Issle of Tears Not the Issle of hope.Because if someone pulled me away from my mom dad sister or my brother or all for and have to go back all m]by them self and not have anyone.Did you know that they tag you and check your bags that would make me feel like an animal.Ellis island changed a lot after world war 1. wesley

  3. Ellis Island is known as the isle of hope and the isle of tears. I choose isle of hope because people who came where in search of hope and they found it. It was sad to leave where they grew up but they were probably better of there. I know I would want to live there. that is why I think it is the isle of hope. by: Anna Goff.

  4. Did you know that Ellis island was called Isle of hope and the Isle of tears . In my opinion it should be the Isle of tears here are some reasons why. At the end of a video the man was crying . Many people may have cryed at Ellis island . So now you know why I think Ellis island should be called the Isle of tears, By Sean.

    1. This to help you, next time put examples. By: Aiden B.

  5. I will be choseing between the Isle of hope and Isle of tears.This is why I think Ellis Island is called the Isle of tears.1 Immigrants wher takein from thir homes.2 Sometimes immigrants had to be sent back home.3 On stop 4 the #2end photo would be a reason why it is called the Isle of tears.This is my reasons why Ellis Island is called the Isle of tears.1 the 3rd example.2 It would be sad to have to go home sick.3 I would think it would be sad being takein from my home.All of this is why I think Ellis Island is called the Isle of tears. By: Aiden B.

  6. You did good Wesley. I like how you stated your opinion. by: Anna Goff

  7. I'm learning about Ellis Island. we are trying to deside if it would be Isle of hope or Isle of tears.I think it would be Isle of tears because it would be sad to be asked 29 questions and have to where numberberd identy tags.You probley have to be separated from your family.Thats why I think it would be Isle of tears. by Emily

    1. Emily it would also be hard to talk in a different laguges if they asked you 29 questions.Lillian

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. It has been know as the ille of hope and the ille of tiars I think it is the ille of hope. And it might be that it all beaing with the immigration process. the immigration process bersgan on the winding stairs that led to the registry room. Doctors stood on the second floor and watched each person. They looked for people who had trouble walking or breathing or showed signs of othrer health prodlems. sara

    1. Sara I think you might want to talk more on how it will be the Isle of Hope not how it will be Isle of Tears.Lillian

  10. Ellis Island has been known as both the isle of tears and the isle of hope.Ellis Island in my opinion the isle of tears.Most immigrants who came through America through Ellis Island were from eastern and sothern Europe .The through the Atlantic ocean was rough .A fifteen year old girl was the first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island.They looked for people having trouble breathing or walking . They began there trip to America by foot or horseback or train.Only 75% of ship passengers went to Ellis Island . That is why I think Ellis Island is the isle of tears.

  11. I Think it is the isle of tears because people were very sad, because they probably thought that they would not make it to america.and i think they probably had diseases but they probobly did not want to admit it. byDerec

  12. Did you know that Ellis Island is refered as the Isle of Hope or the Isle of Tears? I think it shouid be called the Isle of tears. I think its sad that if you had a disease and your parents didn't you would get sent home and your parents wouldn't. Did you know that the doctors had a thing that was called a buttonhook to lift up your eyelids I bet that didn't feel good. That is why I think it should be called the Isle of Brayden.

  13. Ellis Island has been called Isle of Tears or Isle of Hope. I would call it Isle of Tears. People tagged you, and like wild animals. Everyone talked in different languages. I think it would scary because you would hear them and not no what they are saying. Then they would take you by the arm.A lot of people got sent home since they were sick. That is why I think it should be called the Isle of Tears.dean

  14. my topic is which I am chosing ellis island is the isle of hope or tears my opion is hope because when you get to America you cry tears of hope and you are crying because you are lucky to have freedom and do not have to dress the way that the king want you to .Or go to the same church as the whole kingdom do and that you will Have your own choice of who you want to be the presdient add not just 1 king over the whole entire kingdom. And anthor reason why I think it will be hope because you have a choice of want you want to wear and you get to pass the test to live there that is hope and joy.And in the first part of my writing I was saying you cry tears of joy and hope and you can be who you are yourself and not who you are not really are. And that is my opion because you are hopeful to be im America and have freedom to do what you want to and like for a example if you where in where you came from you had to do what he wanted you to in America you don't and thas why that's my opion and why I think that it is isle of hope and that's my opion why I think that is . dakedra t.

    1. Good job you typed a lot!!! Maybe next time you could capitalize the first letter of the sentence. We loved your big words and linking words!!!!! BY ALEX AND NATHEN

    2. Thanks Alex and Nathan for replying dakedra

  15. Topic:Isles of hope or Isle of tears?:I would choose Isles of tears. I would choose this because the people that went back home could not go to New York.Most of the immigrants who came to America were from Southern Europe.As many as 3,000 people crowded the ships to America.Some spoke different languages and some came from different countries.Some immigrants had double decker bunk beds.The food was terrible. The food conditions were bad.Some immigrants snuck on the upper deck and in the trash can,in the corner and got meat out of the trash can.The sailors left food for the girls. One morning there was a complete rumle which got louder and louder and some could not identity it. It was very early in the morning.Some went to the deck.they were passing the Statue of Liberty.To them it was a great sight. It was the first time they saw it.La'Tariyahna

    1. I can not take my eyes off of this i can not think of anything wrong-Cian Barber

    2. WOW!!!!! that was a great opion and how you wrote your paragraph. I agree with Cian Barber I can not find anthing wrong .Great JOB!! La'taryahna ; dakedra traylor

