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Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Sunday Scoop

The Scoop from The Edge... thanks to Teaching Trio for creating the Linky...

Thanks to Cooking Up Success for inspiring me to do my first link!  We had 4-days of inservice last week and I am sad to say that I neglected my house.  I have to get some laundry done and get the dishes out of the dishwasher.  BUT I don't think either of those will get done - I have worn my body out this week and will need to see the doctor in the morning.  I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and son who have catered to my every need since I crawled into bed yesterday!  Maybe they will do my 'have to' list for me...

Being worn down means watching Disney movies (which have been on all day - how lucky am I?) and playing on the computer!  Our 3rd grade team does a tiered parent booklet and I need to adjust dates and times for this school year as well as update our new afternoon schedule.  I am very excited about the afternoons.  We have a 6 teacher team in 3rd grade and we work together for the success of all our 3rd graders.  This year, we are using our afternoon learning time in a different way and I am thrilled about the possibilities.

The thing I love to do is share!  AND today I get to share my Lollipop Moment packet with my friend Becky at Cooking Up Success.  One of the TedTalks we enjoyed during inservice was from Drew Dudley.  He speaks about being thankful for and watching for times to create Lollipop Moments.  A Lollipop Moment is when we make a difference in the lives of others!  That's the scoop for now!


  1. Mrs. Belinda,
    My husband always has to take up my slack when I get in SCHOOL MODE, he calls it. I know all about wearing the body out preparing for the school year. We don't even realize it's happening most of the time though. The excitement of the new school year gets the adrenaline flowing and the next thing we know we've overextended ourselves. Take care of yourself so you can be ready for the kiddos okay? Also, I love your Lollipop Moment idea. My husband and I have just pledged ourselves to being purposeful about being salt and light in the lives of others. It's the best way to truly LIVE! Have a great next couple weeks.

    1. Lori - What an encouragement to know that there are other people out there who understand!! Thanks for the encouragement!! Happy rest of the summer!!
