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Friday, July 31, 2015

The Never Ending Journey of Getting the Classroom Ready

Creating your dream classroom can seem like the never ending journey!  There is always one more shelf to move, paper to cut, banner to hang or clothespin to hot glue!

We have been working since the 1st of July to make our rooms the best place for learning.  AND we are proud to say that the rooms are dusted, the desks are clean, the books are organized, the names are posted - we are ready!  August 3rd is Monday - the first day of school and we are excited to welcome 36 new 3rd graders into our rooms on that day.  

This is Mrs. Shelby's first classroom to decorate, set up and present to her first 3rd grade class!  

Mrs. Belinda's classroom is her 12th classroom to prepare.  

It doesn't matter if it is your 1st or your 12th classroom to prepare, the completion of the classroom is always a monumental moment.  It means that it is time for school.  It is time for the students to arrive.  It means that it is time to start the learning and the teaching.  It's a new beginning for the young and the old.  It's time to create Lollipop Moments - and that's what we intend to do.


  1. So pretty!! You ladies are going to have an AWESOME year!

  2. I am looking forward to a great year with you and Mrs. Shelby. I know Alex will have a memorable last year at East! I can't believe I just said "last year"!

  3. Peyton come home with such a grin and full of excitement today that it warms my heart. I'm so glad that he has you Mrs.Belinda for a teacher. Looking fwd to a great year full of memories.