  16. topic-Ellis Island Ellis Island is very important. Immagrants are immportant too. We can learn much from them. I think that a good name for Ellis Island would be.The Isle Of Hope. I like that name much better than The Isle Of Tears because tears are sad and hope is happy. I love that the passengers could see The Statue of Liberty from the ship. I like that because that could give them a hint of what they are going to see. I don't like that they had to wear identity tags because some people may not know what's going on because hey may not speak the same language. Immagrants had to carry their belongings up stairs to the Registry Room. I don't like that because it's hard to carry things up steps. Ellis Island has two different names, The Isle of Tears or The Isle of Hope. I like The Isle of Hope better because when people get there they are filled with hope. I don't like The Isle of Tears because people get super sad when they get sent home and tears are sad. That is my opinion on what I think Ellis Island should be called. - by Kendyl huff

    1. I think the parts that you said you did not like refered to Isle of tears but I ike how you talked about the statue of Liberty. -Cian Barber

    2. WOW!!!!!!!!!! Kendyl you typed a lot great job and I loved that you put why it is important dakedra t

  17. Do you think Ellis Island is the Isle of Hope or Isle of Tears ? Most of the immigrants who went though Ellis Island were from Eastern and Southern Europe. The trip across the Altlantic Ocean lasted one or two weeks. I think it would be the Isle of Hope for me because I would live in a free contrey. Heath offciers borded the boat and looked for any sings of diseases.That is why I think it is the Isle of hope for me. Brooks

  18. I think Ellis Island should be called The Isle of Hope because it was the only land not ruled by a king so there only hope to be free.Also they did not have good and many jobs in other contreys. They were filled with joy as they stepped foot on Ellis Island or America.This is why I think Ellis Island should be called the Isle of Hope.-Cian Barber

    1. Cian I glade America is not ruled by a king .Sometimes kings make unfair laws.America would not be free if a king ruled. Lillian

    2. I agree with Lillian because they do sometimes make unfair laws. What if we had a king and they seporated us all in the school? La'Tariyahna

  19. We have been studying Ellis Island it is very intersresting . Some people called it Isle of Hope or Isle of Tears. My opinion is the Isle of Hope. People hoped they would make it to America. They also hoped they would not get sent back to there contrey, and a better life. A lot of people entered America. Therefore that's why I picked Isle of Hope.Lillian

    1. Tis true it is very intristing I am glade a lot of them made it to america-Cian Barber

  20. Did you know there were about 3,000 people on a steam ship traveling in europe was often difficult did you know that people sometimes have to walk far distances. did you know some imagrint's call ellis isle isle of hope or isle of tears? imagrint's came to Amenca for freedom and there was no king's. by lizzie

    1. Lizzie - you are a amazing girl. but you need to make the important words capital.


  21. Did you know Ellis Island is called the Isle of Hope and the Isle of Tears? I am choosing between the Isle of Hope or Tears. I would pick Isle of Hope because you hope you would make the inspection. Three thousand people in a ship. Three thousand people were in the same room and only one bathroom. Can you imagine? They can't go on planes. Planes weren't invented. It would be crazy!the ships were crowded and dirty. The first person was a fifteen year old. And doctors were there but they had no medicine. Many people died and got sent back too. Also that is a crazy world if I lived there!This is my opinion why I choose Isle of Hope.


  22. I chose the isle of hope because Ellis island is known to be the isle of hope.They hoped they would get in Ellis island and they hoped they would make it america.

    1. Good job but next time please type your name .from Alex and Nathan

  23. At Eastchester elementary the third graders are studying Ellis island because every week we study new things.
    I would chose island of hope because I would have hope that I would get to go to New York and see the statue of liberty.Then we would have freedom.
    If I were an imagrant when I got to New York I would kiss the ground because I would be free.
    I think it would be cool to be an immigrant because we could speak new langueges. It would also be hard as an imagrant because it would be a long time on the ship's.

  24. Did you know that Ellis island is called the isle of hope or the isle of tears.I am going to choose between the two.I think I am going to choose the isle of hope because you do not want to go back. You would not want to have white chalk on you because that meant that you would have to go back on the ship. Did you know that if you have committed a crime you would go back on the ship? It would be sad if you committed a crime and had to go back. If I was a immigrant, I would hope that I would not be sent back.That is why I think Ellis island should be nicknamed isle of hope.ByHALLIE

    1. I love how you used linking words .Don't you think that going back because you have chalk on you would be sad too? I love the way you wrote your name and said 'BY HALLIE'.
      Alex and Nathan

  25. I was asked to choose between the two names of Ellis Island wich are the Isle of Hope and the Isle of Tears.

    I call Ellis Island the Isle of Hope. I call it that because many people came with hope high. That is where many imagrants got through the long lines at Ellis Island. With just a little hope you will succeed.

    Hope took the imagrants far. The immagrants had to go onto a boat for 2-3 weeks. By they time they got there they must have been low on hope, but knowing you could go through probably filled them up.

    People were soon taken to answer 29 questions. There questions were like this.. are you married? do you have any children? I'd be hoped out.

    Soon you would get an identity tag. This would fill up my hope jar!
    That is why I call Ellis Island the Isle of Hope! by Alex Vires

  26. North America would not be free if the British won the Americas revolution

    By:Mackenzie Smith and Nate Harper

  27. I enjoyed reading everyone's posts and replies. I have printed your posts off and graded each of them. We will conference this week! Mrs. Belinda
