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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We are learning to Blog!


What a great day in the computer lab today.  Every student placed a comment under Our Window Garden.  We are concentrating on spelling correctly and using punctuation.  It is exciting to watch the students grow - they are growing just like the lima beans are growing!

Check out the lima beans and what they have done since last Monday when we 'planted' them.  Amazing!

Can you name 1 thing you (as a growing 3rd grader) would have in common with the growing lima beans?


  1. I am still trying to make a blog about minecraft.Haydn

  2. I am growing like the lima bean.Haydn

  3. I saw the lima beans grow and I grow to.

  4. I think that I am alike to a lima bean because I am growing every day like a lima bean is growing every day. Anna

  5. I am changing every day just like the lima beans. I am growing like the lima beans. I wonder what will happen next?


  6. The beans are growing bigger and we are too. Matt

  7. I have grown since Monday just like the lima beans. I am wondering what will happen next?

  8. Plants need water to grow, and I need water. Haydn
